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The Corporate Storyteller

Are you struggling to remain an effective communicator in today's high-tech world? Are you feeling intimidated or overburdened by the constant barrage of text messages, emails, FaceBook and Twitter communications? Many corporate executives are, and that's why Elaine Stirling put together this book, which is subtitled "A Writing Manual & Style Guide for the Brave New Business Leader." It offers advice on how to communicate with clarity, confidence, and persuasive style in the workplace, whatever the medium.

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The Customer-Driven Company: Moving from Talk to Action

This book takes a hands-on approach to building a customer-centered organization.

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The Economic Case for People Performance Management and Measurement

This article looks at the compelling research links financial results and customer satisfaction to engaged employees and channel partners.

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The Economic Case for People Performance Management and Measurement

Compelling research links financial results and customer satisfaction to engaged employees and channel partners.

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The Economics of Engagement

In today's economic environment, employers are struggling to find every advantage possible to thrive, grow or simply to stay in business. For most US based organizations payroll represents the largest expense. Advantages therefore, come first and foremost through better talent management.

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The Economics of Engagement

The cost of employee disengagement to U.S. companies in terms of lost productivity, accidents, theft, and turnover is estimated to be as much as $350 billion per year. Disengaged workers are often absent (even when they are at work), disconnected, and often pessimistic about change and new ideas. They have high rates of absenteeism and tend to negatively influence those around them. Engaged workers, on the other hand, are significantly more productive, interact more positively with other employees and new hires, and are much more likely when they interact with customers to create relationships that generate loyalty and increased business. This white paper looks at the best measures available for building engagement among employees along with looking at the ROI for investing in those measures as a way for managers to demonstrate the economics of engagement to top executives.

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The Economics of Engagement

In today's economic environment, employers are struggling to find every advantage possible to thrive, grow or simply to stay in business. For most US based organizations payroll represents the largest expense. Advantages therefore, come first and foremost through better talent management.

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The Economics of Engagement

Most leaders and organizations know the difference between a fully engaged worker and one that is marginally engaged or disengaged. The former brim with enthusiasm, they contribute ideas, are optimistic about the company and its future, are seldom absent from work, they typically stay with the organization longer and are among the organization’s most valuable ambassadors. Disengaged workers, on the other hand, are often absent (even when they are at work). They are disconnected and often pessimistic about change and new ideas. They have high rates of absenteeism and tend to negatively influence those around them, including potential customers and new hires. And the cost of disengagement to U.S. employers is estimated to be as much as $350 billion per year.

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The Economics of Retention

Improving economic conditions, an impending skilled labor shortage, and the proven link between low turnover and profitability are forcing organizations to take a new look at employee retention. This paper suggests that sound retention strategies can not only head off a future problem, they can save money and improve sales today.

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The Economics of Retention

A carefully considered employee retention strategy can help boost engagement and reduce hiring, training, and other costs associated with turnover.

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The Emerging Field of Enterprise Engagement

What is enterprise engagement? This article provides a a definition and background, as well as an overview of the research supporting this important concept, which covers the importance of engaging employees, channel partners, and customers.

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The Essentials of People Performance Management

Outlines the steps involved with planning incentive campaigns for salespeople and other employees, dealers, and distributors.

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The Future of Brands: 25 Visions

A group of 25 worldwide opinion-makers, from CEOs to athletes, comment on the concept and future of brands.

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The Genuine Advantage

The new program needed to capture audience interest with easy-to-understand rules and desirable awards that targeted the needs of various demographic groups. With personalization and flexibility key success factors, the main reward option, American Express PersonaSelect debit cards fit the bill. Winners were able to redeem awards of their choosing within a range of businesses selected by Saab. The communications campaign used graphics to stimulate winners’ imaginations of awards ranging from golf clubs and electronics to jewelry or cooking gear.

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The Handbook of Brand Management

A managerial perspective on how to build and maintain a viable brand identity and a competitive branding strategy. The handbook draws heavily on the use of case studies, including such brands as Marlboro, Perrier, and Pizza Hut. For comprehensive business collections.

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The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First

This book examines why much of the current conventional wisdom is wrong and asks us to re-think the way managers link people with organizational performance. Pfeffer builds a powerful business case for managing people effectively--not just because it makes for good corporate policy, but because it results in outstanding performance and profits.

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The Incentive Research Foundation Vertical Markey Study

Are there differences in how a computer manufacturer plans and implements an incentive program versus how a pharmaceutical company or new car dealer does? What about a commercial banking operation, insurance agency or a telecommunications company? Are there processes, types of incentives used, or other nuances that are unique to these markets? Which industries are more likely to develop their programs in-house, as opposed to securing an outside vendor? The Vertical Market Study attempts to answer these and other questions. It provides a full report on how the six specific industries planned and implemented incentive travel, motivational meetings and special events.

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The Incentive Travel Case Study Book

Contains 12 detailed incentive travel case studies documenting each step of the program from identification of the marketing goal and methods of qualifying winners to specifics on the trip offered and the results.

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The Infinite Asset: Managing Brands to Build New Value

"The Infinite Asset" unveils a strategy called the "Brand Portfolio Approach" that exponentially increases the value of brands by exploding them beyond the boundaries of their division and even their parent company. With how-to models, this book is a great guide to leverageing every company's infinite asset for lasting competitive advantage.

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The Inspiration Factor

Terry Barber, the author of The Inspiration Factor, subtitled "How You Can Revitalize Your Company Culture in 12 Weeks," argues that regardless of your personality type, background, or age, you can choose to create an inspirational transaction and positively impact the people around you. "Inspiration is precursor to leadership, to motivation, and is even a new category for business," Barber says. His book offers seven principles that can help readers become team leaders in their organizations and inspire those around them.

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The Internet Strategic Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Your Company

The authors' plan provides the management tools needed for establishing a company's place on the Internet.

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The Intersection of Development & Engagement

For more than a decade, former American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) President Dr. Lauri Bassi and her colleagues have tracked hard “proof” that investments in training pay off to the bottom line. Their findings demonstrate that, year over year, there is a high correlation between the expenditures on training/training content and company stock price returns – in some cases, “super normal” returns occurred in model portfolios. Bassi et al demonstrated a 5.6% per annum out-performance compared to the S&P 500 index over the same period of time, and much greater returns for organizations that were in her top quartile for training expenditures.

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The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits and Lasting Value

The authors examine what they feel is the link between employee, customer, and investor loyalty and attempt to prove that traditional accounting practices do not show the "loyalty effect." They make a compelling case by applying other gauges to show the impact of loyalty on long-term organization performance.

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The Loyalty Link: How Loyal Employees Create Loyal Customers

The author spells out his formula for developing a loyalty-driven culture that empowers employees to strive to create customer loyalty, and he devotes a chapter to fostering teamwork.

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The Motivation Show - Oct. 23-25, 2012 - Chicago, IL

The Motivation Show includes the Incentive Travel and Meetings Executives Show (IT&ME) and the National Premium Incentive Show (NP/IS), with exhibitors representing the entire range of premium and incentive product and travel destination offerings. Educational sessions cover consumer premiums, employee incentive awards, incentive travel, employee recognition and performance improvement.

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The New Business Values for Success in the Twenty-First Century: Improvement, Innovation, Inclusion, Incentives, Information

The authors argue for a new management philosophy that stresses five key values: innovation, improvement, incentives, information, and inclusion. While their plan requires long-term commitment from top management to introduce broad changes, the model makes sense. Their theme emphasizes creating organizations that are "environmentally friendly and more successful in terms of adding value for customers and society."

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The New Face of Engagement

The old tools for reaching and building relationships with customers aren’t working as effectively anymore...

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The New Role of Rewards and Recognition

What's the role of rewards and recognition within the field of enterprise engagement? There is almost nothing more engaging than a carefully selected reward or gift well suited to the recipient and commensurate with his or her contribution, as a customer, channel partner, or employee.

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The Next Generation of Leadership

To be successful in the evolving world marketplace, and even in their own workplace, leaders and managers must begin to understand their constituents’ state of mind, says Gallup’s chairman and CEO Jim Clifton, in this summary of recent Gallup research. Human decision making is more emotional than rational, the research suggests, and “State of mind is everything that matters to leadership: talent, innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, optimism, determination, and all of the other things that create economic growth,” Clifton says. Successful leaders, he adds, will be those who can quantify those states of mind to better understand the emotions that cause behavior. “If you are making decisions without understanding what your constituency is thinking, you are making bad decisions,” he says.

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The Only Sales Promotion Techniques You'll Ever Need

Explains the basics of a wide range of sales promotion techniques and makes suggestions for effective implementation.

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