Resource Library - Case Studies
Washington Mutual, Inc., North America's seventh largest bank, selected an incentive trip to the island of Kauai in Hawaii as the incentive reward for its top achievers. The trip would also introduce Washington Mutual's corporate culture to attendees from Home Savings of America, a newly acquired company.
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The "Winners' Circle" program logo and theme were designed around the popular motocross cross-country motorcycle race, and featured the No. 1 plate that is awarded to winners. Honda is a leader in production of off-road motocross bikes and a sponsor of the No. 1 team in the sport. Therefore, the logo and theme were a natural tie-in for use in printed material.
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Each employee received a T-shirt imprinted with the company's core values and philosophies, an apple stress ball, and a behavior profile describing the "Successful to the Core" ideals. Employees were then asked to nominate fellow workers who exhibited these core values. The names were placed in an apple suggestion box. Nominees received wooden apples, and their pictures were displayed on a bulletin board labeled "Apple of Our Eye." Every quarter, one nominated employee was presented with an acrylic apple by the division head.
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Published: Jan 11, 2012
Sue Gordon has been with American Airlines for over 20 years. Starting as a flight attendant and working her way through a variety of roles, she spent a lot of time on the front lines of marketing, involved in customer communications, advertising, product development and employee communications. She’s also worked in IT and had a hand in launching... [ read more ]
Published: Oct 18, 2012
This healthcare provider goes out of its way to make sure that employees understand how their individual efforts contribute to the achievement of organizational goals... [ read more ]
The "Capture Los Cabos" program clearly demonstrates that well-designed incentive programs deliver measurable return on investment.... [ read more ]
What could be the optimum method for meeting performance-improvement goals? For Diebold, Inc. the answer was D-ICE, a comprehensive incentive management system designed to motivate every company employee. ... [ read more ]
Promotional giveaways themed to a new product are used at a trade show to boost traffic and generate leads.... [ read more ]
To meet Verizon’s mission of deepening their relationship with this key customer segment, the La Plaza program needed to deliver more targeted, creative offerings than typical loyalty programs that award customers points based on purchases. MotivAction kicked off the effort by conducting extensive research within the Hispanic marketplace to identify the core needs and interests of the community. Rooted in primary research, including valuable focus group feedback, La Plaza was structured to ensure that all incentives and communications were built around the core values of interest: education, job enrichment and standard of living, and personal safety and security.
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To assist dealers in meeting goals, Ford implemented a multipronged strategy that included launching new models, realigning prices for key models, increasing management support, re-evaluating advertising and promotion, and introducing "The Chairman's Challenge" incentive campaign.
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The John Jermain Memorial Library partnered with the The New York State Library's Statewide Summer Reading Program which distributes a programming kit to all 1,200 public library branches and reading center locations in the state. The program's theme is "2001: A Reading Odyssey." ... [ read more ]
This promotion aimed to internal cooperation and support of company sales efforts.... [ read more ]
This study, completed by Baylor University
in 1992, involved a textbook publisher sending 4,000 educators either: (1) a pocket calculator plus a letter, (2) a lower-priced highlighter pen plus a letter, or (3) a letter only.... [ read more ]
Promotional Products furnish advertisers with advantages that may not be available in other media. These include:
• High recall where the name of the advertiser
is remembered.
• Repeated exposure to the advertising message
because of length of time the item is kept.
• A more favorable impression of the advertiser, resulting in a propensity to do business with the organization giving the item.
Promotional products can provide key elements to an
advertising campaign and enhance opportunity for driving a message far beyond traditional media.... [ read more ]
Promotional Products have a positive impact on
brand image. Specifically, when comparing people
who receive a promotional product from a company
with others who do not, this research shows that
people who receive a promotional product have a
signi?cantly more positive opinion about a business
• More positive overall image
• More positive perception of the business
• Higher likelihood of recommending the business
• Higher likelihood of patronization.... [ read more ]
To assure the program’s success, Dow developed a comprehensive communications plan to
raise awareness of Recognition@Dow, increase participation, boost performance, and most
importantly, help to build an appreciation culture. The majority of the launch activities focused on
generating content and communicating program messages through existing communications
channels such as the Dow Intranet, corporate newsletter and HR website. In addition, training
workshops were developed for leaders (managers) to generate program awareness and
encourage participation
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The Rome MMIV program marked the first time dealers were able to access status statements online, so quarterly printed statements were mailed to each dealer to reinforce the online statements. To help the dealers stay focused on their year-end goal, benchmark goals were established for January, April, and July. Waterford crystal awards with Romanstyle etching border designs were selected to mark these achievements. Multiple communications touch points and ongoing performance feedback kept the John Deere dealers engaged throughout the campaign.... [ read more ]
Singtel Optus is Australia’s challenger telecommunications brand with revenues of $7 billion across four markets. Solterbeck Performance worked with Optus to design the 007 – Sales R&R Challenge. The program was designed to be comprehensive yet appealing enough to motivate Optus’ experienced and well-traveled sales force. The four-tiered program took its theme from the recently released Casino Royale movie, and leading edge communications turned Optus’s 1,000-strong sales force into high-level operatives charged with executing the company’s "mission." The highly popular program resulted in 32% of the sales force meeting individual goals and increased Optus’s revenue by 8.9% - with an administration cost of less than 9%.
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This business-to-business promotion was intended to pick up new accounts.... [ read more ]
West Valley Nuclear Services Company, part of Washington Group International, manages and operates the WVDP. The Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Program is an integral part of the effort to educate and encourage employees to both minimize waste and prevent pollution, to protect the environment on a local and global scale, and for providing reports, both at the federal and state levels, on the amount of waste generated and minimized. In November 1999, the Secretary of the Department of Energy issued several national goals for all Department of Energy sites, including the reduction of all types of waste streams (radioactive, hazardous, industrial, and sanitary) through the 3R philosophy of reduce, reuse, and recycle, as well as conserving energy and buying recycled products.
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USMotivation teamed up with Diebold to develop and implement the 2001 Master’s Circle program, Tierra de los Conquistadores (Land of the Conquistadors), a destination-based theme that would build on the Windows to the World umbrella theme for the program. Motivating performance with travel to Puerto Rico, a repeat destination for Diebold, required additional creativity and branding to keep the interest and attention of its team throughout the year.
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Incentive Programs
Pick-n-Pay, a South African supermarket chain with 265 stores, opted to rebuild its corporate image, emphasizing such tenets as respect, dignity, and freedom for all individuals.
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An unusual promotional mailer is used to attract client attention.... [ read more ]
This program was intended to boost awareness and use of a new hospital birthing facility.... [ read more ]
Promotional giveaways themed to a new product are used at a trade show to boost traffic and generate leads.... [ read more ]
Showing Results 151 - 175 of 306