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American Advertising Federation (AAF)

American Advertising Federation (AAF) binds the mutual interests of corporate advertisers, agencies, media companies, suppliers, and academia as well as promoting diversity in advertising by hiring from a diverse culture pool. Member benefits include an annual marketing conference, an advertising conference, a government conference, publications, and a job bank.

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American Business Media

Founded in 1906, American Business Media is the association of business information providers, delivering business intelligence to industry, Madison Avenue, Wall Street and the Beltway. Its 350 -plus member companies reach an audience of more than 100 million professionals and represent nearly 6,000 print and online titles and 1,000 trade shows and well over $26 billion in annual revenues.

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American Drive-In Theater

This series of media mailings was meant to promote consumer interest in a new book on American drive-ins.

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American International Toy Fair

American International Toy Fair® is the largest toy trade show in the Western Hemisphere. More than 1,500 manufacturers, distributors, importers and sales agents from 30 countries showcase their toy and entertainment products. From classic toys to interactive entertainment and everything in between, we have it all! Products include: action figures and dolls, games and puzzles, bicycles, tricycles and ride-ons, radio-controlled vehicles, infant and preschool toys, cars, trucks and trains, puppets and plush, audio and video cassettes, computer software and video games, playground and sporting equipment, Halloween, Christmas, books, stationery, party supplies, and much more!

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American Marketing Association (AMA)

The American Marketing Association, one of the largest professional associations for marketers, has 38,000 members worldwide in every area of marketing. For over six decades the AMA has been the leading source for information, knowledge sharing and development in the marketing profession.

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American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)

ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in almost 136 U.S. chapters and 26 Global Networks. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.

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An Apple Theme Is ''Successful To The Core''

Each employee received a T-shirt imprinted with the company's core values and philosophies, an apple stress ball, and a behavior profile describing the "Successful to the Core" ideals. Employees were then asked to nominate fellow workers who exhibited these core values. The names were placed in an apple suggestion box. Nominees received wooden apples, and their pictures were displayed on a bulletin board labeled "Apple of Our Eye." Every quarter, one nominated employee was presented with an acrylic apple by the division head.

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An Exploratory Study of Sales Incentive Programs

This study delves into the mechanics of sales incentive programs, providing managers with useful information to design successful sales initiatives at their own companies and providing their corporate decision makers with hard evidence. It found that properly structured programs can increase sales by at least 10 percent.

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An Exploratory Study of Sales Incentive Programs

This study provides a research-based look at the impact of sales incentive plans on individual sales performance and on organizational profitability.

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Analyzing Sales Promotion: Text & Cases : How to Profit from the New Power of Promotion Marketing

Uses sales data generated by in-store electronic scanners to explain sales promotion strategy and its place in an integrated marketing program.

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Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program

This recently conducted analysis by The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF)of one company's long-standing use of travel awards as a motivational tool shows that such incentives have a clear, measurable and positive impact on corporate culture and employee performance, as well as a broader "ripple effect" on the economy of the region where an incentive travel program (ITP) is held.

Overall, the study concluded that the importance of these programs should not be undervalued; their impact and their value reach well beyond the typical event timeline. Earners of the incentive travel program are far from the only beneficiaries of the program. The sponsoring company, the destination and the suppliers all receive significant benefits as well.

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Annual Call Center Exhibition (ACCE)

The Annual Call Center Exhibition (ACCE) offers a variety of educational tracks and sessions presented in several different formats focusing on customer relationship management (CRM), call center management, and technology. The exhibit hall includes providers of a large range of solutions and services, including quality monitoring, information technology, and interactive voice recognition.

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Annual IMA Executive Summit

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) produces an annual Executive Summit attended by delegates from every supplier category in the incentive field. This conference, the largest event of its kind, includes educational and networking events that help incentive professionals expand their incentive program knowledge and marketing partner network. IMA’s Executive Summit is the premier annual conference that offers you the opportunity to network, benchmark and learn from your colleagues – professionals representing every segment of the incentive marketplace.

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Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere I Choose: The Enduring Popularity of Gift Cards

Four industry experts sit down to discuss the evolution of this adaptable and accessible motivational mainstay

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APA Center for Organizational Excellence

The Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program (PHWP) is a collaborative effort between the American Psychological Association and the APA Practice Organization, designed to educate the employer community about the link between employee health and well-being and organizational performance. It offers an awards program and sponsors an annual Psychologically Healthy Workplace conference, among other activities.

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Assessing the Impact of Sales Incentive Programs: A Business Process Perspective

This study, sponsored by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), looks at questioins that are rarely posed in relation to sales incentive programs: How do sales incentives affect procurement and cost of goods? Shipping? Cash flow? It suggests that developing an incentive program with a focus on sales growth alone, with no consideration for other business functions can produce 1) an adverse affect on cash flow, 2) a possible disruption in supplies, 3) extra shipping costs for ordered merchandise, and 4) a possible impact on customer quality. A "business process" approach, on the other hand, one that takes into account the impact on other business functions, "enables the planning and creation of the needed infrastructure and additional investments, where necessary, to support the results arising from the sales incentive program," the author says.

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ASTD International Conference & Exposition

The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) annual conference and expo covers a wide range of training topics in concurrent sessions, and many sessions are directly or indirectly related to sales or customer service training. There are also pre- and post-conference workshops and a large exposition.

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AstraZeneca Leads the Way to Enterprise Engagement

This feature article from Engagement Strategies Magazine looks at how AstraZeneca's internal and external engagement efforts have helped to make it one of Fortune Magazine's "Most Admired Companies."

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AstraZeneca Receives First EEA Award of Achievement

Melanie Lewis, Director of Sales Engagement at AstraZeneca, accepted the EEA's first Enterprise Engagement Award of Achievement on behalf of AstraZeneca.

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At American Airlines, the People are the Process

A strategic communications effort keeps employees involved in improving the customer experience, which in turn drives company performance

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At Last, A Real Way to Measure ROI

This study, sponsored by the Incentive Research Foundation, attempts to find a practical model for determining the return on investment (ROI) for sales and dealer incentive travel programs.

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At Last, A Real Way to Measure ROI

A study designed to determine which aspects of selling respond to incentive travel and how that response can be measured. Researchers surveyed 1,800 subscribers of Meetings and Incentive Travel magazine and 3,000 members of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association. To present an in-depth picture of incentive travel, and to provide a practical template for determining program ROI, the authors made a point of recording views of both the people who win the awards and those executives who allocate the money to fund them.

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ATA National Convention & Expo

This conference and expo offered by the American Teleservices Association (ATA) focuses on delivering the brand promise and an "ideal customer experience" through teleservices

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Avoiding Brand Damage

How to determine whether partnerships will help or hurt your brand

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Awards Selection Study Phase I: Preliminary Insights From Managers

This study by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement looks at the relative effectiveness of cash vs. non-cash incentives in a variety of motivational applications.

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Awards Selection Study Phase I: Preliminary Insights From Managers

This study addresses the role of cash and noncash reward systems in corporations to provide a better means of determining when to use which type of award system.

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Awards: Branded Merchandise

Based on research from an Incentive Federation Survey of Motivation and Incentive Applications, this article looks at benefits of using brand name incentives and rewards in both internal and external marketing programs. It also looks at the most popular types of non-cash awards used in motivation and incentive applications.

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Awards: Cash

This short article looks at the pros and cons of using cash as an incentive.

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Awards: Compensation Vs. Recognition

This look at the different definitions and objectives of compensation versus recognition suggests that cash awards don't work as well as non-cash awards in incentive programs.

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Awards: Gift Cards

This article looks at the types of gift cards that are available and the pros and cons of their use in consumer promotions and in employee and channel incentive programs.

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