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EEA Live Show Oct. 26 at 11 am ET: State of Preparation for EU CSRD Law

This Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show gathers experts from a European Union advisory firm specializing in human capital law firm, a leading US law firm, an organization of chief financial officers and a human resources expert to review the status of US compliance with the law.

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Have European and US organizations begun to pay attention to the European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive? Are organizations beginning to turn to their management consulting firms or legal advisors. Has the new law become a topic of conversation among chief financial officer or human resources communities?
Register here to attend the live webinar.

This is the subject of an upcoming Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show: “State of Preparation for the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive in Europe and the US,” featuring:
  • Dr. Solange Charas, Member, Human Capital Technical Advisory Group for ISO 30414 Standards; Conference Board Distinguished Fellow; Adjunct Professor Columbia University, University of Washington; Founder and CEO of HCMoneyball LLC.
  • Carmen X. W. Lu, Corporate Counsel specializing at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, considered one of the world’s leading law firms.
  • Dr. Heiko Mauterer, Board Member for 4C GROUP Management Consulting, a Germany-based EU human capital advisory firm and auditor of ISO 30414 human capital reports for Allianz, DWS, and Deutsche Bank, and others and also a member of the ISO 30414 committee.
  • Steve Rosvold, Founder and CEO of CFO University, and a former CFO for leading corporations.
Despite the view of many legal experts that the European Union Corporate Sustainability Directive could have even more impact on US management practices than the EU’s GDPR (Global Data Privacy Regulation), and the fact that reports published in 2025 by the largest companies will have to provide detailed metrics on 2024 figures compared with 2023, it appears that many organizations have yet to seriously address the new law.
To find out, the EEA panel will include people at the front lines of the issue in the US and Europe, as well as the views of prominent observers of chief financial officers and human resources professionals to get a gauge on the perspective of two in fields likely to be involved with various aspects of reporting.
Register here to attend the live webinar.

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Through education, media, business development, advisory services, and outreach, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance supports professionals, educators, organizations, asset managers, investors, and engagement solution providers seeking a competitive advantage by profiting from a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement across the enterprise. Click here for details on all EEA and ESM media services.

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