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Opinion: Stakeholder Capitalism Is a 50-Year-Old Field, The 2019 Business Roundtable Pronouncement Muddied the Waters

Published: Jan 25, 2023

The 2019 Business Roundtable pronouncement that corporations need to address the interests of all stakeholders and the 2020 World Economic Forum Davos Conference reaffirming the 2013 Davos Manifesto containing the same principles drew welcome attention to a well-established business field but opened the door to virulent opposition based on a distorted definition. ... [ read more ]

JUST 100 Index Outperforms Russell 1000 by 13.7% Since Launch

Published: Jan 11, 2023

As of Dec. 30, 2022, the JUST 100 Index (JUONE) that tracks the top 100 ranked companies on the issues that Americans consider most important outperformed the Russell 1000 by 13.3% since inception in November 2016. The survey on which the rankings are based finds wide agreement on the principles of stakeholder capitalism across the demographic and political spectrums. ... [ read more ]

EEA 2023 Focus: Stakeholder Engagement Implementation

Published: Jan 5, 2023

While business and political pundits battle out the high-level issues related to Environment, Social, Governance (ESG), the Enterprise Engagement Alliance focuses specifically on the implementation of systems and technologies that support the benefits of fostering the proactive involvement of all the stakeholders who contribute to organizational success. ... [ read more ]

Former Delaware Judge Leo Strine Headlines EEA Live Show on the Stakeholder Capitalism Controversy

Published: Dec 4, 2022

Bring your questions to this unique opportunity to hear from Leo E. Strine Jr., former Delaware Chief Justice and an early advocate of Stakeholder Capitalism and Public Benefits Corporations, on Tue., Dec. 13 at 1 pm ET US. Register here. He will be joined by Larry Beeferman, a consultant and Fellow on Labor and Work Life at the Harvard Law School to discuss why Stakeholder Capitalism and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) have taken so much flack from the left and the right; the role of Public Benefits Corporation statutes, and a look at the future of Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

EEA Marks 13th Anniversary With Focus on Implementation of the "S" of ESG

Published: Dec 4, 2022

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance was founded in 2008 to advance a strategic and systematic approach to people across the enterprise, otherwise known as the “S” of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG.) Founded well before the emergence of Stakeholder Capitalism, the EEA has led the way in helping to create a formal roadmap for organizations and solution providers profit from this emerging approach to success in business and to discouraging the “bright shiny object” approach that continues to describe most organizational approaches to people management. Here’s a summary of the EEA’s actions to advance the cause of people since it’s formation. ... [ read more ]

CFO Corner: Inadequate Financial Reporting Leads to Bad Decisions

Published: Nov 28, 2022

Nick Shepherd, a retired chief financial officer now active as an author of books and articles on financial management and human capital, argues in this new ESM column, CFO Corner, that the financial information provided by organizations today leads to bad decisions because it provides no way to measure the financial impact of stakeholder engagement. The accounting system, says this highly experienced financial officer, does not account for the future value created by investments in people today, nor the future value destruction that occurs in short-term layoffs, such as those occurring at Twitter. ... [ read more ]

Japanese Firm Earns ISO 30414 Certification; HRSI Adds Certification Service

Published: Nov 9, 2022

Is momentum beginning to grow for ISO 30414 Human Capital reporting? The Toyota Tsusho Corp. announced that it has achieved the ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting certification, the second company in Japan and the sixth organization in the world with this designation. And, the Human Resource Standards Institute has announced that it is now providing ISO 30414 certification for organizations, along with ISO 30415 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. ... [ read more ]

Analysis: Is Enterprise Engagement Tech Space Taking Shape With Recent US Entrants?

Published: Oct 31, 2022

The little-known ability offered by Enterprise Engagement technology to do for general stakeholder engagement what CRM has done for customer relationship management will gradually get a boost as more companies enter the field and organizations large and small recognize the enormous advantages of aligning all stakeholder engagement practices on a single platform. ... [ read more ]

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