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Knowledge - Books

Customer Relationship Management Systems: ROI and Results Measurement

Customer Relationship Management Systems is an overview of author, Petersen's, experience in the field of strategic planning and the implementation of automation projects. This book will show you how to identify sources of justification for you project, determine readiness of your organization for the initiative, and much more.... [ read more ]

From Mind to Market: Reinventing the Retail Supply Chain

Offers a good introduction to the new thinking about market research. It's a handbook of the latest trends, strategies, and techniques of marketing in today's global community. Blackwell illustrates his points with examples from companies that already employ such practices, including Kinko's, The Limited, and Banc One Corporation. ... [ read more ]

Online Market Research: Cost-Effective Searching of the Internet and Online Databases

This book shows how to perform efficient and cost-effective market research using the Internet and online databases. Learn how to conduct economical research using archives, services, and new retrieval systems, and compare the different databases available on competing networks through this coverage, which will prove essential for any involved in business research.... [ read more ]

Secrets of the Master Sales Managers

"Secrets of the Master Sales Managers" is a sales guide that will teach you how to recruit and select new reps, train effectively and efficiently, motivate through coaching, reviews, and incentives, handle sales reports, communications, and meetings, and much more. ... [ read more ]

High Impact Sales Force Automation

High Impact Sales Force Automation will show you how to minimize cost, maximize sales productivity, and enhance customer service in today's competitive climate. With this hands-on guide to implementing the latest computer technology in sales and marketing, this book is perfect for anyone in sales.... [ read more ]

The Consistent Consumer: Predicting Future Behavior through Lasting Values

"The Constant Consumer" looks at the consumer patterns of the baby-boomer demographic as a jumping point to its claim that traditional age-base demopgraphic profiling is off the mark. This book will help you increase sales by understanding what consistently drives consumer spending decisions and enhances market shares by speaking to shared values and not just past actions. This book is perfect for people in management positions anywhere.... [ read more ]

Heat Up Your Cold Calls: How to Get Prospects to Listen, Respond, and Buy

Heat Up Your Cold Calls is a guide for today's marketers and sales professionals. It gives you new and highly effective ways for pursuing new prospects by phone. This book gives you the tactics you need for using e-mail and authored articles to set the stage for the initial cold call, strategies for creating a positive and memorable first impression with voice mail messages, and much more. ... [ read more ]

Silver Linings: Selling to the Expanding Mature Market

Explores the concept of marketing to seniors. Dozens of sample advertisements geared towards seniors help to illustrate Mr. Lewis' points. This book is oriented towards copywriters, whether they be self-employed, advertising agency employees, or simply businesspeople who want advertise to seniors.... [ read more ]

Seminar Selling: The Ultimate Resource Guide to Marketing Financial Services

"Seminar Selling" is a guide for financial services professionals that shows how to conduct profitable seminars. It demonstrates how to attract motivated clients, increase sales, and expand your client base. It includes detailed descriptions of the most effective ways to market a seminar, suggestions for visual aids and handout materials, as well as tips for handling Q & A, so that the audience views you as a reliable source. This book is great for anyone who handles seminars.... [ read more ]

Do-It-Yourself Direct Marketing: Secrets for Small Business

Tailored to the limited budget, this book tells how to use all direct marketing media, including mail order, telemarketing, radio and TV, newsletters, and print advertising. Includes strategies for identifying market niches and creating a direct mail database. 290 pp. John Wiley & Sons. $16.95; through, $13.56.... [ read more ]

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