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The Solution Selling Fieldbook

More than 500,000 sales professionals worldwide have discovered the persuasive power of the revolutionary sales proscess-Solution Selling. The Solution Selling Fieldbook now shows how to make Solution Selling work for you. This results-driven, step-by-step guide provides you with the methods, processes, job aids, tools, and techniques you need.... [ read more ]

Carrots and Sticks Don't Work: Build a Culture of Employee Engagement with the Principles of RESPECT

The title says it all: Carrots and Sticks Don't Work. Reward and recognition programs can be costly and inefficient, and they primarily reward employees who are already highly engaged and productive performers. Worse still, these programs actually decrease employee motivation because they can make individual recognition, rather than the overall success of the team, the goal. Yet many businesses turn to these measures first—unaware of a better alternative. So, when it comes to changing your organizational culture, carrots and sticks don’t work! What does work is Dr. Paul Marciano's acclaimed RESPECT model, which gives you specific, low-cost, turnkey solutions and action plans-- based on seven key drivers of employee engagement that are proven and supported by decades of research and practice—that will empower you to assess, troubleshoot, and resolve engagement issues in the workplace.... [ read more ]

From Contact to Contract

More than 16 million Americans work as sales professionals, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Add in the vast number of small business owners, consultants, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals who must sell their services and promote their credibility in order to succeed, and it’s clear that there is a huge need for practical, easy-to-apply information on the art of sales. From Contact to Contract fills this need in a way no other book does. From prospecting and presenting to consultative conversations and closing, this book provides a comprehensive collection of 496 tips and best practices without getting bogged down in long explanations of sales theory and models. ... [ read more ]

Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works

Playing to Win, a noted Wall Street Journal and Washington Post bestseller, outlines the strategic approach Lafley, in close partnership with strategic adviser Roger Martin, used to double P&G’s sales, quadruple its profits, and increase its market value by more than $100 billion when Lafley was first CEO (he led the company from 2000 to 2009). The book shows leaders in any type of organization how to guide everyday actions with larger strategic goals built around the clear, essential elements that determine business success—where to play and how to win.... [ read more ]

Outfoxing The Small Business Owner: Crafty Techniques For Creating A Profitable Relationship

Whether you're an account manager for a large corporation or a fledgling entrepreneur, the small business market is one you can't afford to ignore. Your bottom line depends on it. Yet to capture this market, you need to adopt a new strategy-a strategy that recognizes the limited budgets, intense competitors, oppressive taxes, and inadequate resources that plague most small business owners. Outfoxing the Small Business Owner shows you how to tap the heart, mind, and pocketbook of these cagey customers. You'll rethink your usual approach, tailoring it to your customers' individual challenges and idiosyncrasies. You'll learn what works for small business owners-and how it's different than what works for your larger accounts.... [ read more ]

Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype

The difference between helping and selling is just two letters, but those two letters make all the difference. What if - faced with more competition than ever before - you stopped trying to be amazing, and just started being useful? Jay Baer's Youtility offers a new business approach that cuts through the clut­ter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful. If you sell something, you make a customer today, but if you genuinely help someone, you create a customer for life.... [ read more ]

Mass Affluence: 7 New Rules of Marketing to Today's Consumer

Mass Affluence explores the idea that "Mass Marketing is back" but with a new target and a fresh approach that companies ignore at their paril. Nunes and Johnson argue against the old mass-marketing concepts of the 1950s and outlines seven new rules for capturing this newly discovered ignored market.... [ read more ]

Vital Friends: The People You Can't Afford to Live Without

What's the quickest way to ruin a friendship? Do great friendships have anything in common? Are close friendships in the workplace such a bad thing? These are just a few of the questions that #1 New York Times bestselling author Tom Rath asked when he embarked on a massive study about the impact of friendships. Along with several leading researchers, Rath pored through the literature, conducted several experiments, and analyzed more than 8 million interviews from The Gallup Organization's worldwide database. ... [ read more ]

The Change Monster: The Human Forces that Fuel or Foil Corporate Transformation and Change

Fear, curiosity, exhaustion, loyalty, paranoia, optimism, rage, and revelation--not quite the kind of emotions that are anticipated or discussed when leaders embark on organizational change, but exactly the kind to expect, says Jeanie Daniel Duck in her treatise on the human element of growth. The Change Monster examines how to effectively plan for, address, and manage the least predictable and perhaps the most important aspect of a successful transformation.... [ read more ]

The Big Data-Driven Business: How to Use Big Data to Win Customers, Beat Competitors, and Boost Profits

Get the expert perspective and practical advice on big data The Big Data-Driven Business: How to Use Big Data to Win Customers, Beat Competitors, and Boost Profits makes the case that big data is for real, and more than just big hype. The book uses real-life examples-from Nate Silver to Copernicus, and Apple to Blackberry-to demonstrate how the winners of the future will use big data to seek the truth. Written by a marketing journalist and the CEO of a multi-million-dollar B2B marketing platform that reaches more than 90% of the U.S. business population, this book is a comprehensive and accessible guide on how to win customers, beat competitors, and boost the bottom line with big data.... [ read more ]

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Marketing Basics

"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Marketing Basics" tells you everything you need to know about positioning and marketing your product. With step-by-step instructions on putting together promotional plans, you'll use the customer intuition you develop to target your project more effectively.... [ read more ]

Counter-Intuitive Selling: Mastering the Art of the Unexpected

In his new book, Counter-Intuitive Selling: Mastering the Art of the Unexpected, Bill Byron Concevitch reveals a secret to sales success in today’s highly competitive sales world – doing the exact opposite of what your competitors are doing and the exact opposite of what clients expect. Concevitch’s unique approach provides specific action steps and techniques that are designed to help you establish new habits that lead to sales-winning behaviors and results.... [ read more ]

The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance

Revealing the groundbreaking results of one of the most in-depth management studies ever undertaken, The Carrot Principle shows definitively that the central characteristic of the most successful managers is that they provide their employees with frequent and effective recognition. With independent results from HealthStream Research, and analysis by bestselling leadership experts Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, this breakthrough study of 200,000 people over ten years found dramatically greater business results when managers offered constructive praise and meaningful rewards in ways that powerfully motivated employees to excel. ... [ read more ]

How Consumers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market

In this book, author Gerald Zaltman builds on research from desciplines as diverse as neurology, sociology, literary analysis, and cognitive science in order to give insight into what happens within the complex system of mind, brain, body and society as consumers contemplate their needs and evaluate their products.... [ read more ]

Brilliance Marketing Management: Use Your Strengths to Build Your Business

Marketing expert Celia Rocks has written a truly compelling book that will help you discover the brilliance that shines through your company, whether it's a smaall start-up operation, a consulting firm or a multinational corporation with thousands of employees. Forget reactive marketing strategies and canned plans. Brilliance Marketing relies on creative intuition and common sense-qualities you and you rteam already have in abundance!... [ read more ]

The Wallet Allocation Rule: Winning the Battle for Share

The Wallet Allocation Rule is a revolutionary, definitive guide for winning the battle for share of customers' hearts, minds, and wallets. Backed by rock-solid science published in the Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review, this landmark book introduces a new and rigorously tested approach--the Wallet Allocation Rule--that is proven to link to the most important measure of customer loyalty: share of wallet.... [ read more ]

Creativity Inc.: Building an Inventive Organization

Innovations change and improve the status quo in small ways but this book explores what happens when they improve the status quo in a big way. The aurthors argue that sustained leadership comes from making creativity a broad, enterprise-wide cpapbility that is on all the time.... [ read more ]

RESPECT: Delivering Results by Giving Employees What They Really Want

Is it possible that the way to win in business is to give employees exactly what they want? Yes. As RESPECT reveals, managers and organizations who give their employees what they want outperform those who don't. This is no hunch it's a fact based on more than 25 years of global research. Drs. Jack Wiley and Brenda Kowske have amassed a research database unlike any other, and it all started with this simple question: "What is the most important thing you want from the organization for which you work?" Organizations that apply this research have more engaged employees, more satisfied customers, and better shareholder returns. It all boils down to seven key elements, summarized by the acronym RESPECT. These are the seven things that employees really want: Recognition, Exciting Work, Security, Pay, Education, Conditions and Truth.... [ read more ]

12: The Elements of Great Managing

12: The Elements of Great Managing is the long-awaited sequel to the 1999 runaway bestseller First, Break All the Rules. Grounded in Gallup's 10 million employee and manager interviews spanning 114 countries, 12 follows great managers as they harness employee engagement to turn around a failing call center, save a struggling hotel, improve patient care in a hospital, maintain production through power outages, and successfully face a host of other challenges in settings around the world. Authors Rodd Wagner and James K. Harter weave the latest Gallup insights with recent discoveries in the fields of neuroscience, game theory, psychology, sociology, and economics. Written for managers and employees of companies large and small, 12 explains what every company needs to know about creating and sustaining employee engagement ... [ read more ]

The Secret to Incentive Program Success: Incentive ROI that makes bean counters smile!

Incentive programs aren’t new. For years, incentives have been used to motivate employees, dealers and customers. But CFOs and purchasing managers now scrutinize incentive programs because they can adversely affect production, fulfillment, and accounts receivable. An incentive program is like a garden hose. Twist the faucet, the water shoots out. But lots of garden hoses have cracks. You don’t want an incentive program that leaks like an old garden hose. Bob Dawson, a nationally recognized expert on incentive return on investment (ROI), brings a unique perspective to incentive program management. His book shows you how to approach incentive programs as an investment rather than just throwing money at ill-chosen merchandise and trips. The book is filled with true stories of programs that succeeded using Dawson’s method and many that failed without it. A running case study shows how Dawson helped a manufacturer earn substantial returns on their incentive program investment.... [ read more ]

Field Guide To Current Training Videos

With this guide, trainers and managers now have a one-stop reference for practical evaluations of the best videos on the market, written by the practicing trainers, consultants, and line managers who use them. Paper. DLC: Employees Training of.... [ read more ]

The Rocket Model: Practical Advice for Building High Performing Teams

Our work with hundreds of public and private sector groups and teams across the United States and Europe suggests that leaders need a practical, well researched model for team building. The Rocket Model provides leaders with sound practical advice on how to improve group and team dynamics. The model is both descriptive and prescriptive it can be used to diagnose team functioning and make specific recommendations regarding how to launch new teams or to improve the performance of more established teams.... [ read more ]

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