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Rewards & Recognition

Fast-Start Promo Grabs Attention

The company's "Here's the Scoop" campaign was launched with an overnight Styrofoam package that was delivered to every Mazda parts manager. Inside was a 12-pack of gourmet Pfaelzer ice cream truffles. The ice cream treats were chosen to symbolize the freshness and quality of Interstate Batteries. A booklet detailed the promotion's objectives and awards: for every order placed for batteries during the month, the dealer was entered in a sweepstakes, with prizes ranging from Super Bowl tickets to National Football League (NFL) logo leather jackets and autographed footballs. A special incentive was available to district managers who achieved 80% or more participation. These awards included race jackets and tickets to the Brickyard 400 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, a natural tie-in because Interstate Batteries was sponsoring one of the racers. ... [ read more ]

Federation Study 2007: A Study of the Incentive Merchandise and Travel Marketplace

The Incentive Federation contracted with GfK, an international market research company, to develop and conduct a market sizing study of the U.S. marketplace for incentive travel and merchandise. Results showed that, overall, 34% of companies used either incentive travel or merchandise incentives in 2006, spending a total of $46.1 billion on incentive programs. Breaking down that total, the study finds that companies spent $13.4 billion on incentive travel and 32.7 billion on merchandise incentives. In addition, more than half of the study participants expect their future spending on incentive programs to increase.... [ read more ]

GE Focus

GE Lighting Systems, a division of General Electric Lighting, designs, manufactures and markets a complete line of lighting fixtures for illuminating streets and highways, industrial and hazardous location facilities, parking lots, building facades, parks, and sporting facilities. ... [ read more ]

How to Make the Shift to a PPMM Strategy

No doubt some people might dismiss Integrated Marketing as a passing fad, and who would view the burgeoning discipline of People Performance Management and Measurement (PPMM) as a buzz phrase or "flavor-of-the-month" marketing strategy.... [ read more ]

HunterDouglas Promo Strengthens Distribution Network

The campaign would have to increase brand reach, frequency, and sales; allow fabricators to maintain their own identity; and accommodate a range of retailers from individual designers to multistore chains. For its "Windows to the World" campaign, travel rewards were selected as the most effective motivator. Retailers would have a choice of six travel destinations based on product purchases. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Federation

The Incentive Federation Inc. is the umbrella organization founded to promote, protect, and research the incentive field, encompassing recognition, promotional products, and related promotions. In addition to being the industry's primary lobbying entity, the Incentive Federation provides the infrastructure for industry-wide corporate outreach efforts spearheaded by the Incentive Performance Center, as well as for the research developed by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement at Northwestern University. Plus, the Incentive Federation commissions the industry's only benchmark studies on the use of incentives by U.S. organizations. All suppliers and customers in the incentive and promotion marketplace benefit from these initiatives.... [ read more ]

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC)

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC), is a strategic industry group within the Incentive Marketing Association. The IGCC educates the incentive marketplace and the corporate community on the benefits of gift cards, including choice, value and service, and other key attributes recipients say that they want their awards to have. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA)

The Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA), a branch of Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), represents factory-direct salespeople in the incentive business, along with manufacturers. IMRA publishes a handbook for suppliers, conducts an annual marketing conference, and offers a free directory of incentive representatives. As a member, you automatically become a member of the IMRA.... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association (IMA)

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) promotes the use of incentive programs as effective marketing and motivational tools. Membership includes manufacturers, representatives, distributors, incentive houses, gift certificate suppliers, and marketing agencies. IMA also holds annual education programs at trade shows as well as information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to its members and to businesses to help them effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customers. IMA offers a complimentary listing of incentive product and service providers. IMA is also the umbrella organization for several Strategic Industry Groups, including the Global Incentive Council, IMA-Canada Council, Incentive Gift Card Council, Incentive Manufacturers and Representatives Alliance, Performance Improvement Council, and the Incentive Technology Council. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association - Canada Council (IMA-CC)

IMA-CC, a branch of the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), provides information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to the Canadian corporate community to promote the use of incentives. IMA-CC’s primary goals are to build awareness within the corporate community on how to effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customer groups, with the ultimate goal of improving corporate performance.... [ read more ]

Incentive Program Powers Sydney's Monorail System

As a result, Monorail management decided to concentrate on servicing the tourism and corporate meetings markets. Due to the highly competitive nature of the transit and tourism industry, TNT opted for an employee incentive program that emphasized service and sales goals for workers. Increases in certain high-yield fare products covered the cost of running the incentive program while providing return-on-investment for the company. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Research Foundation

The Incentive Research Foundation funds and promotes research to advance the science, enhance the awareness and appropriate application of motivation and incentives in business and industry globally. The goal is to increase the understanding, effective use and resultant benefits of incentives to businesses that currently use incentives and others interested in improved performance... [ read more ]

Incentive Travel and Engagement

Published: Jun 24, 2015

A new study by the Incentive Research Foundation, Rebounding the Recession: The Future of Incentive Travel 2014, finds that incentive travel rewards are perfectly matched to the emerging needs of today’s multi-generational workforce and ... [ read more ]

Incentives and the Automotive Industry

This paper explores the different types of consumer, dealer, and aftermarket incentives used in the automotive industry. It also looks at how advertising agencies view incentives. It examines traditional incentive strategies and concludes with advice on program implementation.... [ read more ]

Incentives, Motivation, & Workplace Performance

A summary of research by the ISPI (International Society of Performance Improvement) on the impact of incentive programs and the essential implementation steps necessary for success. Shows how helpful incentive and motivation programs can be in terms of engaging employees and improving performance.... [ read more ]

Inspiring 'Brand Loyalty' for Your Incentive Program

Published: Jun 11, 2012

‘Repeat business or behavior can be bribed. Loyalty has to be earned’ - Janet Robinson While Ms. Robinson may have been referring to brand loyalty or product loyalty as opposed to customer loyalty programs in the above quote, her words illustrate a very important concept. Incentive programs don’t start with built-in loyalty and customer buy-in. Without question, incentive programs need to generate loyalty – not only from senior management, but also from the customers they’re trying to entice. An effective program will excel for both management and customers when it is built with a foundation that provides a clear vision for success. In fact, many established programs have been assembled using five critical building blocks that inspire brand loyalty among customers. ... [ read more ]

International SITE Foundation

Founded in 1973, Society of Incentive and Travel Executives (SITE) is the only international, not-for-profit, professional association devoted to the pursuit of excellence in incentives, a multi-billion dollar global industry. SITE provides educational seminars and information services to those who design, develop, promote, sell, administer, and operate motivational programs as an incentive to increase productivity in business. Currently SITE has over 2,100 members in 87 countries, with 35 local and regional chapters. Members represent corporate executives, incentive companies, destination management companies, travel & event planners, official tourist organizations, transportation companies, hotels and resorts, cruise lines, trade publications, and supporting organizations such as restaurants and visitors attractions. ... [ read more ]

International Society for Performance Improvement

Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI represents more than 10,000 international and chapter members throughout the United States, Canada, and 40 other countries. ISPI's mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of our members and advocate the use of Human Performance Technology. Assembling an Annual Conference & Expo and other educational events like the Institute, publishing books and periodicals, and supporting research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving this mission. ... [ read more ]

IRF: Generations in the Workforce & Marketplace

Published: Aug 6, 2015

Keeping employees happy, productive and loyal is essential to the long-term health of any company. But generational differences in the workforce tend to complicate matters when it comes to essential elements of employee engagement such as rewards and recognition... [ read more ]

Is your reward program really engaging people?

Published: Jul 16, 2015

Tom McMullen, writing recently on the Hay Group blog, notes that a recent study of World@Work members found only 11% of organizations conduct a formal ROI assessment of their reward programs. However, 48% of respondents said they planned to more rigorously assess... [ read more ]

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