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EGR Management: We're Entering the Era of the Whole Person and What That Means

EGR International was one of the first firms to position itself as an enterprise engagement agency to help organizations align all stakeholders around a common vision. It was also one of the first in the incentive field to diversify beyond face-to-face events and incentive programs into other forms of communications through its in-house creative agency BlackLab Media.

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The Road to an Engaged Workforce

This research article identifies several characteristics driving employee engagement, including employee satisfaction, and identifies organizational communication as a key driver of employee satisfaction.

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Internal Marketing Best Practices

This paper from the Integrated Marketing Communications Department at Northwestern University takes a closer look at the six characteristics of highly effective internal marketing programs.

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JUST Capital Survey Highlights the Key Source of Waste in Shareholder Capitalism

A survey of over 3,000 Americans by JUST Capital demonstrates that the Stakeholder Capitalism movement has made minimal progress since the 2019 Business Roundtable update of the corporate charter to include all stakeholders. The survey responses highlight the reasons for the high, hidden cost of Shareholder Capitalism: high levels of employee and customer dissatisfaction.

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PurposePoint: The Purpose Leadership Community


Catalyst Performance Group




Fire Light Group

Luxe Incentives


Incentive Team