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Brand Engagement 360 Guide to Implementation

Kicking off the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance Brand Engagement 360 Knowledge Management program with the Association of National Advertisers, this primer on Brand Engagement 360 is prepared for marketing and agency management ready to implement a strategic brand engagement process that includes its internal and other stakeholders--including employees, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, volunteers, donors etc. This article summarizes the two key phases of the process: 1) Strategic brand purpose definition and 2) Implementation. Neither require major investments in time and money and in fact are designed to save both over time while enhancing performance and stakeholder experiences through greater alignment and efficiency. These processes are based on over 40 years of academic research and processes time tested in the world of total quality management in factories around the world.

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Anti-ESG Backlash Forces Healthy Focus on Value Creation Instead of Greenwashing

Over the last few months, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink tells associates he is no longer using the term ESG (environmental, social, governance) and McDonalds recently reduces mention of the term from its web site. Does this mean the end of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) or a healthy focus on how a strategic focus on sustainability creates value rather than fodder for glossy corporate sustainability reports read or believed by few. Ironically, right wing efforts actually could reduce efforts to curb ESG could actually lead to less transparency.

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At Last, A Real Way to Measure ROI

This study, sponsored by the Incentive Research Foundation, attempts to find a practical model for determining the return on investment (ROI) for sales and dealer incentive travel programs.

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CFO Corner: Inadequate Financial Reporting Leads to Bad Decisions

Nick Shepherd, a retired chief financial officer now active as an author of books and articles on financial management and human capital, argues in this new ESM column, CFO Corner, that the financial information provided by organizations today leads to bad decisions because it provides no way to measure the financial impact of stakeholder engagement. The accounting system, says this highly experienced financial officer, does not account for the future value created by investments in people today, nor the future value destruction that occurs in short-term layoffs, such as those occurring at Twitter.

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CSRD Part 5: Strategy and Implementation

The history of ISO 9001 quality management standards provides a solid foundation for predicting what will happen now that the European Union has made such disclosures a matter of law. A certain percentage of affected organizations will view the disclosures as a competitive opportunity. On the other hand, perhaps 50% or more will view it strictly as a compliance issue.

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CSRD Report Part 7: Estimated Time and Costs for SMEs and Large Enterprises

The looming question for organizations is: how much is this going to cost? The good news is that the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its affiliates have first-hand experience: ours are almost the only companies in the world that have created human capital reports and conducted audits for both very large companies and an SME (small- to medium-size enterprise), providing us with first-hand experience of the time and expertise involved; the cost, and scalability factors.

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EEA Marks 13th Anniversary With Focus on Implementation of the "S" of ESG

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance was founded in 2008 to advance a strategic and systematic approach to people across the enterprise, otherwise known as the “S” of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG.) Founded well before the emergence of Stakeholder Capitalism, the EEA has led the way in helping to create a formal roadmap for organizations and solution providers profit from this emerging approach to success in business and to discouraging the “bright shiny object” approach that continues to describe most organizational approaches to people management. Here’s a summary of the EEA’s actions to advance the cause of people since it’s formation.

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Enterprise Engagement Tech Market Remains Blue Ocean

Large companies have the resources to create highly integrated employee and other stakeholder engagement platforms through their internal portals. For SMEs (small- to- medium-size) enterprises without such resources, Enterprise Engagement technologies can make it easy to engage all key stakeholders on a single, configurable platform. While there may be 100 or more employee recognition and gifting platforms, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance could identify only eight Enterprise Engagement technology platforms in an extensive Internet search, six of which responded to our request for additional information on their technologies.

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