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New Enterprise Engagement Referral Platform Tests New B2B Sales Model

Published: Jul 26, 2019

MaritzCX, a leader in customer experience analytics and advisory services, co-founds the new Enterprise Engagement Advisory Network “Needs Referral” service launching Sept. 5. The goals: 1) to help educate, engage, and reward the growing number of consultants and agencies bringing complex, integrated engagement solutions to their clients and 2) to test a new crowd-sourced business referral platform for complex business-to-business solution selling in an increasingly inter-connected, networked gig economy. ... [ read more ]

Opinion: Needed—A New Paradigm for People-Centric 21st Century CEOs

Published: Jul 23, 2019

Capitalism clearly isn't working for the majority of Americans: 70% say they feel blue before the work week begins, less than 40% report feeling engaged at work, customer satisfaction has remained at the same level for 10 years ago, and the majority of Americans say in polls they are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs despite record employment. ... [ read more ]

First Certifications of ISO HR Standards Now Available

Published: Jul 17, 2019

HR professionals and consultants now have a new way to distinguish themselves as industry leaders through the first-ever ISO certifications for human capital management provided only by the International Center for Enterprise Engagement by the people who helped pioneer their creation. ... [ read more ]

Stanford U. Article on ESG Investing Highlights Enterprise Engagement Principles

Published: Jul 15, 2019

A recently published article in Stanford University’s Closer Look series analyzes the growing trend of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing that the Enterprise Engagement Alliance believes is a major driver of Enterprise Engagement and ISO 10018 Quality People Management and other standards. A growing database of over 17,000 companies makes it increasingly easy to track the relative scores of business, and the results aren’t pretty. ... [ read more ]

The Untapped Power of the New Brand Media

Published: Jul 10, 2019

This handbook is for Brand Media Specialists seeking to unleash the power of brands for business, event and promotional gifting, as well as rewards, recognition, loyalty and fundraising. Part I is the Executive Summary, Part II provides extensive information for Brand Media practitioners and preparation for the Brand Media Specialist online certification test. ... [ read more ]

ICEE Updates Curriculum, Certification for ISO; Launches Free Advocate Network

Published: Jul 9, 2019

The International Center for Enterprise Engagement at has announced three new initiatives now that it has assumed direction of the curriculum and certification activities from its affiliate organization, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at will continue to publish ESM, conduct outreach for the field, and provide advisory services for solution providers and organizations seeking to profit from engagement through its Engagement Agency unit. ... [ read more ]

Ascent Aims to Make Leadership Development More Rewarding

Published: Jun 24, 2019

Many organizations take leaders and top performers on off-sites for rewards, recognition, or corporate planning retreats. Ascent Leadership Networks believes these programs should support an ongoing leadership development process with greater benefits for all. ... [ read more ]

Presidential Candidate Yang Calls for "Human-Centered Capitalism"

Published: Jun 11, 2019

As reported in ESM, the issue of what we call Enterprise Engagement is entering the political fray. Democratic presidential candidate and entrepreneur Andrew Yang makes "human-centered capitalism" a pillar of his campaign. Note: The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is strictly non-partisan. ... [ read more ]

The Role of the Chief Engagement Officer

Published: May 28, 2019

Despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually by organizations to engage employees and customers, numerous independent research studies find that neither employee nor customer engagement have improved appreciably in more than a decade. ... [ read more ]

Sustainability Reports: The Next Marketing Must-Have?

Published: May 20, 2019

Many organizations claim to care about people and the environment, but how do we really know, and how can we compare one organization to another? Sustainability Reports are an easy way for organizations of any size to share with their customers, employees, distribution partners, vendors, communities and shareholders the brand, vision, values and practices related to their stakeholders and the environment.... [ read more ]

Guest Opinion: It's the CEO Stupid!

Published: May 9, 2019

ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards and Enterprise Engagement not only provide a path to more sustainable performance, but a better society as well. ... [ read more ]

What's Next for ISO HR Pioneers McKinley and Webster?

Published: Apr 25, 2019

After spending over a decade helping to create the first worldwide standards on human resources management, Dr. Ron B. McKinley and Lee S. Webster, founders of the ISO HR 260 standards eight years ago, will turn their attention to promoting the use of the standards they helped create in their new roles as co-founders of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement at ... [ read more ]

First Directory of Enterprise Engagement Solutions Launched

Published: Apr 25, 2019

A CEO's Enterprise Engagement Solution-Provider Directory is the first compilation of companies that provide full-service engagement agency solutions, advisory services, and tactical support in all the key areas of engagement from leadership coaching to analytics. This directory is designed to be used with the companion article: The CEO Enterprise Engagement Toolkit, which explains what to look for in the different types of solution providers and their business models. ... [ read more ]

A Veteran's View of The Engagement Movement in the U.K.

Published: Apr 23, 2019

Few people are in a better position to reflect on the state of the engagement movement in Great Britain than John Fisher, Managing Director of the 30-year-old FMI Brand Engagement Agency and author of multiple books on engagement. ... [ read more ]

The CEO's Enterprise Engagement Toolkit

Published: Apr 22, 2019

A definitive guide to all the tools, tactics and types of engagement solution-providers, offering strategic and tactical solutions for all types of organizations, audiences and applications, as well as some insights on how to select the right solution-provider for your needs and how your organization will pay for the services and measure the impact. ... [ read more ]

News Flash: New Independent Index Shows ROI of Enterprise Engagement Strategies

Published: Apr 17, 2019

JUST Capital, a Goldman Sachs ETF first announced last year and covered in ESM, has created a new independent analysis of 890 public companies, with more on the way, to help investors and all stakeholders identify the organizations with the best practices related to engaging all stakeholders - employees, customers, communities, etc.- as well as minimizing negative impacts on the environment. The goal: motivate CEOs to disclose Human Capital Management practices and outlines.... [ read more ]

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