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Tech Firm Releases First ISO 30414 Verified Human Capital Report Amid a War

Published: Mar 14, 2022

A technology company that employs both Russians and Ukrainians worked for a year to create a formal, ISO-30414 verified human capital report to demonstrate its commitment to its employees across Eastern Europe and elsewhere, only to face war in Ukraine, where one-third of the company's employees live and work and where many of its Russian employees have friends and family... [ read more ]

Academic Interest Grows in the "S" of ESG

Published: Mar 14, 2022

While the world's universities jumped on environmental sustainability as a major focus for research and education, educators have only slowly embraced education about the "S", of Environmental, Social, Governance or related reform efforts. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Veterans: It's Just Better Business

Published: Mar 8, 2022

This recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show - "Stakeholder Capitalism: The Definitive Webinar"- brings together early founders of the movement to clarify the definition and implementation process being confused by newcomers with “woke” capitalism and "corporatism." ... [ read more ]

Coming Soon to Companies Near You - People Report Cards?

Published: Feb 28, 2022

What if every public company and those that do business with them had to publish each year a report on how they treat people, sharing specific methods and metrics addressing workforce turnover, skills and development training, compensation, benefits, workforce demographics including diversity, and health and safety, and the demographic composition of their boards? ... [ read more ]

Global Agency Founder to Help Companies "Build Corporate Soul"

Published: Feb 27, 2022

Ralf Specht, founding partner of Spark44, an international ad agency he helped grow into a $100 million plus company with 1,200 employees, now turns his attention to promote "a framework that aligns value-creating employee action with broader corporate strategy through shared understanding and shared purpose."... [ read more ]

Perspective from the Right: What's Wrong With Stakeholder Capitalism

Published: Feb 21, 2022

As an advocate for the proper implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance does everything it can to enable the expression of all viewpoints. ESM followed up with Wayne Winegarden, whose recently published article on Stakeholder Capitalism in National Review raises serious and legitimate dangers for business. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism: The Definitive One-Hour Webinar

Published: Feb 20, 2022

Stakeholder Capitalism has received prominent coverage in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, CNBC, the National Review, and still most people have not heard about it, know what it means, or how it can affect their lives and businesses. ... [ read more ]

At the Front Lines of Making Appreciation Work

Published: Feb 18, 2022

Dr. Paul White's Appreciation at Work book has sold over 500,000 copies to help organizations tap the power of appreciation to turn their cultures into action, and Dr. White presents teaches the process of appreciation into hundreds of training sessions. ... [ read more ]

Take This Quick Survey for a Snapshot of DEI in the Workplace

Published: Jan 28, 2022

A new stakeholder survey created by the Center for Human Capital Innovation known as DEI360 is built to help organizations establish a baseline for the effectiveness of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion processes. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is using it as part of an anonymous three-week survey to measure the perceived level of DEI in business, ending Feb. 28, 2022. ... [ read more ]

"Davos Man" Author on the Dangers of Stakeholder Capitalism

Published: Jan 27, 2022

Based on the tone of the new book "Davos Man", by New York Times global economics correspondent Peter S. Goodman, one might think he's opposed to Stakeholder Capitalism. In fact, in this recent interview, his views largely mirror those who believe in a system that optimizes returns for investors by transparently creating value for customers, employees, supply chain partners, communities, and the environment. ... [ read more ]

Maturity Index Helps Guide More Effective Management

Published: Jan 18, 2022

Worker attitudes highlight changing behaviour. It's time to measure how purpose and values drive human performance. A free online Maturity Index assessment is available to help organizations track their progress toward optimizing results through people. ... [ read more ]

Human Capital Valuation Pioneer Joins B. Riley to Advance Effective Practices

Published: Dec 23, 2021

If the formal use of human capital practices and metrics ever get formally integrated into the business valuation process for mergers and acquisitions and other purposes, Dave Bookbinder will have had something to do with it. A valuation expert for over 25 years and author of The New ROI: Return on Individuals, the first book that specifically attempts to demonstrate why and how to integrate people into valuations, says he has joined the financial services firm B. Riley to take his expertise to the next level. ... [ read more ]

Is Recognition Beginning the Shift from Rewards to Performance?

Published: Dec 6, 2021

For over two decades, the recognition field has talked about how to shift the field's focus from rewards to culture and performance. Now, as the pandemic has put the focus on employee engagement, retention, and willingness to refer, some of the largest recognition companies appear to be doubling down on the rewards story. ESM checked in with several recognition executives to discuss the current state of the field. ... [ read more ]

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