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JUST Capital Survey Highlights the Key Source of Waste in Shareholder Capitalism

Published: Aug 23, 2022

A survey of over 3,000 Americans by JUST Capital demonstrates that the Stakeholder Capitalism movement has made minimal progress since the 2019 Business Roundtable update of the corporate charter to include all stakeholders. The survey responses highlight the reasons for the high, hidden cost of Shareholder Capitalism: high levels of employee and customer dissatisfaction.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 5 on Metrics and ROI Demonstrates Need for More Measurement

Published: Aug 1, 2022

This formal session in the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum and certification program on program design and measurement provides an overview of the major metrics and return-on-investment measurement tools for engagement processes, starting with a panel discussion with experts Allan Schweyer, Senior Research Consultant, Center for Human Capital Innovation, and Chief Research Advisor and Todd Hanson, President, Catalyst Performance Group, an early leader in return-on-investment measures. ... [ read more ]

10 Big Fallacies About Stakeholder Capitalism

Published: Aug 1, 2022

Having had a role in efforts to promote an enterprise approach to people management since 1989, I can claim some seniority in helping settle the definition issues raised by opponents of Stakeholder Capitalism both on the right and the left. The definition issue resulted from the 2019 decision by the Business Roundtable to broaden the purpose of the corporation to address the interests of all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

Guest Opinion: Stakeholder Capitalism Is a 40-Year-Old-Field--Partisans Have Hijacked it

Published: Jul 19, 2022

This guest essay is an appeal to help set the record straight on the definition of Stakeholder Capitalism, which is being increasingly used with a false definition by almost every critic. The subject has now entered the limelight due to recent attacks on the right from Sen. Ted Cruz, V-P Mike Pence and Fox News, as well as critics from the left, and will surely be in the spotlight again on the third anniversary in August of the Business Roundtable’s decision to change the charter of organizations to address the needs of all stakeholders.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 6 Focuses on Case Studies Featuring Sunovion Pharmaceuticals

Published: Jul 13, 2022

Enterprise Engagement Alliance Class 6 of the formal education program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital management features a case study of the Sunovion Pharmaceuticals training and engagement process highlighted for its strategic and systematic approach. The EEA curriculum is the only known professional information anywhere ... [ read more ]

EEA Class 4 on the Tactics of Enterprise Engagement

Published: Jul 4, 2022

This Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show, Class 4 of the formal training program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital Management, kicks off with a panel discussion with four experts involved with engagement and human capital management in the US and in the European Union. Panelists are concerned that the human resources profession may not have the influence required to move CEOs to a more strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 3 Recap: The Return on Investment of Individuals

Published: Jun 29, 2022

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance addresses a mission-critical stakeholder-focused business process being overlooked by CEOs and the human resources community. The EEA education program provides training on all aspects of the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles. This is the third in a series of classes on an enterprise approach to engagement and formal human capital practices for organizations shifting their focus toward a stakeholder approach to management. ... [ read more ]

Meet the First Companies With ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting in EEA Webinars

Published: Jun 27, 2022

For those curious about why organizations have voluntarily produced human capital reports verified by third-party human capital experts, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube channel features two upcoming live and recorded Youtube shows with management at three of the first five organizations with ISO 30414 Human Capital certifications. ... [ read more ]

EEA Class 2 - Strategic Culture

Published: Jun 19, 2022

Turning culture from posters in the lunchroom into guiding principles of the organization is the focus of Class 2 of the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement curriculum and certification program, which focuses on the implementation of human capital management, measurement, and reporting strategies across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

InMoment, Leader in Enterprise Engagement, Buys Review Trackers

Published: Jun 18, 2022

An early innovator in linking customer data with employee engagement has purchased Review Trackers, to provide marketers more information on what organization's customers like or don't like about. This acquisition points to the continued integration of customer and employee engagement strategies. ... [ read more ]

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