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Rewards & Recognition

''Winner's Circle'' Builds Honda's Warrenty Sales

The "Winners' Circle" program logo and theme were designed around the popular motocross cross-country motorcycle race, and featured the No. 1 plate that is awarded to winners. Honda is a leader in production of off-road motocross bikes and a sponsor of the No. 1 team in the sport. Therefore, the logo and theme were a natural tie-in for use in printed material. ... [ read more ]

10 Trends in Motivational Merchandise

Published: Jan 14, 2015

A new study by the Incentive Research Foundation, 10 Trends for Merchandise and Gift Card Programs in 2015, notes that retaining top performers and preparing them to take over the reigns during the next decade is a top priority for most organizations. A crucial part of that process will involve Merchandise and Gift Card... [ read more ]

A Day At The Fair

There’s amusement to be had for all at a carnival. There are spinning, flashing rides, whimsical music and, of course, icy snow cones. These things came to mind when Lynne DuVivier, president of Westport, Connecticut-based The Creative Factor, Inc. (UPIC: CREATEIT) was approached by HBO to develop a campaign for its show, Carnivàle.... [ read more ]

A Mexican Mosaic

The program’s theme was the inspiration for a “Mexican Mosaic Bingo” game that was designed to encourage dealerships to focus on the nine-targeted initiatives. In order to qualify for one trip, dealers had to meet the targets for the three main initiatives, represented by three boxes running diagonally left to right on the bingo card. Once those targets were reached, the dealership had the option to earn another trip by meeting the targets for two other initiatives, giving them another line of bingo running horizontally, diagonally or vertically. Dealers who filled in the entire bingo card by meeting all sales targets qualified for a third trip. The 2005 Mexican Mosaic Dealer Incentive Program achieved record-setting numbers. ... [ read more ]

A Trip to Remember - Video Wins Telly Award

USMotivation produced a documentary-style video to capture trip highlights, South African scenery, and participant reflections during the trip. Shortly after participants returned home from their unforgettable experience, the video diary was mailed to their homes as a keepsake of their South African safari, and Cape Town odyssey. ... [ read more ]

Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), founded in 1936, has members from more than 400 advertisers, advertising agencies, research firms, media companies, educational institutions, and international organizations. Its mission is to improve the practice of advertising, marketing, and media research in pursuit of more effective marketing and advertising communications.... [ read more ]

AEIS - Max! Employee Reward & Recognition Program

American Express Incentive Services (AEIS) needed a short, catchy, and memorable way to link recognition with high performance and to convey the value that it places on its people. The Max! employee recognition program was developed to create and enhance a high performance culture, and was based on the premise that the Max!-imum performance of AEIS employees is worthy of Max!–imum recognition. The Max! Employee Reward & Recognition Program is personified via Max!, a graphic character who embodies the spirit of a champion. The custom-designed, blue-skinned superhero dons a red cape and tie and carries a briefcase in his quest for superior performance. He's helped along the way by AEIS peers, supervisors, and officers who know the value of recognizing and rewarding achievement. ... [ read more ]

American Marketing Association (AMA)

The American Marketing Association, one of the largest professional associations for marketers, has 38,000 members worldwide in every area of marketing. For over six decades the AMA has been the leading source for information, knowledge sharing and development in the marketing profession.... [ read more ]

An Exploratory Study of Sales Incentive Programs

This study delves into the mechanics of sales incentive programs, providing managers with useful information to design successful sales initiatives at their own companies and providing their corporate decision makers with hard evidence. It found that properly structured programs can increase sales by at least 10 percent. ... [ read more ]

Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program

This recently conducted analysis by The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF)of one company's long-standing use of travel awards as a motivational tool shows that such incentives have a clear, measurable and positive impact on corporate culture and employee performance, as well as a broader "ripple effect" on the economy of the region where an incentive travel program (ITP) is held.

Overall, the study concluded that the importance of these programs should not be undervalued; their impact and their value reach well beyond the typical event timeline. Earners of the incentive travel program are far from the only beneficiaries of the program. The sponsoring company, the destination and the suppliers all receive significant benefits as well.

... [ read more ]

Assessing the Impact of Sales Incentive Programs: A Business Process Perspective

This study, sponsored by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), looks at questioins that are rarely posed in relation to sales incentive programs: How do sales incentives affect procurement and cost of goods? Shipping? Cash flow? It suggests that developing an incentive program with a focus on sales growth alone, with no consideration for other business functions can produce 1) an adverse affect on cash flow, 2) a possible disruption in supplies, 3) extra shipping costs for ordered merchandise, and 4) a possible impact on customer quality. A "business process" approach, on the other hand, one that takes into account the impact on other business functions, "enables the planning and creation of the needed infrastructure and additional investments, where necessary, to support the results arising from the sales incentive program," the author says.... [ read more ]

At Last, A Real Way to Measure ROI

A study designed to determine which aspects of selling respond to incentive travel and how that response can be measured. Researchers surveyed 1,800 subscribers of Meetings and Incentive Travel magazine and 3,000 members of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association. To present an in-depth picture of incentive travel, and to provide a practical template for determining program ROI, the authors made a point of recording views of both the people who win the awards and those executives who allocate the money to fund them. ... [ read more ]

BigPond Points Program Drives Product Understanding and Growth

BigPond relies on a sales force of predominately male, tech savvy young people to sell their internet products to department and electronics stores, independent telecommunications retailers, and inbound and outbound call centers. They were challenged to motivate these GenYs to focus on their products, especially when competitors were undercutting on price. The “BigPoints” dealer incentive program, playing on the BigPond name, was developed online to build brand affinity and keep BigPond visible on the front line of selling. ... [ read more ]

BMW Financial Services "10 Series"

BMW Financial Services had experienced 6 years of success. Its biggest challenge for 2006 was to condense its programs into a unified Web portal for its dealers, sales managers, and sales representatives. The target group of sales professionals was predominantly male, between the ages of 30 and 45, and comprised of 1,458 individuals segmented into 66 distinct profiles, who were spread over 11 urban geographic locations. By creating a unique communications tool, BMW sought to make the BMW Financial Service “10 Series” web portal a daily working tool for its entire sales force and to make sales contest information easier to access and more efficient to provide. ... [ read more ]

Brand Activation Association

The Brand Activation Association has a broad focus on all the disciplines required to activate a brand's strategy, from creative strategies to measurement, on topics from omni-channel marketing to experiential marketing and social media. BAA builds on its membership knowledge base, spanning expertise in strategy through activation, and across all touch points.... [ read more ]

Building Bonanza

To encourage current members to recruit new members, Meeting Professionals Internaltional used a construction-themed reward program with three travel awards as top prizes.... [ read more ]

Capture Los Cabos

The "Capture Los Cabos" program clearly demonstrates that well-designed incentive programs deliver measurable return on investment.... [ read more ]

Checkers/Rally's Hi-Performance Super Human Crew Contest

Checkers/Rally’s joined forces with a report-card-carrying super-sleuth who possessed the authority to issue Speeding Tickets. These Speeding Tickets transformed to prizes, which were sourced by GDM, and prizes were to produce employee retention and rising sales. ... [ read more ]

Compaq COMmunity and Gold Rush

In addition to addressing regional challenges, Compaq was well aware that a soft economy and market speculation regarding the Compaq/HP merger could further impact sales. They needed an incentive program that would ensure that resellers would focus on the Compaq offering. Part of COMPAQ COMmunity, Gold Rush was launched as the 2001 fourth quarter sales incentive program, offering "instant rewards" to those who met their targets in a number of categories. To succeed, the Gold Rush program needed to generate sales without encouraging competition on price, keep the resellers’ attention for the quarter, provide obtainable targets, and offer an incentive that went "over and above" that of any of Compaq’s competitors. ... [ read more ]

Compaq's Salespeople ''Reach for the Stars''

Reseller sales reps earned reward points for sales of Deskpro computers and Proliant service. In addition, management was able to award supplemental points for such goals as increased knowledge retention, add-on sales, and attendance requirements. ... [ read more ]

Creativity Delivers Results on a Limited Budget

A midweek program in late May at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas used the hotel's decor as inspiration and as the backdrop for recreating the myth of Atlantis. The Poseidon tale was carried out over two evenings, including a gala awards night themed "Night of Poseidon" and a beachfront feast-of-the gods party. ... [ read more ]

Cruise Builds Market Share, Brand Loyalty

John Deere agricultural dealers sell and service equipment and parts. Loans and leases through the company for these items generate profit and build brand loyalty. So it was logical that John Deere's first credit-related promotion would be designed to increase credit/lease acceptances, market share, and brand loyalty. ... [ read more ]

Dime Insurance Group

Salespeople earned points for policies they sold. They then turned points into 3, 5 or 7 night stays at any of Marriott's Vacation Clubs. Those who earned the highest points also received airfare. Winners could stay at any of Marriott Vacation Clubs' 51 resorts in 29 destinations, and there were no restrictions on travel dates. ... [ read more ]

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