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New Research Shows the Path from Engagement to Productivity

There is a real ROI to corporate efforts to engage employees, according to research by Corporate Executive Board research arm CLC-Genesee, which has been surveying and analyzing employee engagement at companies for a number of years.

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New York State Reading Program Offers Incentives to Kids Who Read

The John Jermain Memorial Library partnered with the The New York State Library's Statewide Summer Reading Program which distributes a programming kit to all 1,200 public library branches and reading center locations in the state. The program's theme is "2001: A Reading Odyssey."

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NFL Pocket -Sized Helmet Gift with Purchase

Capturing the fervor of football season and the unrelenting passion an NFL fan has for his or her team, Coca-Cola together with Riddell, Inc. offered consumers a mini NFL replica helmet. This helmet fit onto a 20-ounce Coca-Cola bottle. With the purchase of two 20 ounce Coca-Cola products, consumers received a free pocket pro helmet (valued at $2.99). The promotion was initiated in January, peak football season, creating a chase aspect. The challenge for the consumer was to collect all 31 NFL teams, and they were urged to do so through visually dramatic POS products. Store Manager Incentive Contests were implemented in some stores, with the prize being a 36 unit mini-helmet case to display all 31 NFL team helmets.

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Occupational Hazards

Occupational Hazards informs safety, health and industrial hygiene professionals in the manufacturing, construction, and service sectors about trends, management strategies, regulatory news and new products that help them provide safe and healthy work sites.

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Occupational Health & Safety Magazine

Occupational Health & Safety Magazine is the leading publication in the safety field. Its 84,000 readers utilize motivational programs to help improve safety performance. OH&S regularly covers the subject of safety incentives editorially throughout the year. The readers are fully in charge of selecting the products and services used in incentive programs, and they use the editorial and advertising material in the magazine as a guide in developing and improving their programs.

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On Some Cruises, Less Is Definitely More

Smaller cruise ships can deliver an unforgettable experience.

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Online Customer Care: Applying Today's Technology to Achieve World-Class Customer Interaction

Provides an in-depth study of managing information in call centers.

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Online Sweepstakes Draws Teachers to Web Sites

The online sweepstakes, which was used to encourage people to visit the Web site, featured a grand prize trip to Tarrytown, New York, to tour the real Sleepy Hollow. A 30-second spot aired on the network to promote the Web site and sweepstakes. Odyssey's main Web site also carried a banner ad to drive traffic to the film's site.

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Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration

Organizing Genius analyzes the "great" collaborative teams. It explores what it means to be a great group and how to achieve that working dynamic. This book is for anyone in a leadership position.

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Other People's Habits: How to Use Positive Reinforcement to Bring Out the Best in People Around You

This science-based guide introduces a technique with which to influence those around us honestly and beneficially. Shows how to make the most of positive reinforcement to bring out the best in other people, establishing effective relationships based on mutual respect and shared expectations.

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Over the Top

To promote the program, sustain excitement and drive results, a creative communications campaign was designed and implemented, related to mountain climbing. Although the heart of the product rested on a web-based reward platform, the promotion and communication to motivate the sales team was devised to touch the senses in various media, from dimensional premium items, to stimulating visual graphics, to auditory voice mails.

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P-O-P Times

An Official News Publication of the In-Store Marketing Institute Published 12 times a year, P-O-P Times serves the news and product information needs of buyers and users of in-store displays, signs and fixtures. Every month, it informs readers of the news, trends, and events that shape the use of P-O-P and the impact and effectiveness of in-store marketing.

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Panthers Promotions Have Bite

Fred Parker, CEO of Bluegrass Promotional Marketing (UPIC: BLUEGRAS) in Charlotte, North Carolina is a football fan—especially since his company has been named the preferred promotional marketing agency for the Carolina Panthers for the 2006 season.

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Panthers Promotions Have Bite

This case study examines the details of a successful consumer promotion created for an NFL team.

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People Over Profits: How Enterprise Drives Success

Kirk Kazanjian, author of Exceeding Customer Expectations, says it’s the little things that mean a lot when it comes to employee engagement

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Performance Management & Incentives in the Era of Sarbanes-Oxley

Federal legislators in 2002 enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), which was designed to improve the accountability of corporate managers to shareholders and to improve public confidence in publicly traded companies. This white paper is an outline of the potential impact of SOX on the use of performance improvement and incentive programs.

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Performance Management & Incentives in the Era of Sarbanes-Oxley

This white paper from the Performance Improvement Council of the Incentive Marketing Association looks at how Sarbanes-Oxley requirements can affect incentive and recognition plans.

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Performance Solutions

This article explains the concept of zero-based people performance strategies and provides a list of performance improvement companies that can help to put such a strategy into effect.

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Performance Solutions

This white paper discusses the range of "zero-based performance improvement strategies" that can be developed with the help of full-service incentive and performance improvement companies. It also includes contact information on members of the Incentive Marketing Association's Performance Improvement Council, made up of a dozen organizations dedicated to offering companies solutions-based incentive and performance improvement programs.

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Perspectives on Engaging Employees Offered in New Book

"The path to being an effective manager and leader begins with a handful of essential traits," says Michael A. Fina, vice president of Michael C. Fina and author of the recently published Perspectives on Managing Employees.

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PGA Merchandise Show 2009

Hosted by the Professional Golfers Association (PGA), this is the world's largest golf products exposition. Includes exhibits, conferences, and a day of demonstrations. The conference offers seminars on topics such as general management, marketing & promotions, golf operations, and instruction.

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Platinum Award

GE Financial Assurance (GEFA), a subsidiary of the General Electric Company, is a consumer insurance and investment business helping 25 million people in 17 countries build financial security. There are over 17,000 Associates worldwide in the GEFA division.

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Play With Your Food

This consumer promotion used a baseball tie-in and in-store events to boost sales of Oreo Cookies

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PMA "Fast Forward 2011"

The Promotion Marketing Association's digital marketing summit will look at innovations that are likely to spur consumer demand in the years to come. At Fast Forward 2001, PMA will be looking ahead for the killer digital innovations that will drive consumer demand in 2011. Clara Shih, author of "The Facebook Era: Tapping Online Social Networks to Build Better Products, Reach New Audiences, Sell More Stuff," will provide the keynote address.

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PMA Basics Of Promotion Marketing Workshop

Basics is the internationally acclaimed two-day seminar designed to develop your skills in all aspects of promotion marketing, including promotion strategy, law and all tactical elements of promotion. Marketing professionals who are beginning a career in promotion or integrated marketing, switching careers to promotion or integrated marketing, and are ready for more responsibility, bigger challenges and greater achievement in all aspects of promotion marketing should defiantly attend this seminar.

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Point-of-Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI)

POPAI is an international trade association for the marketing at-retail industry. Founded in 1936, POPAI celebrates its 70th anniversary with over 1,700 member companies representing Fortune 500 brand manufacturers and retailers, as well as, marketing at-retail producer companies and advertising agencies from over 45 countries from around the world.

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Policy Points

The agent loyalty program "Policy Points" is an on-line program that is customized around GMAC's brand. It was designed to build awareness, loyalty, web traffic and business among GMAC's agents and agency partners. Points are awarded for new business and business transfers.

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Post-Hoc Measurement and Outcome-Based Measures - Measuring the ROI of Sales Incentive Programs

This article discusses measurement tools and methodologies that can be used to determine the results of company incentive programs.

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Post-Hoc Measurement and Outcome-Based Measures - Measuring the ROI of Sales Incentive Programs

This paper summarizes two basic ROI measurement methodologies using case studies from companies that have implemented measurable sales incentive programs in the past, and offers insights into understanding the data requirements relative to these two methodologies. It explains that Post-Hoc Measurement is essentially the use of field experimentation using historical data, while Outcome-Based Measures considers such areas as accounts receivable and inventory levels that can be affected by sales improvements.

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Potentials magazine is now officially a part of its sister publication, Incentive magazine. The new Potentials section within Incentive magazine speaks to incentive buyers and program planners, enabling them to grow their businesses and enhance performance by providing ideas and products that motivate. We offer the most comprehensive look at incentive awards in the industry as well as providing the most up-to-date information on how corporations are leveraging products to motivate employees and clients.

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