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Governance Expert Defines Stakeholder Capitalism and its Implications

Published: Oct 2, 2022

Speaking before the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, Leo E. Strine Jr., an expert on corporate governance, provides a clear definition of Stakeholder Capitalism that he believes finds common ground among the right and the left, including a little bit of pain for each side. If done right, Stakeholder Capitalism can benefit all the interests we care about while preserving our individual freedoms.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 5 on Metrics and ROI Demonstrates Need for More Measurement

Published: Aug 1, 2022

This formal session in the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum and certification program on program design and measurement provides an overview of the major metrics and return-on-investment measurement tools for engagement processes, starting with a panel discussion with experts Allan Schweyer, Senior Research Consultant, Center for Human Capital Innovation, and Chief Research Advisor and Todd Hanson, President, Catalyst Performance Group, an early leader in return-on-investment measures. ... [ read more ]

Global Agency Founder to Help Companies "Build Corporate Soul"

Published: Feb 27, 2022

Ralf Specht, founding partner of Spark44, an international ad agency he helped grow into a $100 million plus company with 1,200 employees, now turns his attention to promote "a framework that aligns value-creating employee action with broader corporate strategy through shared understanding and shared purpose."... [ read more ]

Strategic Communications - How to Use Intelligent Content to Enhance Lead Generation and Sales Closing Ratios

Published: Sep 13, 2021

Social media, blogs, and e-newsletter technology enable almost any organization to become its own media company to generate leads, enhance thought leadership, build relationships and enhance sales ratios. Very few in business implement strategic integrated communications programs, often because they lack the people with the journalistic and other content creation skills needed for effective content marketing or they fail to integrate the communications programs into their sales and support process. ... [ read more ]

How the Pandemic Changed HR Forever w/ Suzanne Lucas, Evil HR Lady

Published: Feb 26, 2021

Suzanne LucasWhile many of us don't necessarily believe that work will ever quite be the same again, we're at a stage where vaccines are being rolled out in many places en masse and, hopefully, sometime soon, the majority of desk-based employees will be able to return to the office.... [ read more ]

Total Rewards 2.0: It's Time to Update the Model

Published: Jan 18, 2021

Conceived in the 1990s, the concept of Total Rewards represented a revolution in thinking related to compensation that to this day has not been fulfilled at many organizations, that is: a strategic, holistic approach to compensation that considers every aspect of the employee experience and his or her capabilities and potential contributions to the organization. ... [ read more ]

Experience Rise Above 2020 w/ Samuel Isaac, Neeyamo

Published: Oct 13, 2020

The pandemic has forced global enterprises to change in ways that they were not ready for and identify new ways of working. For many organizations both large and small, wading through the pandemic is a matter of survival, but for others, the changes have been a silver-lining amidst the crisis. How have these forward-looking organizations tackled this chaotic year? How are they planning to set the global HR agenda for 2021 and beyond?... [ read more ]

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