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Toyota Sales Society Boosts Sales and Service Quality

Managed by Synchro since 2002, the Toyota Sales Society 2007 program encompassed all customer-facing Vehicle Sales and AfterSales (accessories, parts, service) staff in TMC Australia’s 224 dealerships. This includes 3,539 retail and fleet sales managers, retail and fleet sales consultants, parts managers, parts sales representatives, parts interpreters, service managers, service advisors; and used vehicle managers from every state in Australia.

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Training magazine covers productivity in American organizations with a focus on the role that training departments and programs play in achieving competitiveness and profitability. Articles cover presentation techniques, computer-based interactive learning, and leadership.

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Training & Development

T&D magazine is published by the American Society of Training & Development (ASTD) and covers the field of workplace learning and performance improvement. Topics range from training in specific skills to strategies for corporate change. Some articles focus on topics related to sales and customer service training.

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Training Effectiveness Handbook: A High-Results System for Design, Delivery, and Evaluation

"Training Effectiveness Handbook" explores new concepts that make training easier and more effective, and enable you to evaluate any training program regardless of instructional style, method, or format. This book includes worksheets, checklists, evaluation forms, and other tools.

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Training magazine's 33rd Annual Event

Join your training peers for Training magazine's 33rd annual event—Training 2010 Conference & Expo, Feb. 1-3, 2010, in San Diego. Experience a world-class program featuring 125+ sessions—including a special keynote event with Stephen Covey Sr. and Jr. together on stage, as well as keynotes by social media, 3D learning, and future workforce gurus.

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Travel Incentives Can Boost Performance and Retention

Incentives have a clear, measurable and positive impact on employee performance and retention, according to the results of an Incentive Research Foundation study of one company’s long-standing use of incentive travel awards as a motivational tool.

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Travel Rewards Bolster Sales, Dealer Retention

The opulent Hotel Carlton served as the qualifiers' home in Cannes, a city renowned for its international film festival. The itinerary featured customized activities, including the London Pacific Video Challenge. Teams were assigned a classic film title and told to create a video around it. Finished films edited by professionals premiered at the final night's gala.

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Turn on the Lights for the DOE

West Valley Nuclear Services Company, part of Washington Group International, manages and operates the WVDP. The Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Program is an integral part of the effort to educate and encourage employees to both minimize waste and prevent pollution, to protect the environment on a local and global scale, and for providing reports, both at the federal and state levels, on the amount of waste generated and minimized. In November 1999, the Secretary of the Department of Energy issued several national goals for all Department of Energy sites, including the reduction of all types of waste streams (radioactive, hazardous, industrial, and sanitary) through the 3R philosophy of reduce, reuse, and recycle, as well as conserving energy and buying recycled products.

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Two New Tools Help Direct Your Engagement Efforts

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) recently announced two key tools to help companies measure engagement: the Enterprise Engagement Indicator , an online survey tool used to determine whether an organization can benefit from a more formal engagement strategy; and the PollStream Enterprise Engagement Meter, residing above on the EEA homepage, which allows individuals to assess their organization’s engagement opportunities.

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Unique Celebrates 25th Anniversary With Travel Rewards

A team of three agencies created the reward trip for Unique, which wanted a sophisticated, urban setting that would appeal to its young, dynamic staff. New York City was chosen as the destination, so the trip was themed "Unique Goes Broadway."

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USTA Council Will Promote Incentives and Events

Following the recent passage of the Travel Promotion Act, the U.S. Travel Association (USTA) announced the creation of a new council that will build a proactive research, communications, government relations and promotion agenda for the meetings and incentives industry.

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Webinar Addresses How Leaders Can Support Engagement

The economics of talent engagement are widely accepted; however the investment begins with how leaders engage their teams. A recent webinar by the Human Capital Institute (HCI) looks at the cost to companies of workers who are disengaged, the return on value they can earn by engaging their work force, and the necessary steps leaders have to take to get things started.

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What is ‘Exponential’ Engagement?

A recent Towers Watson Perspectives examines the growing body of evidence validating the relationship between levels of organizational engagement and financial performance, concluding that...

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When Gathering Information, Any Door is the Right Door

While working as an organizational effectiveness and change management practitioner over the last 15 years, I have had the privilege of working with CEOs and leadership teams to influence and participate in implementing various strategies to address and/or manage business challenges. And, I have also had the opportunity to experience those same types of changes from an employee perspective.

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Whole Latte News

The morning newspaper and a cup of steaming coffee are natural partners. When six new coffee shops opened in downtown Traverse City within twelve months, the Traverse City Record-Eagle decided to take advantage of this "morning" momentum. Working with Nouveautes USA, the paper offered gourmet coffee to new and old subscribers who signed up for twelve months of Record-Eagle home delivery using automatic bill payment. The "Whole Latte News" consumer offer targeted well-educated, business professionals with an annual household income of $50,000 or more. The choice of incentive, gourmet Gevalia® coffee (distributed exclusively by NouveautesUSA™), helped drive home the core selling point of the campaign – the price and duration of the E-Z Pay subscription. For $12.00 per month for 12 months, new customers received 12 packs of Gevalia® coffee.

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Why Incentive Programs Endure Recessions

This white paper, produced by the Incentive Performance Center (IPC), explores why incentive programs tend to thrive during times of economic stress.

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Why Incentive Programs Endure Recessions

Historically, incentive programs, unlike other sales and marketing strategies, have endured economic downturns. In fact, according to a review of past Incentive Federation and industry studies, the incentive industry managed to grow following the recessions that occurred in the late 1980s, after September 11, 2001, and during the downturn of the late 1990s, following the dot-com collapse. In fact, there is no evidence that the industry suffered serious declines following the recession in the late 1970s/early 1980s, and the industry continued to prosper even during the Great Depression when the industry’s trade magazine at the time, Premium Practice, was filled with advertising pages.

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Why Incentive Programs Endure Recessions

Historically, incentive programs, unlike other sales and marketing strategies, have endured economic downturns. In fact, according to a review of past Incentive Federation and industry studies, the incentive industry managed to grow following the recessions that occurred in the late 1980s, after September 11, 2001, and during the downturn of the late 1990s, following the dot-com collapse.

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Why Motivation

Three are many reasons and many ways to motivate customers, salespeople, and employees. Here's an overview.

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Windows to the World – Tierra de los Conquistadores (Land of the Conquistadores)

USMotivation teamed up with Diebold to develop and implement the 2001 Master’s Circle program, Tierra de los Conquistadores (Land of the Conquistadors), a destination-based theme that would build on the Windows to the World umbrella theme for the program. Motivating performance with travel to Puerto Rico, a repeat destination for Diebold, required additional creativity and branding to keep the interest and attention of its team throughout the year.

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Winning with a Culture of Recognition: Recognition Strategies at the World's Most Admired Companie

Employee engagement is the great, untapped resource of most organizations. Yet only 25% of employees are truly engaged in their work. Why are all the others so reluctant to "get in the game"? WINNING WITH A CULTURE OF RECOGNITION: Recognition Strategies at the World's Most Admired Companies reveals the surprising answer: Most managers fail to formally recognize high performance and connect it with company culture. Salary and bonuses are only part of today's employment contract. To get everyone performing together, employers need to create a culture of appreciation, recognition, and reward.

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Workforce Engagement Technology…?

I’ve never seen or heard of an “Engagement Management Solution” per se (if you’re aware of one, please let me know) but there are numerous available HR technologies that, if implemented well, can drive employee engagement to new heights. While these tools don’t address the challenge directly, they do focus on the triggers of employee engagement. In so doing, they can impact employee engagement and performance indirectly.

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Workforce Management

This publication focuses on human resources, staffing, and staff management issues, as well as legal and regulatory issues affecting workforce management.

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World Alliance for Retail

World Alliance for Retail an international alliance of at-retail companies committed to delivering exceptional sales, marketing and service support to manufacturers and retailers.

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WorldatWork is the world's leading not-for-profit professional association dedicated to knowledge leadership in total rewards, compensation, benefits, and work-life. Founded in 1955, WorldatWork focuses on human resources disciplines associated with attracting, motivating and retaining employees. Besides serving as the membership association of the professions, the WorldatWork family of organizations provides education, certification, publications, knowledge resources, surveys, conferences, research and networking.

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You've Got the Power

You've Got the Power was the third in a series of Lowe's employee initiatives designed to build credit card application growth and promote customer loyalty. The promotion successfully combined the power of merchandise incentives and cash to motivate a diverse workforce.

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Young Customers Connect Via Mountain Dew's Beeper Offer

In spite of Mountain Dew's strong market position, Pepsi-Cola wanted to build the brand's loyalty, attract new customers, and keep the growth rate above the industry average. To achieve those goals, the company developed the "Extreme Network" promotion, which offered a beeper in exchange for 10 Mountain Dew proofs of purchase, $29.99, and $5 for shipping and handling. The numeric pagers came with six months of free service. Total value: $125.

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Your Attention Please: How to Appeal to Today's Distracted, Disinterested, Disengaged, Disenchanted, and Busy Audiences

Maybe you're in sales...or marketing...or communications? Maybe you're a writer. Maybe you're even a CEO. Whatever your title, you're one of the hundreds of thousands of professionals who communicate for a living-and you're struggling to get your message heard in a noisy and crowded marketplace. Yes, you know what you want to say and who you want to reach. No, you don't have writer's block and you certainly know how to construct a sentence. So what's the problem? The audience you're writing for is going, going, gone... Today's consumer doesn't want to read anymore-they're already overwhelmed by overflowing e-mail, millions of Web pages, and 24/7 news proliferation. Your Attention, Please. is the new strategy guide for communicating to the reluctant consumer. It shows you who the new audience is, how to reach them, and how you must communicate differently-or risk losing mindshare and marketshare.

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Your Best People are Updating Their Resumes Right Now

Times were tough – they still are. So you cut back on your training budget and you backed off your employee development programs because, let’s face it, it was that or layoffs. Your employees understood – they all nodded their heads in the company meeting when your CEO said it was time for everyone to tighten their belts and work through this difficult year. No one resigned. No one even asked any questions.

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‘Hey! There’s a Person in There!’

To survive and prosper in tumultuous economic times, a firm’s most important operating asset is a resilient, innovative corporate culture – and the engaged employees who promote it from within.

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