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Loyalty Programs

La Plaza

To meet Verizon’s mission of deepening their relationship with this key customer segment, the La Plaza program needed to deliver more targeted, creative offerings than typical loyalty programs that award customers points based on purchases. MotivAction kicked off the effort by conducting extensive research within the Hispanic marketplace to identify the core needs and interests of the community. Rooted in primary research, including valuable focus group feedback, La Plaza was structured to ensure that all incentives and communications were built around the core values of interest: education, job enrichment and standard of living, and personal safety and security. ... [ read more ]

Marketing Agencies Association Worldwide

The Marketing Agencies Association (MAA) provides members, primarily executives at promotion marketing agencies, with professional support, management development, research, and a forum for the exchange of ideas. The MAA website also provides a search function for marketers looking for a professional marketing agency.... [ read more ]

NFL Pocket -Sized Helmet Gift with Purchase

Capturing the fervor of football season and the unrelenting passion an NFL fan has for his or her team, Coca-Cola together with Riddell, Inc. offered consumers a mini NFL replica helmet. This helmet fit onto a 20-ounce Coca-Cola bottle. With the purchase of two 20 ounce Coca-Cola products, consumers received a free pocket pro helmet (valued at $2.99). The promotion was initiated in January, peak football season, creating a chase aspect. The challenge for the consumer was to collect all 31 NFL teams, and they were urged to do so through visually dramatic POS products. Store Manager Incentive Contests were implemented in some stores, with the prize being a 36 unit mini-helmet case to display all 31 NFL team helmets. ... [ read more ]

Point-of-Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI)

POPAI is an international trade association for the marketing at-retail industry. Founded in 1936, POPAI celebrates its 70th anniversary with over 1,700 member companies representing Fortune 500 brand manufacturers and retailers, as well as, marketing at-retail producer companies and advertising agencies from over 45 countries from around the world. ... [ read more ]

Policy Points

The agent loyalty program "Policy Points" is an on-line program that is customized around GMAC's brand. It was designed to build awareness, loyalty, web traffic and business among GMAC's agents and agency partners. Points are awarded for new business and business transfers.... [ read more ]

Promotion Creates Bull Market For Palm Restaurants

Every time they dined at The Palm, customers received a random selection of three "steak certificates" for a specific number of shares in a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Diners could open an account, make deposits, and receive dividends as they built their "portfolios." The accounts were identified by home telephone numbers. Customers could accumulate certificates and mail them in at the end of the promotion or deposit them when leaving the restaurant. ... [ read more ]

Promotional Product Incentives Produce Valuable Referrals From Satisfied Customers

Marketers need not rely on their salespeople to elicit new leads for business. Existing customers are a gold mine for getting referrals—when they are asked! Through direct mail offers of promotional product incentives, marketers can leverage customer satisfaction and secure more valuable referrals. These findings are from a 2005 customer "referencing" study done by an advertising faculty at Louisiana State University and Glenrich Business Studies. *... [ read more ]

Promotional Products Association International (PPAI)

The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) is the promotional product industry’s only international not-for-profit trade association. It offers education, trade shows, business products and services, mentoring, technology and legislative support to its more than 7,500 global member companies. Promotional products are an $18 billion industry, and include wearables, writing instruments, calendars, drinkware and many other items, usually imprinted with a company’s name, logo or message. Since its founding in 1903, PPAI has worked to expand the market, establish standards, enhance the professionalism of the industry and support the growth of member companies. ... [ read more ]

Promotional Products—The Key Ingredient to Integrated Marketing: How Promotional Products, Print and Television Advertising Impact Consumer Perception

Many traditional forms of advertising and promotion are losing ground to newer media. This trend presents opportunities for the promotional products medium. However, very little research exists documenting the effectiveness of promotional products when compared to and combined with other traditional forms of advertising such as television and print.... [ read more ]

Putting Trophy Value Into Your Gift Card Program

Gift cards have become an important corporate tool for reward and recognition. This paper looks at the growing use of gift cards and how to add to the "trophy value" of gift cards via communication, customization, and presentation.... [ read more ]

Retro Diner's Tasting Boosts Sales 18%

To build consumer awareness and boost sales, the company developed a "Mobile Marketing" program. The centerpiece was two vintage Airstream trailers that had been converted into Marie Callender's Mobile Diners. During a 19-week period, the two diners were used to make sell-in presentations to key retailers in six markets, as well as deliver "home cooked" samples to consumers. ... [ read more ]

Sony Sounds Great Promotion

At first glance, Pacific Bell Wireless targeted consumers considering the purchase of cellular phone service and cellular phones; however, a closer inspection revealed a highler level of marketing. Pacific Bell Wireless partnered with Sony Electronics and Ronald McDonlad House Charities in an effort to offer a very attractive value-added promotion that would capture the interest of consumers and communitites alike.... [ read more ]

Sovereign Referrals and Rewards

Sovereign Bank realized that it needed to streamline its customer referral process and provide its almost 11,350 Team Members at nearly 750 community banking offices with a compelling reason to increase their referral activity.... [ read more ]

Subaru Club Card Increases Sales By 10 Percent

Subaru wanted to increase sales of the Subaru Impreza WRX STI and encourage customers to purchase after market accessories and service for their new vehicles at Subaru dealerships based in Canada. The challenge was to capture consumers’ attention.... [ read more ]

Superheroes Bolster Best Western's Business

Each year, the program is fine-tuned. For example, one year the promotion focused on comic-book renderings of the Superheroes for premiums and point-of-purchase materials, rather than newer, animated versions. ... [ read more ]

The ''Wilder Side of Milk''

To capture the attention of young consumers and their moms, point-of-purchase displays announcing the "Wilder Side of Milk" sweepstakes featured a chocolate-colored mountain bike sporting cow spots and the "Got Milk" logo, and special edition remote control Monster Trucks. ... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

The cost of employee disengagement to U.S. companies in terms of lost productivity, accidents, theft, and turnover is estimated to be as much as $350 billion per year. Disengaged workers are often absent (even when they are at work), disconnected, and often pessimistic about change and new ideas. They have high rates of absenteeism and tend to negatively influence those around them. Engaged workers, on the other hand, are significantly more productive, interact more positively with other employees and new hires, and are much more likely when they interact with customers to create relationships that generate loyalty and increased business. This white paper looks at the best measures available for building engagement among employees along with looking at the ROI for investing in those measures as a way for managers to demonstrate the economics of engagement to top executives.... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

In today's economic environment, employers are struggling to find every advantage possible to thrive, grow or simply to stay in business. For most US based organizations payroll represents the largest expense. Advantages therefore, come first and foremost through better talent management.... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

Most leaders and organizations know the difference between a fully engaged worker and one that is marginally engaged or disengaged. The former brim with enthusiasm, they contribute ideas, are optimistic about the company and its future, are seldom absent from work, they typically stay with the organization longer and are among the organization’s most valuable ambassadors. Disengaged workers, on the other hand, are often absent (even when they are at work). They are disconnected and often pessimistic about change and new ideas. They have high rates of absenteeism and tend to negatively influence those around them, including potential customers and new hires. And the cost of disengagement to U.S. employers is estimated to be as much as $350 billion per year.... [ read more ]

The Purina Pet Starter Kits

Owning a new pet can be an overwhelming experience for any consumer. Young families, in particular, often have many conflicting responsibilities and little time to spare. Purina focused on simplifying these responsibilities for the new pet owner by offering them a complete starter kit that contained everything they needed to care for their pet.... [ read more ]

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