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Exceeding Customer Expectations

Based on the business practices and history of Enterprise Rent-a-Car, this book focuses on how the company has achieved financial results by creating happy customers, successful business partnerships, and an engaged and motivated workforce. It discusses the relationship between the company's employee satisfaction, retention, and profitability, and shows how Enterprise makes and reinforces those connections. ... [ read more ]

Gestures: The DO's and TABOOs of Body Language Around the World

Covers body language from head to toe, with helpful illustrations. This book can save travelers abroad from getting into trouble, whether they are traveling for business or pleasure. Includes updates about the 200 most popular gestures and signals, sections covering special gestures, information to guide you through gestures country by country, and amusing anecdotes and helpful hypothetical scenarios.... [ read more ]

Multicultural Manners: New Rules of Etiquette for a Changing Society

Illustrates many of the common gaffes, social miscues, and misunderstandings that can occur between people of different cultural backgrounds, and teaches how to avoid them. This advice can help businesspeople, teachers, neighbors, and anyone else who recognizes the value of knowing about and respecting others' cultures.... [ read more ]

ISES Worldwide Resource Directory

About 2,000 ISES members are listed in this directory, which is sent to 10,000 event professionals throughout the world. The 157-page directory is free to members and individuals on its mailing list.... [ read more ]

American Ways: A Guide for Foreigners in the United States

Describes the basic characteristics of American culture and the ways they differ from other cultures. Useful in intercultural training for Americans. The book is organized into 22 chapters that cover just about every aspect of American life, and is insightful, accurate and honest.... [ read more ]

The Art of Crossing Cultures

Offers a model for cultural adjustment and tips on how to master the process and develop adaptive strategies for cross-cultural business activities.... [ read more ]

Big Meetings Big Results: Strategic Event Planning for Productivity and Profit

Provides a blueprint for planning everything from a meeting for 20 managers to a gathering of 2,000 shareholders. All aspects of large meetings are covered from the initial stages of planning and setting goals, to choosing the right people, producing the agenda, scheduling, adding ‘magic’, creating feedback loops, logistics and ‘reaping the rewards’.... [ read more ]

The Incentive Travel Case Study Book

Contains 12 detailed incentive travel case studies documenting each step of the program from identification of the marketing goal and methods of qualifying winners to specifics on the trip offered and the results.... [ read more ]

Research Library Catalogue

A collection of articles and resources compiled by SITE and available for $5 each. Subjects cover everything from contracts and negotiations to international currency issues, motivation, program design, dealer incentives, and buy-in options.... [ read more ]

Complete Guide to Professional Meeting and Event Coordination

A thorough guide to the event and meeting industry, this book is written in a user-friendly style that makes it possible to extract just the information a reader requires. Filled with contract examples, checklists, and other usable data forms, this book is an essential time-saver for even the most experienced planner.... [ read more ]

Defy Gravity

Defy Gravity is a guide to cutting through status quo corporate behaviors with practical, no-nonsense advice for avoiding crash and burn strategies. Defy Gravity blends conceptual fundamentals, real-world applications of those concepts, case studies, questions and exercises to help entrepreneurs and corporate executives alike power sustainable business growth. Defy Gravity was recently named one of the Top 10 Books for Small Business in 2010 by SmallBizTrends.... [ read more ]

Cracking the Value Code: How Successful Businesses Are Creating Wealth in the New Economy

This book, which is based on a three-year study by the consulting firm Arthur Andersen, gives clear, plain-English guidance for helping your organization identify, create, and consolidate the valued assets it needs to vault high above the competition. It examines the gamut of these possible assets (physical, financial, employee-supplier, customer, and those intrinsic to the organization) and, to show them in action, provides plenty of fun, fact- and figure-filled miniprofiles of New Economy dynamos, from robustly reengineered old warhorses like IBM, Coke, Pepsi, and Sara Lee to brash, new digital-age brats: Dell, Compaq, Cisco, idealab!, and Starbucks.... [ read more ]

The Good Jobs Strategy

Almost one in four American working adults has a job that pays less than a living wage. Conven­tional wisdom says that’s how the world has to work. Bad jobs with low wages, minimal benefits, little training, and chaotic schedules are the only way companies can keep costs down and prices low. If companies were to offer better jobs, cus­tomers would have to pay more or companies would have to make less. But in The Good Jobs Strategy, Zeynep Ton, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, makes the compelling case that even in low-cost settings, leaving employees behind—with bad jobs—is a choice, not a necessity. Drawing on more than a decade of research, Ton shows how operational excellence enables companies to of­fer the lowest prices to customers while ensuring good jobs for their employees and superior results for their investors. Ton describes the elements of the good jobs strategy in a variety of successful companies around the world, including Southwest Airlines, UPS, Toyota, Zappos, and In-N-Out Burger. She focuses on four model retailers—Costco, Merca­dona, Trader Joe’s, and QuikTrip—to demonstrate the good jobs strategy at work and reveals four choices that have transformed these compa­nies’ high investment in workers into lower costs, higher profits, and greater customer sat­isfaction. Full of surprising, counterintuitive insights, the book answers questions such as: How can offering fewer products increase customer sat­isfaction? Why would having more employees than you need reduce costs and boost profits? How can companies simultaneously standardize work and empower employees? The Good Jobs Strategy outlines an invaluable blueprint for any organization that wants to pur­sue a sustainable competitive strategy in which everyone—employees, customers, and investors—wins.... [ read more ]

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