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Adding a New Element to ‘Brand Architecture’

Brand Architecture is an essential process in all marketing, as it provides the framework for establishing an organization’s personality and unique selling proposition. In the old days, companies rarely concerned themselves with the cost of dissatisfied customers, as long as business was growing. ... [ read more ]

Build Brand Values Into Recognition Programs

A new white paper, 10 Tips to Build Brand Values Into Recognition Programs, notes that a large part of designing an employee incentive, rewards and recognition program is focused on productivity, compensation and profitability. An equal part of the strategy, however, is centered in how these initiatives tie back to the core messages that are integral to business values and brand promise. This article highlights 10 popular brand values, how they’re supported through incentive, rewards and recognition programs, and some of the communications ideas that can help build more creative, effective, and memorable programs. ... [ read more ]

CEOs Share the Same Engagement Strategy

At least two major U.S. companies offer proof that a focus on engagement can provide dramatic results. The CEOs of major companies in two very different industries – Schering-Plough and Campbell’s Soup – changed the culture of their organizations over the last several years by implementing a management strategy that engaged employees to concentrate on customer-focused innovations. And the results were demonstrated in improved profitability and shareholder returns. ... [ read more ]

Selecting a Toolset for Improving Collaboration

The argument for better Employee Engagement has never been more compelling. Articles, papers and blogs abound covering the philosophies and tips for improving work environments, social conditions and organizational sensitivity.... [ read more ]

Two New Maritz White Papers Examine Critical Engagement Issues

Motivation management & research firm Maritz recently released two white papers touching on key areas of engagement. The first, A New Paradigm for Loyalty Marketing: Building Loyalty Along the ‘Earn, Burn, Yearn’ Continuum, notes that just as advertising has evolved to address multiple consumer segments, loyalty marketing’s approach must also adapt to multiple customer personas. Program messages and communication should be tailored and segmented to reach these specific personas, and the value proposition of the rewards needs to appeal to enrolled participants. With this approach, a one-size-fits-all loyalty program instead becomes an authentic customer engagement program that’s based on relevance and relationships.... [ read more ]

Winning with a Culture of Recognition: Recognition Strategies at the World's Most Admired Companie

Employee engagement is the great, untapped resource of most organizations. Yet only 25% of employees are truly engaged in their work. Why are all the others so reluctant to "get in the game"? WINNING WITH A CULTURE OF RECOGNITION: Recognition Strategies at the World's Most Admired Companies reveals the surprising answer: Most managers fail to formally recognize high performance and connect it with company culture. Salary and bonuses are only part of today's employment contract. To get everyone performing together, employers need to create a culture of appreciation, recognition, and reward. ... [ read more ]

The Incentive Research Foundation Vertical Markey Study

Are there differences in how a computer manufacturer plans and implements an incentive program versus how a pharmaceutical company or new car dealer does? What about a commercial banking operation, insurance agency or a telecommunications company? Are there processes, types of incentives used, or other nuances that are unique to these markets? Which industries are more likely to develop their programs in-house, as opposed to securing an outside vendor? The Vertical Market Study attempts to answer these and other questions. It provides a full report on how the six specific industries planned and implemented incentive travel, motivational meetings and special events.... [ read more ]

Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program

This recently conducted analysis by The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF)of one company's long-standing use of travel awards as a motivational tool shows that such incentives have a clear, measurable and positive impact on corporate culture and employee performance, as well as a broader "ripple effect" on the economy of the region where an incentive travel program (ITP) is held.

Overall, the study concluded that the importance of these programs should not be undervalued; their impact and their value reach well beyond the typical event timeline. Earners of the incentive travel program are far from the only beneficiaries of the program. The sponsoring company, the destination and the suppliers all receive significant benefits as well.

... [ read more ]

Spring 2010 Pulse Survey: Incentive Industry Trends 2010

The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) surveyed industry professionals during the month of April 2010, asking them about incentive travel programs, merchandise/non-cash programs, and ROI/budget considerations. The most promising data show that respondents appear to be more optimistic about the current economic climate than they were in either the Summer or Fall of last year. When asked, "In your opinion, what impact will the economy have on your ability to plan and implement incentive travel programs?" 69% say it will have a positive impact vs. only 33% in the Fall of 2009 and just 24% in the Summer of 2009. Similarly, those who say the economy will have a positive impact on merchandise/non-cash incentive programs increased from 20% (Summer '09) and 26% (Fall '09) to 41% currently. Still, one-third of those surveyed predict that budgets for incentive travel will decrease this year, while 37% say they'll remain unchanged. Things were a little better on the merchandise/non-cash side, where only 22% expect a decline (down from 51%), while 40% predict an increase and 37% say they see no change in budgets. This indicates that although there's an uptick in optimism about the economy in general, it may not translate into more money for programs – at least not in the near term. ... [ read more ]

January 2010 Pulse Survey: Incentive Industry Trends 2010

Given that the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) is charged with advancing the science of incentives, it surveyed industry professionals to obtain their opinions about the more salient trends affecting the industry during 2009 and leading into 2010. The IRF asked these professionals questions on trends with regard to incentive travel programs, merchandise non-cash programs, and budget changes forecast for 2010. Findings indicate that the trends are stabilizing for each of the core issues since March 2009. However, the trends remain significantly lower than in 2008. Survey participants expect more domestic than international destinations, "slightly smaller" budgets, and shorter stays for incentive travel in 2010. A majority of participants also expected decreased award values on the merchandise side. ... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

Most leaders and organizations know the difference between a fully engaged worker and one that is marginally engaged or disengaged. The former brim with enthusiasm, they contribute ideas, are optimistic about the company and its future, are seldom absent from work, they typically stay with the organization longer and are among the organization’s most valuable ambassadors. Disengaged workers, on the other hand, are often absent (even when they are at work). They are disconnected and often pessimistic about change and new ideas. They have high rates of absenteeism and tend to negatively influence those around them, including potential customers and new hires. And the cost of disengagement to U.S. employers is estimated to be as much as $350 billion per year.... [ read more ]

The Inspiration Factor

Terry Barber, the author of The Inspiration Factor, subtitled "How You Can Revitalize Your Company Culture in 12 Weeks," argues that regardless of your personality type, background, or age, you can choose to create an inspirational transaction and positively impact the people around you. "Inspiration is precursor to leadership, to motivation, and is even a new category for business," Barber says. His book offers seven principles that can help readers become team leaders in their organizations and inspire those around them.... [ read more ]

The Corporate Storyteller

Are you struggling to remain an effective communicator in today's high-tech world? Are you feeling intimidated or overburdened by the constant barrage of text messages, emails, FaceBook and Twitter communications? Many corporate executives are, and that's why Elaine Stirling put together this book, which is subtitled "A Writing Manual & Style Guide for the Brave New Business Leader." It offers advice on how to communicate with clarity, confidence, and persuasive style in the workplace, whatever the medium.... [ read more ]

"It's Always About the Boss"

Engagement doesn’t just happen, and in most organizations frontline management has a lot to do with the success - or failure - of an organization's engagement efforts. Recent research from the Gallup organization on employee disengagement ... [ read more ]

Driving Engagement by Focusing on Strengths

A common error that frontline managers sometimes make is to focus their performance improvement efforts on employees’ weaknesses, rather than focus on their strengths. But Gallup research shows that the worst thing managers can do is to ignore their employees altogether. According to Gallup researchers Brian Brim and Jim Asplund, “If your manager focuses on your strengths, your chances of being actively disengaged at work are only 1 in 100. If your manager ignores you, however, you are twice as likely to be actively disengaged than if your manager focuses on your weaknesses. Being overlooked, it seems, is more harmful to employees’ engagement than having to discuss their weaknesses with their manager.” This paper offers a summary of their research.... [ read more ]

The Next Generation of Leadership

To be successful in the evolving world marketplace, and even in their own workplace, leaders and managers must begin to understand their constituents’ state of mind, says Gallup’s chairman and CEO Jim Clifton, in this summary of recent Gallup research. Human decision making is more emotional than rational, the research suggests, and “State of mind is everything that matters to leadership: talent, innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, optimism, determination, and all of the other things that create economic growth,” Clifton says. Successful leaders, he adds, will be those who can quantify those states of mind to better understand the emotions that cause behavior. “If you are making decisions without understanding what your constituency is thinking, you are making bad decisions,” he says. ... [ read more ]

Dartnell's Sales Promotion Handbook

An all-in-one reference for marketers, divided into four parts with each part devoted to different aspects of sales promotion, from planning and techniques to strategies and issues. Each chapter is written by an expert with experience working in the field. Hundreds of examples and case histories are included.... [ read more ]

Best Sales Promotions

Reviews 126 of the best recent sales promotion campaigns. Readers will develop a better understanding of what constitutes a successful promotion and of what a good promotion can—and can't—do. A straightforward book that is useful for readers with all levels of experience.... [ read more ]

Selling Against the Goal: How Corporate Sales Professionals Generate the Leads They Need

"Selling Against the Goal" is a guide to understanding sales in a tight marketplace. Author Kendra Lee offers screts, tools, and tips to send you on the road to superstardom in sales, including: formulas for calculating a closing ration and leads needed to meet quotas, tips for targeting multiple levels of decision makers, strategies for generation leads via partnership organization, and much more. The book also includes samples of holiday cards, e-mails, invitations, and newletters that really work.... [ read more ]

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