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Dave Bookbinder, Valuation Expert, Joins EEA Executive Action Committee

Published: Jun 2, 2020

A recognized company valuation expert and passionate advocate for accounting for human capital in business management joins the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's Executive Committee for Accounting and Metrics on a volunteer basis to help oversee development of an outreach effort and EEA curriculum program tailored for chief financial officers. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Vet Launches Catalyst to Help Enhance Performance

Published: Jun 1, 2020

A 30-year veteran of the incentive, events, and engagement field with a special focus on Business Operating Systems and return-on-investment measures, Todd Hanson has launched Catalyst Performance Group to help organizations build more sustainably successful businesses with better stakeholder experiences. Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, serves as an Executive Advisor.... [ read more ]

Guest Insight: 7 Steps to Getting Back to Business

Published: May 31, 2020

A pioneer in connecting customer and employee engagement, Allan Steinmetz, Founder of Inward Strategic Consulting, prescribes a strategic and systematic approach to establishing a new normal within your organization. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Is Critical in Government, Too: Former HUD HR Chief

Published: May 25, 2020

Believe or not, performance improvement and engagement strategies are required of federal agencies under the Government Performance and Results (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010. The challenge, according to Mike Anderson, formal Chief Human Capital Officer for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is that too many departments just check off the box. A government HR expert prescribes a combination of performance management and employee engagement rarely employed in free enterprise either. ... [ read more ]

HR Metrics, ROI Attendees Agree: Covid Will Increase Focus on People

Published: May 20, 2020

The key findings of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on Human Capital Management, Metrics and ROI of Engagement held May 19, 2020: Most attendees agree that Covid-19 will put an even greater focus on people and that very few organizations have a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement. Trust will be a critical factor as we come out of the crisis. ... [ read more ]

Authenticity Will Rule, Say Loyalty, Marketing Execs

Published: May 19, 2020

What major impact will the Covid-19 crisis have on loyalty and marketing? For two different perspectives, ESM turned to Michelle Holmes, Senior Director of Travel and Transport Loyalty, who has over 30 years of experience in financial and related loyalty platforms, and Allan Steinmetz, CEO of Inward Consulting, an executive with 30-plus years in advertising and marketing, including senior marketing positions at Young & Rubicam Advertising, Accenture, Arthur D. Little, and Parago. Their views are supported by a recent PepsiCo study about the state of empathy in America. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Will CFO's Take Charge of Human Capital Metrics?

Published: May 13, 2020, one of the leading media platforms for chief financial officers, appears to be increasing its coverage of the emerging topic of human capital management and metrics. Ironically, CFOs are uniquely positioned to address the issues that have impeded the emergence of strategic human capital management and Stakeholder Capitalism principles, because they have influence not only with the CEO and board, and with human resources, but in all aspects of the organization from marketing to community engagement.... [ read more ]

Dr. Paul White: More Insights on WFH Trends

Published: May 12, 2020

Dr. Paul White's Appreciation at Work team has conducted periodic surveys to find out how employees are reacting to the new work-at-home model. In their latest informal survey, they seek to assess the degree to which employees are feeling supported and to find examples of how they are receiving or sharing support. Here are the findings.... [ read more ]

Protiviti Joins EEA to Support Human Capital Analytics Practice

Published: May 3, 2020

The Organizational Transformation team of Protiviti, a global consulting firm, has joined the Enterprise Engagement Alliance to support its Human Capital advisory practice and help clients make better use of human capital analytics for internal and external reporting. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Field Has Unexpected Opportunity Through ROI Measurement

Published: Apr 28, 2020

Despite the enormous worldwide economic downturn, the field of engagement has an unprecedented opportunity. Suddenly every CEO is confronted with the long-overlooked fact that not only are people an organization's No. 1 asset, they are its only asset. For the first time, we can literally see that without customers, employees, distribution partners, suppliers and communities, all our real estate and equipment are valueless. ... [ read more ]

Covid-19 Update II: A New Definition of Essential and Appreciation

Published: Apr 6, 2020

Here's an update on the key trends outlined in part I of this series (See ESM: News Analysis: The Potential Long-Term Impact of Covid-19 on Business). ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: The Potential Long-Term Impact of Covid-19 on Business

Published: Mar 22, 2020

While the crisis has only just begun, leaders must begin to look ahead. This analysis aims to project what business will look like post-pandemic, assuming that the world’s experience with the disease is no worse than China's so far. With the disease still running its course, it’s almost impossible to guess the short-term impact on our lives and the economy.... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Alliance Covid-19 Industry Support Strategy

Published: Mar 20, 2020

To keep the engagement community connected during a period without trade shows and business travel and to keep people informed when reliable information is needed, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance provides free supplier listings on the online marketplace and ESM at provides news announcements for all suppliers or organizations seeking to share information.... [ read more ]

Unique Opportunity to Get Brand Alignment Certification

Published: Mar 11, 2020

A veteran in brand alignment processes for organizations and teams is launching a new certification program for practitioners and solution providers being tested on March 24, in Hamilton, NJ, near Philadelphia. Three slots are open for a program ordinarily priced at $795. ... [ read more ]

House Committee Votes to Require Human Capital Disclosures

Published: Mar 2, 2020

Based on the partisan committee vote, this new human capital disclosure law applying to public companies proposed by Democrats is unlikely to become law under current circumstances, but it indicates growing interest in the topic of human capital disclosures. European Union countries and Great Britain already have human capital disclosure requirements for all companies above a certain size. ... [ read more ]

ISO Human Resources Standards Q&A With Zahid Mubarik, ICEE Country Director

Published: Feb 17, 2020

Zahid Mubarik, Executive Director, Central Asia, Mideast, and Europe for the International Center for Enterprise Engagement provides answer to frequently asked questions about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) human capital standards. Mubarik, who has earned an ISO 30414 professional certification, is also CEO of HR Metrics, an international human capital analytics firm based in Islamabad. ... [ read more ]

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