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Promotional Products Foster Customer Goodwill

Water consumption during the summer had always been a great concern to one, New York county water company because of the increased usage of water for lawns and gardens. The water company targeted its 53,000 residential customers with a mailing announcing a new conservation program and a bounce-back card offering an information packet. Respondents were sent an information video tape, refrigerator magnet and a slide chart to calculate the amount of water needed to keep a healthy lawn. It was used in conjunction with a watering guide number, known as ET (Evapo-Transpiration), that was published daily in the newspaper and based on rain and humidity levels. The following are the findings: • Customers who received a promotional product expressed more good will toward the company and its salespeople than those who did not receive a promotional product. • The attitudes of those who received the calculator were consistently more positive than for those who received the less expensive highlighter pen. • Customers who received the pocket calculator or the highlighter pen rated the proficiency and ability of the sales representatives as 34% and 16% (respectively) higher than those who received only the thank you letter. • On questions relating to the customers’ personal feelings toward the company and its sales representatives, customers who received the calculator scored 52% higher than the letter only group.
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