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First Known US Practitioner Earns ISO 30414 Professional Certification

Fumie NakaoUnless another US human resource practitioner has earned an ISO 30414 professional certification that ESM is unaware of, Fumie Nakoa is a first.

Enhanced People Insights
The Certification Process
Fumie Nakao, People and Culture Operations Manager for Mercari, a leading online marketplace, has earned a professional ISO 30414 certification from The HR Metrics, a leader in SHRM (Society of Human Resources Management) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) human capital standards. Zahid Mubarik, HR Metrics founder, serves on the ISO 260 working committee that manages the standard. It reportedly is being updated to enhance alignment with the workforce-related standards of  European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
Click here to learn more about the HR Metrics certification program.
Explaining her decision to undertake the training and certification. “I made an effort to pursue the career of people analytics for two reasons: career development and interest in analyzing people data. I oversaw Human Resources Information Systems and always wondered what we could do with abundant historical data in the systems. But I did not have the means to materialize the idea. Once I learned the concepts and methodologies through the People Analytics course offered by SHRM, I self-taught how to create a dashboard using Google Data Studio and began developing a Human Resources dashboard. While I was satisfied with my progress, I was still determining if I had mastered people analytics. I took the ISO 30414 Standard Practitioner/Consultant certification course to further develop people analytics skills and to obtain credentials to prove the achievement. This gives me greater confidence promoting myself as a people analytics professional.”

Enhanced People Insights HR Metrics

The insights she has gained help her add value to her employer by “knowing what to look for and how to produce insights from multiple data sources. I can provide customized data for evaluating the effectiveness of human resources initiatives, hiring efforts, employee engagement, and ROI to help the human resources group and the leadership team make strategic data-driven decisions.”
While the SHRM People Analytics course provided an overall conceptual framework, “the ISO 30414 course was focused solely on producing insightful reports using various matrix to gauge where we stand in the industry. I am glad to have taken two courses on the same subject, as I gained the knowledge and expertise on what method to apply in each scenario.”
She believes she has already benefited from the ISO 30414 certification in terms of the value that she can add to her work but also to her profession. She says that when the payroll firm ADP announced that it was looking for people to join its People Analytics Product Advisory Council to further develop its products, she believes her ISO 30414  standard practitioner certification enhanced the value she could provide to the group, which she was invited to join. “Through my participation as a council member, I have a dedicated Data Cloud Product Manager to discuss enhancements and early access to new features and functionality. I hope to become a master of using the ADP People Analytics module.”
Nakao believes she has gained a competitive advantage by mastering people analytics and is excited to see where these skills can take her in her career “and welcomes any advice or suggestion from experts.”

The Certification Process

The HR Metrics program provides two types of ISO 30414 certification.
  • Certified practitioner in ISO 30414 to assist with process implementation.
  • Lead Consultant/Assessor/Practitioner in ISO 30414 with a focus on the auditing process.
To achieve the certification, the program includes:
  • A copy of the ISO 30414: 2018, which HR Metrics purchases and provides as part of the fee.
  • A copy of the training manual.
  • Problem-based metrics exercises.
  • 16 hours of live training via video (eight sessions at two hours each). 
The exam structure:
  • The learning contents and duration of both programs is the same. The difference lies in exam scope.
  • The Certified Practitioner ISO 30414 program contains a metrics proficiency online test.
  • The Lead Consultant/Assessor/Practitioner ISO 30414 Program contains a proficiency test, audit proposal, mock audit report and judgement test.
  • Lead Consultant/Assessor/Practitioner ISO 30414 exam structure is based on the:
    • Proficiency test: 30%
    • Case study-based audit proposal and audit report: 40%
    • Judgment test: 30%
Passing marks for both certifications’ exams are 70%. Those not willing or unable to pass the exam receive a certificate of participation.
The next training program will be provided by Zoom from Oct. 20, 2023 to Nov. 3, 2023 at 10 am to noon ET US.
For more information and to register for the next learning program, click here.

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