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Baruch College Professor Sees Big Promise for Analytics in Enterprise Engagement

Published: Jun 21, 2016

Few people in academia better understand the convergence of analytics and Enterprise Engagement than Charles Scherbaum, Associate Professor of Psychology at Baruch College and a member of the doctoral faculty at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Scherbaum, an early contributor to the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum on analytics... [ read more ]

Benchmark Your Organization's Enterprise Engagement Practices

Published: Jun 14, 2016

Organizations seeking to benchmark their enterprise engagement strategies can take advantage of a convenient, free tool created by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The Enterprise Engagement Benchmark Indicator (EEBI) allows companies to answer questions about their employee, customer and vendor engagement practices to ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition

Published: May 9, 2016

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition has been completely updated with new information, illustrations and new chapters. Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, the Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by leading companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management, and community relations.... [ read more ]

Best Design Practices for Customer Referral Programs

Published: Feb 18, 2016

Everyone knows that word of mouth is the best advertising; it literally costs nothing because, according to Gallup research, customers who feel "wow" about a company will willingly share their happiness with friends or colleagues without any incentive at all. The smartest customer referral programs leverage the ... [ read more ]

Budgeting for Recognition Pays Off

Published: Dec 3, 2015

Recognition is an essential part of any successful engagement strategy. Directly addressing the very human need for acknowledgment and purpose solidifies the relationship of employees to the organization, and also provides direction to keep the team on track to achieve company goals.... [ read more ]

Arby's Engages Employees in Brand Growth

Published: Nov 4, 2015

There’s a spirit of energy at Arby's, where new CEO Paul Brown and his team are bringing innovation to products and services, as well as employee and franchisee relations. Coming off 18 consecutive quarters of same-store sales growth, Arby's is considered a star in the industry, rivaling (and even outpacing) the success of Chipotle. ... [ read more ]

Widgets Author Rodd Wagner: 'The Game Has Changed'

Published: Nov 3, 2015

HRM Canada recently interviewed Rodd Wagner, author of the business best-seller Widgets, calling it a "frame-breaking approach to leadership." In response to a range of questions on employee engagement, human resources and management, Wagner noted that... [ read more ]

Study Reveals 'New Rules of Customer Engagement'

Published: Nov 2, 2015

Verint Systems recently released the results of new research it conducted in partnership with the consulting firm Ovum. The findings, say researchers, reinforce the demand for "quick and convenient service coupled with a calculated approach to personalization in order to foster customer engagement." Some highlights: ... [ read more ]

Recognition in the Era of Employee Engagement

Published: Sep 23, 2015

Employee engagement and recognition: What is the difference and how this affects solution providers and corporate planners. Over the last two decades, the recognition field has become a multi-billion-dollar business with over a dozen leading solution providers and hundreds of smaller ones across the U.S. Companies spend billions on ... [ read more ]

New Book Offers Essential Insights into Customer and Sales Engagement

Published: Sep 14, 2015

A new book, The Challenger Customer: Selling to the Hidden Influencer Who Can Multiply Your Results, provides a perspective on the current B2B selling environment that’s essential reading to anyone interested in sales force and customer engagement. We put this book in the "wow" category for ... [ read more ]

Survey: Gamification Improves Work Experience for 91% of Employees

Published: Aug 11, 2015

Gamification form Badgeville has released the results of an independent survey of over 500 business workers, ranging from entry-level employees to C-level executives, looking at the success of gamification across U.S. organizations. The results: 78% of workers are utilizing games-based motivation at work and nearly all (91%) say these systems improve... [ read more ]

New: EEA Engagement Data Sheet

Published: Aug 7, 2015

Whatever your needs, you'll hopefully find a stat, study or survey here that will help you solidify your case and achieve your objectives. When you work in an industry that's called upon to justify its existence at every turn, data is ammunition. Experienced motivation professionals know that the right statistic... [ read more ]

IRF: Generations in the Workforce & Marketplace

Published: Aug 6, 2015

Keeping employees happy, productive and loyal is essential to the long-term health of any company. But generational differences in the workforce tend to complicate matters when it comes to essential elements of employee engagement such as rewards and recognition... [ read more ]

Strategic Rewards and Recognition

Published: Jul 27, 2015

British business author John Fisher has followed up his recent book, “Strategic Brand Engagement,” with “Strategic Reward and Recognition.” The 246-page book, published by Kogan Press, focuses on “improving employee performance through non-monetary incentives.” This is the only book we know of that focuses specifically on noncash rewards and recognition programs, and should be on the desk of anyone who plans such programs.... [ read more ]

Is your reward program really engaging people?

Published: Jul 16, 2015

Tom McMullen, writing recently on the Hay Group blog, notes that a recent study of World@Work members found only 11% of organizations conduct a formal ROI assessment of their reward programs. However, 48% of respondents said they planned to more rigorously assess... [ read more ]

Incentive Travel and Engagement

Published: Jun 24, 2015

A new study by the Incentive Research Foundation, Rebounding the Recession: The Future of Incentive Travel 2014, finds that incentive travel rewards are perfectly matched to the emerging needs of today’s multi-generational workforce and ... [ read more ]

The 2015 People-Centric Award Winners

Published: Jun 8, 2015

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is pleased to announce…The 2015 People-Centric Award Winners.What makes these 25 U.S. companies stand apart from their peers and competitors? They each have their unique attributes, but ... [ read more ]

Female Bosses Are More Engaging Than Male Bosses

Published: Jun 1, 2015

Gallup Business Journal recently reported that employees who work for a female manager in the U.S. are actually more engaged, on average, than those who work for a male manager. However, only one in three (33%) working Americans say they currently have a female boss. Female managers themselves tend to be more engaged than male managers. Gallup finds that ... [ read more ]

Deloitte: Talent Drought Threatens Supply Chains

Published: May 29, 2015

Deloitte’s newly released 2015 Supply Chain Survey has found that only 45% of supply chain and 40% of procurement executives at U.S.-based global companies are “extremely” or “very” confident that their supply chain organizations have the competencies they need today. ... [ read more ]

Employees Less Loyal Today

Published: May 12, 2015

Management’s view of a key aspect of engagement is not very favorable at this point. More than half of managers (52%) consider their employees less loyal than five years ago, according to a survey of more than 1,200 executives and managers by the American Management Association (AMA). Just over ... [ read more ]

ECSI: Proof That Engagement Pays Big Dividends

Published: May 5, 2015

Even top corporate executives who are aware of engagement practices aren’t always aware of the financial return they can deliver. The Engaged Company Stock Index shows that companies with high levels of employee, customer and community engagement financially outperform ... [ read more ]

Five Tips for Using Customer Data

Published: May 1, 2015

Customers have learned that in order to have a more customized experience they need to provide the data to drive those high-value communications and experiences. However, the burden is on marketers to become better in delivering on that expectation ... [ read more ]

U.S. Employee Engagement Reaches Three-Year High

Published: Apr 24, 2015

Gallup reports that the percentage of U.S. workers engaged in their jobs rose from an average 31.7% in January to an average 32.9% in February. The latest monthly rate of employee engagement is the highest Gallup has recorded in three years and is a full 1.5 percentage points above where it stood in February 2014.... [ read more ]

Engagement’s Emerging Role in Corporate Wellness

Published: Apr 8, 2015

A shift is taking place in workplace wellness related to the concept of Enterprise Engagement, linking wellness strategies to an organization’s culture, retention, productivity, performance and even customer and employee satisfaction. By Amy Kramer & Paula Godar. Wellness goes beyond the obvious benefits of lowering healthcare claims,... [ read more ]

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