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EU Advisory Firm, US Recognition Company First to License PVIC Impact Calculator

A 27-year-old performance management company in Europe and founder of the Appreciation at Work culture process are the first two companies to license the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s People Value Impact Calculator (PVIC), designed say its founders to provide a practical way for almost any size organization to analyze and verify the impact of investments in all stakeholder management processes consistent with the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Directive.

Applications for Management Consulting Firms
Linking Culture and Technology Investments to Clear Impact Measures
About PVIC

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4C GROUP, a Germany-based European Union management consulting firm focused on people management and performance, and Appreciation at Work, a Kansas-based international culture advisory firm, are the first companies to license the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s recently released People Value Impact Calculator (PVIC), a joint venture of the Enterprise Engagment Alliance and TM Evolution. PVIC is designed to help organizations more effectively objectively measure and independently verify the impact and value creation of their employee engagement and other stakeholder management solutions.

Click here for more details and a demo of the platform. 

Applications for Management Consulting

Dr. HeikoFounded in 1997, 4C GROUP says it has helped guide nearly 550 clients in multiple industries to achieve specific goals and objectives by finding their own paths to progress through people, according to Dr. Heiko Mauterer, Board Member and Senior Advisor. He says his company will use PVIC to help clients evaluate the specific impact of their initiatives on the purpose, goals, objectives, and specified metrics of strategic or tactical initiatives; to better correlate the influence of the various processes on desired outcomes, and to support the stakeholder management reporting and auditing increasingly required by European law as part of the European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
Explains Dr. Mauterer, “We see using the SaaS (software as a service) model to enable our clients to see, correlate, analyze, and manage the same data as we in real time to evaluate past practices and metrics and evaluate the impact of our solutions. It is important that the system is flexible to accept their data and not impose a specific framework. We need a solution that requires almost no training since it’s based on using standard Excel spreadsheets for making calculations and uploading data, and that the system does not require the client’s name to appear anywhere in the system for added security. We can use this to support something as basic as assessing and correlating the impact of a very specific performance management initiative to helping organizations visualize the impact and value potentially created by the disclosures they are making either through ISO 30414 or other standards, or the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive likely to affect many of our clients, whether we serve as implementors or auditors.”

Linking Culture and Technology Investments to Clear Impact Measures

Appreciation at Work says its services help organizations achieve their purpose, goals, and objectives based on creating an authentic culture of expressing appreciation for the right actions in a manner most meaningful to recipients. With its book 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workpace now available in 24 languages and used in thousands of organizations of all types around the world, Dr. Paul White, the CEO and Founder, says the company recently launched AAW for Enterprises to support a strategic and systematic approach at larger enterprises and their employee engagement and experience solution providers seeking a measurable, sustainable, and independently verifiable approach to achieving their purpose, goals, and objectives across the enterprise.
Explains Dr. White, “We’re integrating the PVIC platform into our evaluation toolkit to address the growing number of organizations recognizing the opportunity to create more value from their investments in employee engagement by combining an implementation system with technology, a model prevalent in customer relationship management and many other industries. They don’t simply wish to know if people are using the technology platform, exchanging badges, or increasing their employee engagement scores, they want to see a meaningful impact on the purpose, goals, and objectives of the effort. This also addresses those organizations seeking or needing to have such information independently audited or verified."

About PVIC

The EEA says that PVIC is designed for management and consultants in finance, mergers and acquisitions, sales, customer service, and other areas involved with people engagement seeking to no longer need guess about the impact of their efforts. Created by New York-based Enterprise Engagement Alliance and Minnesota-based compensation firm TM Evolution, the purpose is to make it easy for the C-suite and management overseeing all stakeholder groups to not only measure the ongoing impact of customer, employee, supply chain and distribution partner, and engagement efforts, but to have the information and conclusions independently verified and audited and compared with past  performance, according to Bruce Bolger, EEA Founder.
For an overview and recorded demo, click here.
The EEA explains that the system can be populated with any qualitative and quantitative data organizations wish to use for analysis and easily updated if using the same template, enabling organizations to track results not only against financials but corporate objectives. The system is specifically designed to support the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and ISO 30414 human capital or ISO 10018 people engagement or other standards so that organizations can track the metrics over time in relationship to the achievement of their financial and other organizational goals.
Other applications include:
  • Evaluating the impact of current and past investments in human resources, sales, marketing, customer service and other engagement efforts to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Thoroughly analyzing the sources of concrete value creation and risk in mergers and acquisitions.
  • Quickly and holistically analyzing the impact of incentive, recognition and other programs on retention, sales, service, productivity, quality.
  • Identifying the areas of business most related to short- and long-term value creation to better determine where to focus investments.
  • Looking at the impact of training and investment programs on retention or human capital return on investment.
  • Tracking the return-on-investment in marketing and communications efforts versus their purpose, goals, and objectives.
  • Determining pay equity among management, demographic and other groups. 
  • Having results and conclusions independently validated for public or internal use. 
For More Information
Heiko Mauterer
Board Director, 4C GROUP AG
Paul White, Ph.D.
President, Appreciation at Work
Bruce Bolger
Founder, Enterprise Engagement Alliance
914-591-7600, ext. 230

ESM Is Published by The EEA: Your Source for Effective Stakeholder Management, Engagement, and Reporting

Through education, media, business development, advisory services, and outreach, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance supports professionals, educators, organizations, asset managers, investors, and engagement solution providers seeking a competitive advantage by profiting from a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement across the enterprise. Click here for details on all EEA and ESM media services.

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