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JUST Capital Rankings, Other Private Efforts, Help Drive Stakeholder Capitalism

JUST jobsWhile the European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will be a significant factor in driving transparency, the free market is creating its own ways for investors and all other stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness of people management.

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With the help of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the second edition of the JUST Jobs Scorecard provides a data-driven interactive tool for companies, their investors, and other stakeholders to measure performance and gauge transparency on key job quality practices and worker policies at 1,000 of the largest companies. Click here to sign up for free to gain immediate access to an online tool evaluating 1,000 Russell Index companies.
The tool is designed to provide “a unique view into how companies are approaching one of their most critical stakeholders – their workers—and helps demonstrate how investing in their people can benefit both companies and workers alike. Overall, the scorecard suggests that actual performance, as well as disclosure and transparency, are all on the rise, and that there is much room for future improvement,” according to the announcement.
The new Karma debit card, recently featured in ESM, uses JUST data as part of the ratings it has developed enabling shoppers to identify companies they’d prefer to do business with.
Top performing companies include JPMorgan Chase & Co, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Dayforce, Starbucks, Union Pacific, and American Electric Power Company, according to the analysis.
“The JUST Jobs Scorecard shows that companies are making steady progress on investing in the American worker,” says JUST Capital CEO Martin Whittaker. “We know from our polling that across demographics and political affiliations, this is what the public wants. And we look forward to continuing our work with companies to help them do this as effectively as possible.”
According to JUST, “The scorecard assesses 31 distinct data points across six job quality topics, scoring companies on a scale of 0-4, with 4 being the highest. The final score is determined against research-backed thresholds, which range from no disclosure to leading practices on the issues that JUST tracks.
Topics include:
  1. Wages and compensation: practices that support fair, equitable and adequate compensation.
  2. Benefits:  key benefits policies that support employees.
  3. Hiring and stability: effective recruitment, retention, flexibility, and stability.
  4. Employee wellness:  practices that promote physical and mental wellness for employees.
  5. Training and development: opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
  6. Workforce composition: captures a company’s workforce diversity and its goals to increase representation.
JUST says that it “calculates each company’s overall average score to categorize their overall performance. Overall performance categories provide a quick snapshot of how far along a given company is on the journey toward transparency on job quality metrics. The table outlines how companies are increasingly disclosing information related to job quality, but also have room to improve across the board.”

ESM Is Published by The EEA: Your Source for Effective Stakeholder Management, Engagement, and Reporting

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