EEA Offers First Executive Training Program on Stakeholder Management
Business leaders worldwide are talking about Stakeholder Capitalism. The bewly expanded Enterprise Engagement Alliance Stakeholder Management Implementation Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the systems and tactics with contributions from world-wide pioneers in the implementation of Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement—the theory, framework, and practical implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles. This comprehensive learning program is included in individual and corporate membership program of the EEA. Click here to join.
- Requirement No. I: Strategic CEO Leadership
- Designed for Boards, CEOs, the C-Suite, General Management, and Educators
- Curriculum Overview
- The Faculty
- The Opportunity for Investors, Boards, Executives and Solution Providers
- EEA Member Learning and Certification Benefits
- Certification Opportunities
The pioneers and early leaders in Stakeholder Capitalism are contributing their expertise to the first known executive training program on Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement, the practical application processes of this new approach to capitalism. The education and six books are included in the price of membership in the Enterprise Engagement Alliance for both individuals and companies, and a free limited membership is available for academics and students. EEA individual and corporate membership includes six core books on the theory and implementation processes from leading experts in Stakeholder Capitalism, as well as about a dozen training webinars exclusive to EEA members on all aspects of strategic and tactical implementation. Click here to learn more about EEA membership benefits and to join.
The multi-part video education program and six books from Stakeholder Capitalism and human capital leaders are included in Enterprise Engagement Alliance individual and corporate membership, with all but the books included for academic and student members.
Requirement No. I: Strategic CEO Leadership

This program aims to address a serious gap in executive leadership training. “The business world is beginning to talk about Stakeholder Capitalism, but not many companies are taking strategic action because the subject is not taught in school. In addition, most are unaware of the practical frameworks already developed by academic and business experts and embodied in ISO 30414 Human Capital reporting and ISO 10018 People Engagement standards,” observes Bruce Bolger, founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance. “Stakeholder management theory and an enterprise approach to engagement can do for people management what ISO 9001 standards have accomplished for quality in manufacturing.” 

Adds Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance at the London Business School, “I am pleased that Grow the Pie was selected as part of the core curriculum to emphasize that there’s a business case for purposeful business – serving society isn’t just worthy or a nice ideal, but central to the long-term success of a company.“
Designed for Boards, CEOs, the C-Suite, General Management, and Educators
This one-of-a-kind education program is designed for educators and students, boards, CEOs and the C-suite, investors and all managers at organizations seeking to benefit from the last bastion of value creation: the contribution all your stakeholders—customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities. Unlike other education programs, the EEA Stakeholder Management education program focuses on the alignment of management and engagement practices across the enterprise, rather than looking at human resources and marketing in siloes.

The education objective is to provide the economic justification and practical implementation roadmap for creating returns for shareholders by creating value for all your stakeholders through a proactive, strategic process, with clear measurements and transparent reporting. The curriculum is based on the same strategic and systematic approach proven to have helped enhance quality in manufacturing with the help of ISO 9001 Quality Management standards.

Concludes Eric Darrisaw, Principal, Lazarus Advisors, a boutique advisory firm focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance, and a board member of the ICCR (Interfaith Council on Corporate Responsibility, possibly the first and possibly the largest ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) investor advocacy group. “It’s time to stop treating DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) as a responsibility and compliance issue. It’s a business opportunity for organizations to help develop an educated workforce and prosperous consumers from all walks of life, and to support clean water, air, and other policies that foster greater health and well-being of their stakeholders."
Curriculum Overview

The Stakeholder Management program is included in the annual membership of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance for $425 for individuals, $1,075 for companies, and free to educators (books are extra), and includes six books and a dozen training videos covering:
• Stakeholder Management principles
• The Economics of Stakeholder Capitalism
• 21st Century Leadership—Powering Culture and Success
• The Implications for ESG Investors
• Humanizing Human Capital
• The ROI of DEI
• Human Capital ROI

• Enterprise Engagement implementation, including:
o Business operating systems
o Brand alignment
o Culture
o Benefits
o Employee engagement
o Sales engagement
o Channel engagement
o Customer engagement (loyalty)
o Job Design
o ISO Human Capital Reporting
o Rewards and Recognition
o Incentive Programs
o Innovation and collaboration
The Faculty
The faculty consists of academic and business pioneers in the world of Stakeholder Management, Stakeholder Capitalism, Enterprise Engagement, and human capital management, metrics, reporting and multiple engagement tactics. Click here for a video introduction to some of the faculty in an Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube video explaining the principles behind Stakeholder Capitalism and its practical implementation.
Edward Freeman, Professor, Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, author of the field’s original 1983 textbook Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, who focuses on the foundational principles of stakeholder management implementation.
Alex Edmans, Professor, London Business School, and author of Grow the Pie, How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, on the financial and business model for Stakeholder Capitalism.
Ralph Specht, Co-Founder, Spark44, an international ad agency, and author of Building Corporate Soul: Powering Culture & Success with the Soul System.
Dr. Solange Charas, Adjunct Professor on Human Capital Management, Columbia University, New York University, and University of Southern California, and author of the upcoming Humanizing Human Capital: Invest in Your People for Optimal Business Results, on human capital management, reporting, and the links to financial reporting, and who has held multiple senior human resources management positions.
Eric Darrisaw, Principal, Lazarus Advisors, a boutique advisory firm focused on Environmental, Social, and Governance, on the ROI of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Why focusing on the opportunities of DEI is a better approach than focusing on the responsibilities.
Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, and author of Enterprise Engagement for CEOs and Enterprise Engagement: the Roadmap,” on the practical implementation processes that align internal and external engagement efforts and break down siloes to support organization.
In addition, most of the training sessions include experts on the Enterprise Engagement Alliance advisory board, many of whom are academic and practical business experts representing almost all areas of engagement.
The Opportunity for Investors, Boards, Executives and Solution Providers
This is a unique opportunity investors, academics, and management to gain a head start and competitive advantage mastering a cross-functional discipline that has become critical to organizational success at every level: the ability to foster the proactive involvement of all stakeholders in your organization’s purpose, mission, and goals. It’s a crash course in the implementation process of the “Social” of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG), increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism, based on Stakeholder Management principles first formulated by Edward Freeman, an academic contributor to this program.
This highly practical curriculum and certification program provides management and academics at every level—from boards and the C-suite to front-line management--a practical guide to profiting from the benefits of stakeholder management: creating returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities.
Led by world-recognized experts in all areas of engagement and management, this inter-disciplinary, cross-functional curriculum is designed for academics and business leaders seeking to address what many believe to be the last bastion of value creation.
This curriculum and framework is based on theory first published in book form in the academic world by Edward Freeman in 1983 and a proven implementation approach to foster enterprise-wide engagement embedded in ISO 9001 Quality Management standards and ISO 10018 People Engagement standards. This CEO-led, strategic and systematic approach undeniably helped transform manufacturing in the 1990s and beyond by encouraging a CEO-led strategic, systematic, and carefully measured approach based on continuous improvement, and whose principles can now do the same for people management.
EEA Member Learning and Certification Benefits
I. Six Books (Included for paid members only).
Six books for individual members; (Two copies of each for corporate members, with more available for an additional fee based on quantity.) Ask about special pricing for academic members and classes.
- Managing for Stakeholders, by Edward Freeman. The theory and principles of stakeholder management from the academic founder of the field.
- Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, by Alex Edmans. The financial principles of Stakeholder Capitalism based on research.
- Building Corporate Soul: Powering Culture & Success with the Soul System by Ralph Specht, on the new approach to leadership and culture in the world of stakeholder management.
- Humanizing Human Capital: Invest in Your People for Optimal Business Returns, by Dr. Solange Charas and Stela Lupushor. The information needed to drive today’s people-oriented organization.
- Enterprise Engagement: for CEOs, by Bruce Bolger. The practical guide for executives seeking to bake stakeholder management into current organizational processes.
- Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, by Bruce Bolger, Allan Schweyer, and Richard Kern. A detailed guide to all the tactics involved with stakeholder management.
II. Video Self -Training (available to all members)
A series of 11 videos that will be held live to the public and then on demand only to EEA members.
A series of 11 videos that will be held live to the public and then on demand only to EEA members.
- Stakeholder Management Principles (on demand) | Edward Freeman, Professor, Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, a founder of the Stakeholder Management field, provides the theory and principles underlying stakeholder management.
- The Financial Basis for Stakeholder Capitalism (on demand) | Alex Edmans, Professor, London Business School, demonstrates how organizations can achieve profits and fulfill a purpose at the same time.
- Stakeholder Capitalism Leadership Principles (on demand) | Ralph Specht, co-founder, Spark44, shares the leadership framework for stakeholder capitalism CEOs.
- The Fundamentals of Human Capital Management and Analytics (on demand) | Dr. Solange Charas, Adjunct Professor on Human Capital Management shares the human capital metrics that have a direct connection to financial results.
- The ROI of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (on demand) | Eric Darrisaw, Principal, Lazarus Advisors, outlines how to address DEI as a business opportunity rather than as a responsibility, and how DEI and human capital are related issues for investors.
- Enterprise Engagement Tactics (6 videos on demand) | Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance outlines the key engagement tactics used to help engage and align all stakeholders in a common purpose and objectives, with expert guest panelists in each session.
III. Live Monthly Member Meetings With Guest Experts
Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, and others host guest faculty and experts in all areas engagement in live sessions to share the latest trends and insights and to answer member questions about the certification tests or any issues related to engagement in off-the-record sessions available to all business and academic members. All members receive summaries of key points without attribution.
The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers two levels of certification.
Certified Engagement Practitioner—available to any EEA member who demonstrates an overall understanding of the field in a one-hour recorded video meeting. The applicant must be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the definition, economic principles, implementation framework, engagement tactics and how they work together, return on investment measures, and human capital reporting. Candidates receive a clear certification test outline in advance to help with preparation.
Cost: $350* for a certification good for five years to EEA members in good standing.
Advanced Engagement Practitioner—available to any EEA member and CEP recipient who has at least five years of management experience. The applicant must submit a written case study of an enterprise engagement process he or she was involved with or oversaw demonstrating how it applied a strategic and systematic approach to achieve a core organizational goal through appropriate stakeholders, as well as answer questions in a one-hour recorded webinar meeting.
Cost: $350* for an AEP certification good for five years for EEA members in good standing with a CEP certification.
*Ask about scholarships and allowances for developing nations.
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Master the “S” of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG), A.k.a. Stakeholder Capitalism
The Enterprise Engagement Alliance at is the world’s first and only organization that focuses on outreach, certification and training, and advisory services to help organizations achieve their goals by fostering the proactive involvement of all stakeholders. This includes customers, employees, distribution and supply chain partners, and communities, or anyone connected to an organization’s success.
Training and Thought Leadership
- Founded in 2008, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance provides outreach, learning and certification in Enterprise Engagement, an implementation process for the “S” or Social of Stakeholder Capitalism and Human Capital Management and measurement of engagement across the organization.
- The Enterprise Engagement Alliance provides a training and certification program for business leaders, practitioners, and solution providers, as well as executive briefings and human capital gap analyses for senior leaders.
- The EEA produces an education program for CFOs for the CFO.University training program on Human Capital Management.
- Join the EEA to become a leader in the implementation of the “S” of ESG and Stakeholder Capitalism.
Engagement Digital Media and Marketplaces
- The ESM information portal and The Enterprise Engagement Advisors Network solution provider marketplace cover all aspects of stakeholder engagement, and the EEA information library lists dozens of resources.
- The RRN information portal and Brand Media Coalition marketplace address the use of brands for gifting, incentives, recognition, and promotions. The BMC information library provides information and research resources.
Video Learning
The EEA Human Capital Management and ROI of Engagement YouTube channel features a growing library of 30- to 60-minute panel discussions with leading experts in all areas of engagement and total rewards.
- Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Blue Book for People-Centric Capitalists. A quick guide for CEOs.
- Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap 5th Edition implementation guide. A comprehensive textbook for practitioners, academics, and students.
Enterprise Engagement Advisory Services
The Engagement Agency helps:
- Organizations of all types develop strategic Stakeholder Capitalism and Enterprise Engagement processes and human capital management and reporting strategies; conduct human capital gap analyses; design and implement strategic human capital management and reporting plans that address DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and assist with managed outsourcing of engagement products and services.
- Human resources, sales and marketing solution providers profit from the emerging discipline of human capital management and ROI of engagement through training and marketing services.
- Investors make sense of human capital reporting by public companies.
- Buyers and sellers of companies in the engagement space or business owners or buyers who seek to account for human capital in their mergers and acquistions.
For more information: Contact Bruce Bolger at or call 914-591-7600, ext. 230.