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Enterprise Engagement Technology Overview

The growing stakeholder approach to management focused on aligning the interests of customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners calls for engagement technologies to help break down siloes. This article highlighting enterprise engagement technologies is based on an excerpt from a chapter in Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s textbook on the implementation of stakeholder management.

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Key Enterprise Engagement Technology Features
The rise of engagement across the enterprise is creating demand for a new type of technology: the Engagement Portal. As reported by the Starr Conspiracy in its report, 2016 Employee Vendor Brandscape, “many disparate categories within human resources (HR) technology are battling for  the attention of the employee engagement buyer – recognition, engagement measurement, wellness, next-generation learning and talent management, talent acquisition and assessments, workforce analytics, benefits and even employee communications. We believe that as employee engagement platforms emerge, they will incorporate some, if not all, of these solutions. Early attempts at a platform play are already emerging.” The best technology, the authors say, will provide an “engagement platform” that integrates all the key engagement processes through a single interface. This is the Engagement Strategies Media (ESM) definition of an engagement portal.
An analysis by Carlton One, a Canada-based provider of engagement portal software, found that the average company could end up spending $40 or more in per-seat charges for each employee were it to integrate all of the different types of engagement software available in the market.
This article contains an introduction to the concept of an enterprise engagement portal useful to those who need to compare technologies for their organizations or for those of their clients.

Key Enterprise Engagement Technology Features

The primary goal of an engagement portal is to do for engagement what customer relationship management (CRM) software does for marketing: manage the engagement process on a single platform.
Many customer relationship platforms contain APIs or connections to multiple different  technologies or applications, since even platforms like Salesforce can’t offer every tool for managing customers and the sales process. In fact, Salesforce has integrated with many third-party applications that together enable companies to provide many aspects of an engagement portal on a single platform, including points programs for sales, channel partner, or non-sales employee programs. 
Click here for the complete chapter on enterprise engagement software.

ESM Is Published by The EEA: Your Source for Effective Stakeholder Management, Engagement, and Reporting

Through education, media, business development, advisory services, and outreach, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance supports professionals, educators, organizations, asset managers, investors, and engagement solution providers seeking a competitive advantage by profiting from a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement across the enterprise. Click here for details on all EEA and ESM media services.

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