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PurposePoint Joins Forces With the EEA to Put Your Organization's Purpose Into Practice

David SalvagnoTwo organizations join forces to promote a new paradigm for purpose leadership, achieving the organizational purpose and enhancing returns for investors only by creating value for customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, communities, and the environment.

Purpose Summit 2024 in Charlotte, April 29 to May 1
365-Day-a-Year Information, Learning, Professional Development, and Practical Tools
Applying the Principles of Total Quality Management to People

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PurposePoint and the Enterprise Engagement Alliance have joined forces to create a 365-day-a-year event, digital, and learning and education center specifically for leaders at all levels in any type of organization seeking to put the power of purpose and people into practice as a more sustainable strategy for achieving their goals and objectives.
Explains Davin Salvagno, PurposePoint Founder and Purpose Summit Co-Founder and Executive Producer, “For decades we have been talking about making business better for people, and yet by all measures employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and general satisfaction with capitalism are at all-time lows. Clearly, something isn’t working—we are attracting a new type of leader embracing the power of harmonizing the interests of all stakeholders, including shareholders, toward a common organizational purpose.”
Bruce BolgerThe purpose of the alliance is to create a vibrant year-round community of and resource center for purpose-driven leaders who can draw upon each other’s experiences and expertise and gain access to weekly authoritative information on the latest research, trends, insights, leadership profiles, case studies, the organizations explain. This includes insights and access to all the implementation tools and effective practices necessary to put purpose into practice, including advisory firms, enterprise engagement technologies, learning and development, customer and employee voice, communications, job design, rewards and recognition, innovation and collaboration, meetings and events, corporate sustainability reporting, analytics, and more.
Unlike other leadership programs, this one, the founders say, focuses specifically on a holistic approach to leadership that seeks to strategically and systematically align the interests of all the stakeholders necessary for an organization to fulfill its purpose, goals, and objectives. These include managers of customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, communities, and the environment. 

The essence of Purpose Leadership will be covered in an EEA YouTube show live on March 7 at 10 am ET, and then shortly after on the EEA YouTube Purpose Leadership and Stakeholder Management channel. 
“Similar to the world of total quality management, the world of stakeholder management is a broad tent with many approaches. Our focus is to create a big open tent of solutions and approaches that focus on enhancing performance through people instead of extracting it from them,” says Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, which will produce and/or educate and manage the information through the organizations’ combined web, e-newsletter, video, podcast, social media resources.

Fifteen years ago, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance was founded to promote a strategic and systematic approach to achieving organizational results by fostering the proactive involvement of all stakeholders. With input from dozens of educators and practitioners, it created the first and still only formal roadmap and curriculum to enhance organizational performance using the same principles proven in total quality management.

Five years ago, PurposePoint and the Purpose Summit annual event were founded upon a simple thought--what if there were an entity that could help organizations engage their original purpose for going into business, help inspire their people around that purpose and their contributions to it and help them make the impact in this world that they had envisioned. Since then, it has attracted thousands of C-suite, vice-president-level, and other managers in all functional areas of business at for-profit, not-for-profit, and faith based organizations to its annual events seeking to learn about and share strategies and systems for more effectively fulfilling their own organization’s purpose, goals, objectives, and values.

Explains Bolger, "When we learned about the work of PurposePoint and the energy and people behind its annual events, we were eager to learn more when Davin reached out to learn more about our work. It was immediately clear that PurposePoint has developed a paradigm for a new type of CEO focused on creating rather than extracting value from stakeholders and the environment. The concept of stakeholder management, while critical to implementation, does not create a compelling model that anyone in leadership can aspire to."  Adds Salvagno, "A leadership paradigm can only go so far. It's all about the practical implementation, metrics, reporting, and continuous improvement. It takes a system. That's what intrigues us with the work the EEA is doing." 

Purpose Summit 2024 in Charlotte, April 29 to May 1 Purpose Summit

The 365-day-year alliance combines PurposePoint’s live events with the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s communications and learning platforms. Now in its fifth year, PurposePoint’s next annual Purpose Summit is set for April 29 to May 1, with keynotes at The Revelry located in NASCAR Camp North End, and breakout sessions and team-building experiences at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. According to Salvagno, the annual live programs attract over 500 senior and mid-level management in all areas of business, government, not-for-profit and faith-oriented organizations. 
Each year, Salvagno explains, “The Purpose Summit brings for-profit leaders, non-profit leaders, and faith-driven leaders from around the globe together for three powerful days to build better relationships, better leaders, and better organizations, to create a better world.”
Speakers at this year’s upcoming event are:
  • Jon Gordan, 15X Best Selling Author and Speaker on Leadership and Business
  • Amber Selking, PhD, Bestselling Author, Founder of Selking Performance Group
  • Kurt David, PurposePoint Co-Founder, Leader and Change Management Author and Expert
  • Garry Ridge, Chairman Emeritus, WD40 Company
  • Mark Whitacre, Vice President Culture & Care Coca-Cola Consolidated, Executive Director of T-Factor
  • Kent Chevalier, NFL Chaplain, Pittsburgh Steelers
  • Carolyn Sakstrup, Executive Vice President, Chief Growth & Generosity Officer at Thrivent
  • Mboone Umbima, Executive Vice President, Brand Strategy, David Rio Chai & Tea
  • Ron Carucci, Founder of Navalent, Bestselling Author, HBR Contributor
  • Sam Thevanayagam, President and CEO at Parts Life, Inc., DeVal Lifecycle Support, and LC Engineers, Inc.
  • Johan Koornhof, Founder, Be Real Company
  • Rebecca Homkes, Author, Lecturer & Faculty, London Business School and Duke Corporate Education

365-Day-a-Year Information, Learning, Professional Development, and Practical Tools EEA

Unlike other leadership programs, this one, the founders say, focuses specifically on a holistic approach to leadership that strategically and systematically addresses the interests of all the stakeholders necessary for an organization to fulfill its purpose, goals, and objectives, including customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, communities, and the environment.  Services provided by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance include:
The ESM weekly e-newsletter and web site featuring content from practitioners and solution providers throughout the year.
The EEA YouTube channel, which will now feature shows with Purpose Summit speakers and solution providers.
The EEA and PurposePoint Put Purpose Into Action Learning, Professional Development, and Continuing Education center for organizations and management embracing purpose leadership principles. This includes a learning program with six books and nine video programs, along with the People Value Impact Calculator to measure people investment impacts and the Fasteezy referral widget for customers and talent.

Applying the Principles of Total Quality Management to People Purpose Summit 2024

What differentiates this alliance from other resources, says Salvagno, “is our focus not only on embracing the warm and fuzzies of human-focused leadership, but focusing on the brass-tacks implementation and getting leaders in management, marketing, human resources, operation, finance, legal departments, or anyone who manages people, in the same room to foster greater alignment when applying the principes of purpose to business.”
Bolger says one of the goals of the alliance is to reframe the discussion about modern leadership and ESG, and stakeholder capitalism around value creation, not social responsibility. “In the world of purpose-led leadership, ESG and DEI, along with transparency and reporting, are not an issue of compliance or social responsibility, but rather opportunities to gain a competitive advantage.”

ESM Is Published by The EEA: Your Source for Effective Stakeholder Management, Engagement, and Reporting

Through education, media, business development, advisory services, and outreach, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance supports professionals, educators, organizations, asset managers, investors, and engagement solution providers seeking a competitive advantage by profiting from a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement across the enterprise. Click here for details on all EEA and ESM media services.

 1. Professional Education on Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards

2. Media

3. Fully Integrated Business Development for Engagement and Total Rewards

Strategic Business Development for Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards solution providers, including Integrated blog, social media, and e-newsletter campaigns managed by content marketing experts.

4. Advisory Services for Organizations

Stakeholder Management Business Plans Human Capital Management, Metrics, and Corporate Sustainability Reporting for organizations, including ISO human capital certifications, and services for solution providers.

5. Outreach in the US and Around the World on Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards

The EEA promotes a strategic approach to people management and total rewards through its e-newsletters, web sites, and social media reaching 20,000 professionals a month and through other activities, such as:
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