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B-CAT Launches Half-Day Team Cohesion Service

Published: Oct 3, 2022

A leader in brand-culture alignment has introduced a half-day service to recharge and/or reset the culture within an organization or team. It provides an alternative to traditional outdoor- or recreational-team building in that it focuses the interaction on clear organizational goals. ... [ read more ]

Governance Expert Defines Stakeholder Capitalism and its Implications

Published: Oct 2, 2022

Speaking before the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, Leo E. Strine Jr., an expert on corporate governance, provides a clear definition of Stakeholder Capitalism that he believes finds common ground among the right and the left, including a little bit of pain for each side. If done right, Stakeholder Capitalism can benefit all the interests we care about while preserving our individual freedoms.... [ read more ]

ProsperBridge Prospers by Helping People Prosper

Published: Sep 14, 2022

When Jervis DiCicco and Maggie Drucker launched ProsperBridge just about two years ago, their goal was to help organizations enhance engagement, productivity, and quality by addressing a No. 1 employee distraction: financial and related stress. What they have learned is the power of the personal touch. ... [ read more ]

JUST Capital Survey Highlights the Key Source of Waste in Shareholder Capitalism

Published: Aug 23, 2022

A survey of over 3,000 Americans by JUST Capital demonstrates that the Stakeholder Capitalism movement has made minimal progress since the 2019 Business Roundtable update of the corporate charter to include all stakeholders. The survey responses highlight the reasons for the high, hidden cost of Shareholder Capitalism: high levels of employee and customer dissatisfaction.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 5 on Metrics and ROI Demonstrates Need for More Measurement

Published: Aug 1, 2022

This formal session in the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum and certification program on program design and measurement provides an overview of the major metrics and return-on-investment measurement tools for engagement processes, starting with a panel discussion with experts Allan Schweyer, Senior Research Consultant, Center for Human Capital Innovation, and Chief Research Advisor and Todd Hanson, President, Catalyst Performance Group, an early leader in return-on-investment measures. ... [ read more ]

10 Big Fallacies About Stakeholder Capitalism

Published: Aug 1, 2022

Having had a role in efforts to promote an enterprise approach to people management since 1989, I can claim some seniority in helping settle the definition issues raised by opponents of Stakeholder Capitalism both on the right and the left. The definition issue resulted from the 2019 decision by the Business Roundtable to broaden the purpose of the corporation to address the interests of all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

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