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I've Seen the Future

Promotional giveaways themed to a new product are used at a trade show to boost traffic and generate leads.... [ read more ]

Incentive Federation

The Incentive Federation Inc. is the umbrella organization founded to promote, protect, and research the incentive field, encompassing recognition, promotional products, and related promotions. In addition to being the industry's primary lobbying entity, the Incentive Federation provides the infrastructure for industry-wide corporate outreach efforts spearheaded by the Incentive Performance Center, as well as for the research developed by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement at Northwestern University. Plus, the Incentive Federation commissions the industry's only benchmark studies on the use of incentives by U.S. organizations. All suppliers and customers in the incentive and promotion marketplace benefit from these initiatives.... [ read more ]

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC)

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC), is a strategic industry group within the Incentive Marketing Association. The IGCC educates the incentive marketplace and the corporate community on the benefits of gift cards, including choice, value and service, and other key attributes recipients say that they want their awards to have. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA)

The Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA), a branch of Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), represents factory-direct salespeople in the incentive business, along with manufacturers. IMRA publishes a handbook for suppliers, conducts an annual marketing conference, and offers a free directory of incentive representatives. As a member, you automatically become a member of the IMRA.... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association (IMA)

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) promotes the use of incentive programs as effective marketing and motivational tools. Membership includes manufacturers, representatives, distributors, incentive houses, gift certificate suppliers, and marketing agencies. IMA also holds annual education programs at trade shows as well as information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to its members and to businesses to help them effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customers. IMA offers a complimentary listing of incentive product and service providers. IMA is also the umbrella organization for several Strategic Industry Groups, including the Global Incentive Council, IMA-Canada Council, Incentive Gift Card Council, Incentive Manufacturers and Representatives Alliance, Performance Improvement Council, and the Incentive Technology Council. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association - Canada Council (IMA-CC)

IMA-CC, a branch of the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), provides information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to the Canadian corporate community to promote the use of incentives. IMA-CC’s primary goals are to build awareness within the corporate community on how to effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customer groups, with the ultimate goal of improving corporate performance.... [ read more ]

Incentive Research Foundation

The Incentive Research Foundation funds and promotes research to advance the science, enhance the awareness and appropriate application of motivation and incentives in business and industry globally. The goal is to increase the understanding, effective use and resultant benefits of incentives to businesses that currently use incentives and others interested in improved performance... [ read more ]

Incentives, Motivation, & Workplace Performance

A summary of research by the ISPI (International Society of Performance Improvement) on the impact of incentive programs and the essential implementation steps necessary for success. Shows how helpful incentive and motivation programs can be in terms of engaging employees and improving performance.... [ read more ]

Increase Booth Traffic With Promotional Products

With the increase of postal rates over the past several years and dwindling advertising and promotional budgets, many companies are tempted to reduce or eliminate investments into pre-show mailings with promotional products in tradeshow settings. Is this a wise choice? The results of a 2004 study by Georgia Southern University indicates the answer is NO.... [ read more ]

International SITE Foundation

Founded in 1973, Society of Incentive and Travel Executives (SITE) is the only international, not-for-profit, professional association devoted to the pursuit of excellence in incentives, a multi-billion dollar global industry. SITE provides educational seminars and information services to those who design, develop, promote, sell, administer, and operate motivational programs as an incentive to increase productivity in business. Currently SITE has over 2,100 members in 87 countries, with 35 local and regional chapters. Members represent corporate executives, incentive companies, destination management companies, travel & event planners, official tourist organizations, transportation companies, hotels and resorts, cruise lines, trade publications, and supporting organizations such as restaurants and visitors attractions. ... [ read more ]

International Society for Performance Improvement

Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI represents more than 10,000 international and chapter members throughout the United States, Canada, and 40 other countries. ISPI's mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of our members and advocate the use of Human Performance Technology. Assembling an Annual Conference & Expo and other educational events like the Institute, publishing books and periodicals, and supporting research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving this mission. ... [ read more ]

January 2010 Pulse Survey: Incentive Industry Trends 2010

Given that the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) is charged with advancing the science of incentives, it surveyed industry professionals to obtain their opinions about the more salient trends affecting the industry during 2009 and leading into 2010. The IRF asked these professionals questions on trends with regard to incentive travel programs, merchandise non-cash programs, and budget changes forecast for 2010. Findings indicate that the trends are stabilizing for each of the core issues since March 2009. However, the trends remain significantly lower than in 2008. Survey participants expect more domestic than international destinations, "slightly smaller" budgets, and shorter stays for incentive travel in 2010. A majority of participants also expected decreased award values on the merchandise side. ... [ read more ]

Jelly Belly Brokers Acquire a Taste for Travel

Eight years ago, the $100 million candy company launched a biennial cruise incentive program, which has generated consistent sales increases and helped build a unified sales force. Each cruise is developed through a cooperative effort by Goelitz's sales management and marketing teams. The company's regional managers then introduce the programs and keep excitement building throughout the year. ... [ read more ]

Just Lounging Around

Yvette Widdicombe, vice president of distributor Jack Nadel, Inc. (UPIC: NADELINC) in Palo Alto, California wanted to pamper her employees with a unique gift. After much thought, she decided on lounge pants with an accompanying spa bag and shirt.... [ read more ]

Kitchen Aid ''Round Up''

The audience KitchenAid targeted for this promotion included sales associates at retail appliance stores and KitchenAid account managers. Choosing the right incentive to appeal to this diverse group was a challenge. To reinforce the Western theme of "rounding up" sales, the awards included a choice of Omaha Steaks and a variety of "leather" products--shoes, luggage, briefcases, watches with leather bands, coats, etc. ... [ read more ]

Lincoln Benefit Life

The excursion took place on the Royal Pacific Canadian railway, which is comprised of five, three-engine vintage railway cars from the early 1900s. It was a six-day trip, starting at Calgary, Alberta, and going through the Canadian Rockies. The train has meeting rooms, dining car, suites for two, and high-speed Internet access. ... [ read more ]

Measuring Enterprise Engagement and Performance

There’s a reason for the old adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Anyone who has ever tried to run a business knows that’s true. But it is also true that you can’t manage what you measure only once each year. When it comes to employee and customer engagement, most of us collect information through annual surveys, analyze the results, share them in a high-level report and perhaps devote part of an executive meeting to discuss the implications. Like performance reviews, this is usually done once a year – if at all. ... [ read more ]

Measuring the ROI of Sales Incentive Programs

This report presents a series of cases involving companies that implemented sales incentive programs. It makes a case for the use of post-hoc or post-program measurement of ROI to demonstrate the impact of the programs on sales performance.... [ read more ]

MODIS Program Gives Sales Stars "Celebrity" Status

As one of the world’s largest providers of information technology services and solutions, Modis delivers world class IT staffing services to Fortune 1000 and mid-market companies in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and continental Europe. Each year, Modis identifies and rewards top sales performers with the Circle of Excellence incentive trip. The key objective of the 2007 program was to recognize employees who met or exceeded their goals for 2007, while at the same time motivating them to reach even higher goals for 2008. To qualify, individual producers, individual producers had to generate a specific dollar amount in new gross profit dollars. Management set those individual qualifiers to significantly exceed their forecasted profit and growth goals for the year if achieved.... [ read more ]

Mohawk Rocks

Territory managers received product guides that highlighted the features and benefits of the Stainmaster Carpets. Participants qualified for four levels of awards based on sales performance, and were also registered for three different sweepstakes. Daily sweepstakes featured electronic items which reinforced the entertainment theme. Weekly sweepstakes featured the choice of unique travel and merchandise awards including a first-class trip to New York with Broadway tickets, a visit to the world-renowned Chicago House of Blues hotel and club, or for the less travel-inclined, a Wurlitzer Jukebox. ... [ read more ]

Mohawk Stainmaster Cup Series

Mohawk Industries utilized the competitive excitement of the NASCAR racing season to capture the attention and loyalty of their 25,000 nationwide independent retail stores' sales force. The Mohawk Stainmaster Cup Series embraced the racecar theme to particularly appeal to their salespeople who, on average, generally have a strong affinity for sports, electronics, and outdoor activities. The choice of incentives, which included branded electronics, golf equipment, tools and outdoor items such as grills, lawnmowers, etc. keyed on these interests while sustaining the racing theme. The award mix included items that the real race enthusiast would appreciate such as binoculars, coolers, stadium seats, cameras, sunglasses, and a hand-held TV. ... [ read more ]

National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)

NASP is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of becoming the #1 Resource for Sales Professionals. We look forward in helping each and every NASP member increase knowledge, growth and focus on their Sales careers. So please take advantage of our membership and certification opportunities. ... [ read more ]

New Book Offers Essential Insights into Customer and Sales Engagement

Published: Sep 14, 2015

A new book, The Challenger Customer: Selling to the Hidden Influencer Who Can Multiply Your Results, provides a perspective on the current B2B selling environment that’s essential reading to anyone interested in sales force and customer engagement. We put this book in the "wow" category for ... [ read more ]

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