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Model For an Ideal Human Capital Report

This "model" human capital report condenses the longer profile of the "ideal" practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism - a fabricated organization known as IMC, an integrated communications company. See ESM: -"The Perfect Company: Anatomy of an Ideal Practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism." This model was created to help organizations of all sizes visualize the format and contents of a human capital report based on ISO 30414 Human Capital reporting standards for employees and ISO 10018 People Engagement standards for customers, channel and supply chain partners, and communities. ... [ read more ]

Brand Engagement 360 Guide to Implementation

Kicking off the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance Brand Engagement 360 Knowledge Management program with the Association of National Advertisers, this primer on Brand Engagement 360 is prepared for marketing and agency management ready to implement a strategic brand engagement process that includes its internal and other stakeholders--including employees, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, volunteers, donors etc. This article summarizes the two key phases of the process: 1) Strategic brand purpose definition and 2) Implementation. Neither require major investments in time and money and in fact are designed to save both over time while enhancing performance and stakeholder experiences through greater alignment and efficiency. These processes are based on over 40 years of academic research and processes time tested in the world of total quality management in factories around the world. ... [ read more ]

Sunovion Training Exec: Treat Your Salespeople Like Volunteers

Veteran sales training executive Richard (Rick) Beers turns a lot of traditional thinking about sales training on its head through a strategic, systematic, and measurable approach. His program is designed to increase learning retention by creating a positive training environment, leveraging the strengths of newly hired sales professionals, and delivering a strong training curriculum.... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism: A Primer

The concept of Stakeholder Capitalism has existed for decades but there remains confusion about the definition that is either a natural phenomenon with the emergence of any new concept or in some cases an effort to poke holes in the concept by deliberately mis-defining it. ... [ read more ]

Now Available: The Essential Guide to Implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism

Last week, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance released its updated Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Blue Book for Stakeholder Capitalists. This week, it has published its updated Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap - How to Implement Stakeholder Capitalism to provide management at all levels a comprehensive implementation guide with detailed information on the theory, economics, and practices of Stakeholder Capitalism and human capital management across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement for CEOs Outlines Stakeholder Capitalism Implementation

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance's newly updated Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Blue Book for Stakeholder Capitalists provides boards and senior management with a short course on how to turn theory into action. A recent survey by the Conference Board found that 92% of CEOs agree with the shift to Stakeholder Capitalism and 82% say they have begun the implementation process. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Pioneer: We're Entering the 4th Inning

As author of Strategic Management, A Stakeholder Approach, first published in 1984, R. Edward Freeman can be considered one of the founders of the theory underlying the Stakeholder Capitalism movement of the 2020s. He's Professor at the Darden School at the University of Virginia and of the more recently published Stakeholder Theory, an update on the topic since the publication of his first book. ESM recently interviewed Freeman to learn his views on the state of the Stakeholder Capitalism movement.... [ read more ]

EGR Management: We're Entering the Era of the Whole Person and What That Means

EGR International was one of the first firms to position itself as an enterprise engagement agency to help organizations align all stakeholders around a common vision. It was also one of the first in the incentive field to diversify beyond face-to-face events and incentive programs into other forms of communications through its in-house creative agency BlackLab Media.... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Certification Course for CFOs, Attorneys Open to Public

A continuing education program for CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) and attorneys on human capital management, reporting, and ROI of engagement in the new world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is the topic of a four-hour virtual workshop for attorneys and accountants seeking to maintain their accreditation through continuing education. The program, set for May 15 from 9 am to 1 pm, is open to anyone in business for $49. ... [ read more ]

One10 Marketing: The Power of the Pivot in the Time of Covid-19

One10 Marketing, a top-10 full-service performance improvement company, faced the pandemic by finding new ways to serve customers and leverage its people and expertise, says Richelle Taylor, Vice President Strategic Marketing. It is helping companies rapidly shift to new ways to engage, from moving travel incentives and meetings to merchandise and other rewards and virtual events; connecting to the hearts and minds of employees through enterprise engagement technology and effective communications and training, and by helping clients benefit from analytics to make better decisions.... [ read more ]

Free Organizational Assessment Tool Charts Path to a Better Business

The RBL Group (RBL) and CorpU have co-created, refined, and delivered an Organizational Guidance System (OGS) to help organizations more effectively achieve their goals. For a limited time, they are inviting organizations free access to an assessment tool to “identify specific paths to achieve the results you want to impact for talent, business performance, customers, and investors.” ... [ read more ]

June 16: David Ulrich Headlines Zoom Show on New Human Capital Mandate and HR

A human resources visionary will discuss the emerging concept of Stakeholder Capitalism, the coming human capital mandate and the challenges and opportunities presented to the human resources management community in this new EEA Zoom series: Stakeholder Capitalism in Action, kicking off June 16 at 12 pm, ET. The program will be followed on June 24 at 1 pm ET with a new EEA Zoom show on Measurable Engagement Solutions, focused on what CEOs and HRs need to implement Stakeholder Capitalism principles. ... [ read more ]

Webinar: HR Metrics, ROI Attendees Agree: Covid Will Increase Focus on People

The key findings of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on Human Capital Management, Metrics and ROI of Engagement held May 19, 2020: Most attendees agree that Covid-19 will put an even greater focus on people and that very few organizations have a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement. Trust will be a critical factor as we come out of the crisis. ... [ read more ]

Two New Books Advocate Stakeholder Capitalism

Professors from Harvard Business School, University of Virginia's Darden School of Business and George Washington University author books that include the fundamental need for CEOs to lead a strategic and systematic approach to addressing the needs of all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

HR Exec Makes Unusual Leap to M&A Human Capital Advisory

Laura Queen rose through the ranks of human resources at multiple companies for more than 20 years. She made the decision to use her expertise to assist mid-cap private equity, venture capital and strategic buyers in mitigating risks by better evaluating the human capital aspect of potential acquisitions. ... [ read more ]

Sales Tech CEO: It's Time to Change the Game

Gary Rhoads, Co-Founder of, a SaaS-based software to support effective one-on-one sales management, believes that the current crisis could cause a permanent change in the way organizations engage their people and sell. ... [ read more ]

ISO Human Capital Standards Bootcamp | Chicago, March 12-13

The Northwestern University Law School’s Workforce Science Project is hosting the first certification preparation program for ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting and ISO 10018 Quality People Management standard, the first of which was recently achieved by DTE Energy... [ read more ]

Enterprise Technology Engagement

Ask anyone involved with technology implementation, and they'll tell you that the most frequent cause of failure is to strategically and consistently address the people issue. ... [ read more ]

The Brand Engagement Conference | June 18-20 | Chicago

Discover a breakthrough, practical approach supported by ISO standards to enhance performance and stakeholder experience at Selling Power’s Sales 3.0 Conference, "Frictionless Selling," June 18-19, and "Enterprise Engagement in Action," June 20, at the Drake Hotel in Chicago.... [ read more ]

Q & A with Dr. Ron McKinley: Why and How to Achieve ISO 10018 Certification for Employers and Solution Providers

Dr. Ron McKinley, Vice President and Chief Standards Officer for the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, co-founder of the UTMB’s Enterprise Engagement Advisory Practice focusing on the healthcare and hospitality fields, and co-founder of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement (ICEE), recently spoke to ESM, outlining the benefits of the ISO 10018 framework and how to obtain certification... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition

The only practical guidebook and desk reference for executives and front-line management seeking to apply a strategic and systematic approach to achieving organizational objectives and improving shareholder value and share-price performance in public and privately held organizations, government, and not-for-profits. ... [ read more ]

A Front-Line Manager's Recognition Tip Sheet

Over the last few years, the recognition field has seen a significant shift from traditional length-of-service awards to programs that focus on supporting critical organizational goals -- quality service to internal or external customers, participation in volunteer initiatives, a willingness to go the extra mile, etc. ... [ read more ]

Channel Partner Engagement

In many industries and businesses, channel partners are key links between employees and customers- a weak link if they are ignored, an important source of strength if they are engaged. The stakes are high. Channel partner impact can be enormous in terms of sales volume, market share, brand reputation and “share of customer”, i.e., in engaging customers. Indeed, channel partners are often the sole link to the customer. But channel partners can also impact employee engagement, especially when they fail to deliver. Conversely, channel partner engagement is directly affected by the employees who manage them and who produce the products and services. In short, most businesses succeed only to the degree that symbiotic relationships exist between employees, customers, channel partners and vendors. This is the basis upon which “Enterprise Engagement” is built. In this paper, we focus on channel partners as a key constituent of organizational success and we offer practical strategies and tactics to engage them.... [ read more ]

EU Updates CSRD Law While First Reports Get Released

As the largest European Union companies subject to the law begin publishing their integrated financial and EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive reports this year, the European Union has announced an omnibus directive to merge and simplify the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and its sister Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, while significantly reducing the number of corporations subject to the law. ... [ read more ]

Part 2: Stakeholder Management Implementation

This step-by-step process demystifies the concept of stakeholder capitalism by focusing on its practical implementation, metrics, and continuous improvement process. This framework is based on the holistic, strategic, and systematic approach familiar to anyone involved with total quality management in manufacturing. ... [ read more ]

EEA and Appreciation at Work Collaborate on Purpose Leadership, Stakeholder Management Training

The first independent educational organization to support the practical implementation of purpose leadership and stakeholder management principles is joining forces with the Appreciation at Work culture enhancement platform to provide any size or type of organization, advisory and consulting firm a complete tool kit for enhancing organizational performance and experiences through people. ... [ read more ]

Anti-ESG Backlash Forces Healthy Focus on Value Creation Instead of Greenwashing

Over the last few months, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink tells associates he is no longer using the term ESG (environmental, social, governance) and McDonalds recently reduces mention of the term from its web site. Does this mean the end of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) or a healthy focus on how a strategic focus on sustainability creates value rather than fodder for glossy corporate sustainability reports read or believed by few. Ironically, right wing efforts actually could reduce efforts to curb ESG could actually lead to less transparency. ... [ read more ]

Report Finds Business Unprepared for New EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Law

Perhaps not surprisingly, the world lacks a body of experts in stakeholder management and sustainability reporting that will be required for compliance with the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, according to this recent article in Responsible Investor. In other CSRD news: the EU seeks to create a marketplace for auditors and independent service providers; the UK publication Edie finds that few companies have begun preparing for the new law. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Tech Market Remains Blue Ocean

Large companies have the resources to create highly integrated employee and other stakeholder engagement platforms through their internal portals. For SMEs (small- to- medium-size) enterprises without such resources, Enterprise Engagement technologies can make it easy to engage all key stakeholders on a single, configurable platform. While there may be 100 or more employee recognition and gifting platforms, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance could identify only eight Enterprise Engagement technology platforms in an extensive Internet search, six of which responded to our request for additional information on their technologies. ... [ read more ]

CSRD Part 5: Strategy and Implementation

The history of ISO 9001 quality management standards provides a solid foundation for predicting what will happen now that the European Union has made such disclosures a matter of law. A certain percentage of affected organizations will view the disclosures as a competitive opportunity. On the other hand, perhaps 50% or more will view it strictly as a compliance issue. ... [ read more ]

CSRD Report Part 7: Estimated Time and Costs for SMEs and Large Enterprises

The looming question for organizations is: how much is this going to cost? The good news is that the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its affiliates have first-hand experience: ours are almost the only companies in the world that have created human capital reports and conducted audits for both very large companies and an SME (small- to medium-size enterprise), providing us with first-hand experience of the time and expertise involved; the cost, and scalability factors.... [ read more ]

Size Matters When it Comes to Corporate Sustainability Reporting

This is the second in a multi-part series on the creation of Corporate Sustainability Reports for all sizes and types of organizations. This article focuses on the strategy for Corporate Sustainability reporting based on the size of the organization. For Part 1 of this series, click here: Is It Time for Your Organization to Publish a Corporate Sustainability Report. ... [ read more ]

New Business Guides CEOs on the Path to Stakeholder Capitalism

If the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism requires a strategic and systematic process, it stands to reason that the emergence of this field will foster the creation of a new field of experts, services, and technology, much as occurred in the field total quality management, customer relationship management, loyalty management, and many others. Along with the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its Engagement Agency division, Stakeholder Business is among the first businesses specifically launched to help guide CEOs seeking to make the shift to Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Dip Your Mind Into the New World of Stakeholder Management...

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers free or low-cost ways for people to get started down the path to learning about the formal principles, economics, implementation, and reporting processes of stakeholder management, the implementation process for Stakeholder Capitalism. This learning program is even more important now that the European Union has established stakeholder management as a business norm in its new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requiring disclosures on all areas of stakeholder engagement of large companies (over 250 employees) doing business in Europe. ... [ read more ]

EEA Marks 13th Anniversary With Focus on Implementation of the "S" of ESG

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance was founded in 2008 to advance a strategic and systematic approach to people across the enterprise, otherwise known as the “S” of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG.) Founded well before the emergence of Stakeholder Capitalism, the EEA has led the way in helping to create a formal roadmap for organizations and solution providers profit from this emerging approach to success in business and to discouraging the “bright shiny object” approach that continues to describe most organizational approaches to people management. Here’s a summary of the EEA’s actions to advance the cause of people since it’s formation. ... [ read more ]

CFO Corner: Inadequate Financial Reporting Leads to Bad Decisions

Nick Shepherd, a retired chief financial officer now active as an author of books and articles on financial management and human capital, argues in this new ESM column, CFO Corner, that the financial information provided by organizations today leads to bad decisions because it provides no way to measure the financial impact of stakeholder engagement. The accounting system, says this highly experienced financial officer, does not account for the future value created by investments in people today, nor the future value destruction that occurs in short-term layoffs, such as those occurring at Twitter. ... [ read more ]

Analysis: Is Enterprise Engagement Tech Space Taking Shape With Recent US Entrants?

The little-known ability offered by Enterprise Engagement technology to do for general stakeholder engagement what CRM has done for customer relationship management will gradually get a boost as more companies enter the field and organizations large and small recognize the enormous advantages of aligning all stakeholder engagement practices on a single platform. ... [ read more ]

EEA Class 2 - Strategic Culture

Turning culture from posters in the lunchroom into guiding principles of the organization is the focus of Class 2 of the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement curriculum and certification program, which focuses on the implementation of human capital management, measurement, and reporting strategies across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Management Professor Questions the Benefits of ESG Spotlight

Jeff Harrison has taught Stakeholder Management, the underlying theory of Stakeholder Capitalism, has conducted research, written papers, and taught students on the subject for about 35 years, most recently as the W. David Robbins Chair in Strategic Management at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond since 2004. So, what does he think about all the controversy around Environmental, Social Governance (ESG), increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism? ... [ read more ]

Who Is More Prone to Woke Practices--Shareholder or Stakeholder Capitalists?

In the face of noisy attacks from the right on Stakeholder Capitalism deliberately conflating it with Woke Capitalism, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at used the ISO 30414 human capital checklist to compare the characteristics of Shareholder, Woke, and Stakeholder Capitalism to evaluate whether Shareholder Capitalists or Stakeholder Capitalists are more prone to woke tendencies.... [ read more ]

Professors Hope Stakeholder Capitalism Film Can Wake Up the Masses

Despite widespread coverage of the Stakeholder Capitalism movement in the business media, the subject is not mentioned in the mainstream media and is largely unknown to citizens, neither in the US nor elsewhere. A group of professors and other interested parties aim to help change that through a documentary, "Fishing with Dynamite," available through Google Play and a few other services. The challenge of course, is getting people to see it. ... [ read more ]

Guest Opinion: Make Ethics Your Competitive Advantage

How important is ethics to the success of your business? How important is ethics to your employees? Do you think the business world, in general, needs to become more ethical? Most businesspeople agree that ethics is of the utmost importance, however, the word 'ethics' is absent from the employee engagement narrative.... [ read more ]

Opinion: The Model for the New Chief People Officer

Human capital analytics are revealing for the first time the contribution of employees to the bottom line measured by their productivity, quality, diversity, wellness, and willingness to recommend. It's now time to move from analytics to action.... [ read more ]

EEA Offers First Executive Training Program on Stakeholder Management

Business leaders worldwide are talking about Stakeholder Capitalism. The EEA Stakeholder Management Implementation Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the systems and tactics with contributions from world-wide pioneers in the implementation of Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement --the theory, framework, and practical implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles.... [ read more ]

New EEA Members Cite Reasons for Joining

New individual and corporate members say they have joined the Enterprise Engagement Alliance to advance their skills; elevate their stakeholder engagement capabilities and share information with a growing community of like-minded companies and professionals. ... [ read more ]

Academic Interest Grows in the "S" of ESG

While the world's universities jumped on environmental sustainability as a major focus for research and education, educators have only slowly embraced education about the "S", of Environmental, Social, Governance or related reform efforts. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Veterans: It's Just Better Business

This recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show - "Stakeholder Capitalism: The Definitive Webinar"- brings together early founders of the movement to clarify the definition and implementation process being confused by newcomers with “woke” capitalism and "corporatism." ... [ read more ]

Global Agency Founder to Help Companies "Build Corporate Soul"

Ralf Specht, founding partner of Spark44, an international ad agency he helped grow into a $100 million plus company with 1,200 employees, now turns his attention to promote "a framework that aligns value-creating employee action with broader corporate strategy through shared understanding and shared purpose."... [ read more ]

Perspective from the Right: What's Wrong With Stakeholder Capitalism

As an advocate for the proper implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance does everything it can to enable the expression of all viewpoints. ESM followed up with Wayne Winegarden, whose recently published article on Stakeholder Capitalism in National Review raises serious and legitimate dangers for business. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism: The Definitive One-Hour Webinar

Stakeholder Capitalism has received prominent coverage in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, CNBC, the National Review, and still most people have not heard about it, know what it means, or how it can affect their lives and businesses. ... [ read more ]

"Davos Man" Author on the Dangers of Stakeholder Capitalism

Based on the tone of the new book "Davos Man", by New York Times global economics correspondent Peter S. Goodman, one might think he's opposed to Stakeholder Capitalism. In fact, in this recent interview, his views largely mirror those who believe in a system that optimizes returns for investors by transparently creating value for customers, employees, supply chain partners, communities, and the environment. ... [ read more ]

Yes, Stakeholder Capitalism Can Transform Society

A worldwide movement is well underway that has the potential to transform America without the need for any political consensus, legislation, or tax increases. Surveys show that its principles are popular on both sides of the political divide, and its practice can help create greater prosperity, improve the daily experiences of both employees and customers, create opportunities for supply chain and distribution partners, as well as for communities and the environment, all while addressing inequalities across society. ... [ read more ]

Is Your Company Truly People-Focused? Why Publishing a Human Capital Report May Be the Best Way to Prove It

For decades now, such organizations as the Great Places to Work, J.D. Powers, and the Better Business Bureau have provided meaningful ways for investors, customers, employees, and others to evaluate the people practices of companies. In fact, two studies of the stock performance of Great Places to Work have indicated that such companies outperform their competitors in the stock market. ... [ read more ]

Brand Alignment Case Study - How to Build Consensus Around Purpose

This case study, based on a question-and-answer session with Marian Baldini, President of KenCrest, a large not-for-profit based in Blue Bell PA, demonstrates how her organization uses a systematic alignment process provided by BCAT Brand and Culture Alignment to help launch a major new organization-wide initiative. ... [ read more ]

Student Stakeholder Capitalism Society Produces Early Results

University students Richard DeDios, a Junior at Pace University, White Plains NY, and William (Billy) Krupkin, a senior at Tulane University, New Orleans, are among the first students to join the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's Stakeholder Capitalism Society and to participate in the Human Capital reporting internship. ... [ read more ]

EEA YouTube Show: The State of Stakeholder Capitalism with R. Edward Freeman, a Pioneer of the Movement

Who better to catch up with on the state of Stakeholder Capitalism than R. Edward Freeman, Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. His 1984 book "Stakeholder Management" helped give rise to the extensive research on the benefits and methods of managing and addressing all stakeholders in an organization, rather than focusing specifically on the interests of shareholders. This has earned him the designation as a "father" of Stakeholder Capitalism by organizations such as JUST Capital.... [ read more ]

Strategic Communications - How to Use Intelligent Content to Enhance Lead Generation and Sales Closing Ratios

Social media, blogs, and e-newsletter technology enable almost any organization to become its own media company to generate leads, enhance thought leadership, build relationships and enhance sales ratios. Very few in business implement strategic integrated communications programs, often because they lack the people with the journalistic and other content creation skills needed for effective content marketing or they fail to integrate the communications programs into their sales and support process. ... [ read more ]

Academic World Increasingly Explores Stakeholder Capitalism

Recent papers published by Oxford University, New York University Stern Business School, Stanford University, London School of Economics, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences in India, University of Sydney, Australia, and in other countries signal heightened interest in the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance, increasingly used interchangeably with Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Total Rewards 2.0: At the Convergence of Rewards, Recognition, and Benefits

Organizations can maximize the impact of their rewards, recognition, and benefits programs if they align these efforts under a holistic approach known as Total Rewards 2.0. That's one of the key findings of this Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show designed to help management at all levels optimize the results of their engagement efforts. ... [ read more ]

Wikipedia Publishes Entry on Stakeholder Capitalism

Wikipedia beats and Merriam Webster to the punch with publication of a thorough review of Stakeholder Capitalism submitted by the EEA. It includes a discussion about the definition, history, benefits, etymology, and cites many of the early founders. ... [ read more ]

The Stakeholder Capitalist's Toolkit

As can be seen in the ESM feature, The Perfect Company: Anatomy of an Ideal Practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism Seen Through Its Human Capital Report, implementation requires strategic and systematic management to align the many tactics already used in organizations toward supporting common goals, values, and metrics. ... [ read more ]

EEA Consolidates Education on the "S" ESG Management, Aka Stakeholder Capitalism

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has consolidated all its educational and information resources on the "S" of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) into a single 24/7, 365-day-a-year information center with news, resources, and training available via the Web, social media, e-newsletters, Youtube expert panels, face-to-face learning, and books. ... [ read more ]

Malaysia Leads World in Stakeholder Capitalism Governance Language

This year's Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC) Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Virtual Conference 2021 coincides with a change in the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) 2021, which may be the first anywhere to incorporate the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism.... [ read more ]

JetRuby, App Developer, Joins EEA to Enhance Its Human Capital Strategy

An international software and application developer for leading US companies based in Russia and the Ukraine has joined the Engagement Agency at Its goal: to implement a formal Human Capital Management, Measurement, and Reporting strategy designed to achieve its organizational goals in a more sustainable way through people. ... [ read more ]

Do You Know Your Human Capital ROI? If Not, Your Company May Be Leaving Money on the Table

A growing number of investors and board directors now believe that human capital is an asset with a return-on-investment that merits clear strategies, metrics, and tactics aligned with goals. As a result, more companies are publishing human capital reports, in many cases without necessarily addressing the fundamental issues required to have a measurable, successful, and sustainable financial and experiential results for stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

Q&A with EEA Head Bolger on The Engagement Agency

Offering so many services to support the growing field of Human Capital Management and the discipline of Enterprise Engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at can seem confusing to some. Here's a Q&A with Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, to explain the Engagement Agency and how it fits into the overall goal of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance: to promote a strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise to fulfill the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance management principles, increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

EEA Youtube Show: Engagement Field Has Growing Role in ESG Management

According to this Enterprise Engagement Alliance Youtube show: "Essentials of ESG and Engagement," not only is the concept of Environmental, Social, and Governance here to stay, it has created an opportunity both for organizations and the solution providers that can help implement meaningful ESG strategies. ... [ read more ]

EEA YouTube Profile on ProsperBridge Financial Wellness Platform for Employees

ProsperBridge is the latest company to be featured in the EEA Human Capital and Enterprise Engagement Youtube channel profiles of solution providers in all areas of engagement. EEA Solution Provider profiles are designed to create a 24/7 online opportunity for organizations and solution providers to learn about services through interviews with their management.... [ read more ]

Human Capital and Enterprise Engagement Youtube Channel: 22 Sessions and Counting

Management involved with engaging people have to be jacks of many trades -- from branding, culture, and communications to DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), innovation, and human capital analytics. In its quest to help organizations profit from the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism through an enterprise approach to engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance is building a continually growing library of 30- to 60-minute panel discussions with experts at the front lines of implementing people-focused strategies. ... [ read more ]

JUST Capital Exec: Next 5 Years Critical to Stakeholder Capitalism Movement

Founded in 2014, JUST Capital was a pioneer in focusing on the benefits of stakeholder-driven capitalism at the highest levels of business and government. Beyond providing tools, information and licensing data to investors and others interested in evaluating organizations based on their levels of stakeholder engagement, its goal is to have a seat at the table at the highest levels of government, business, and the media to break through the barriers to what its founders believe is a better form of Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Certification Course for CFOs, Attorneys Open to Public

A continuing education program for CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) and attorneys on human capital management, reporting, and ROI of engagement in the new world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is the topic of a four-hour virtual workshop for attorneys and accountants seeking to maintain their accreditation through continuing education. The program, set for May 15 from 9 am to 1 pm, is open to anyone in business for $49.... [ read more ]

Are Board Directors Still Behind the Curve on People Management?

A recent report published by the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) reads like a playbook from the past. Despite all the talk about Stakeholder Capitalism, human capital management and reporting in the business media over the past year, the organization’s list of board priorities indicates growing awareness of the people business, but that there is a long way to go.... [ read more ]

Employee Engagement Consulting Vet Joins Engagement Agency Senior Advisory Board

Oliver Rueth, a management consulting veteran with a specialty in employee engagement and Human Capital Management, will serve as a Senior Advisor on managed outsourcing focusing on employee engagement and human capital management. The Engagement Agency, a unit of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at, and probably the first Enterprise Engagement advisory service, provides professional services to organizations seeking to create new value out of the 50% or more of their yearly expenses—people. ... [ read more ]

Economics of Mutuality (EoM) Foundation on Stakeholder Capitalism: It's Time for Action

The Economics of Mutuality (EoM) Foundation has as its "main mission to transform the global economic system by creating a mutuality of benefits among all stakeholders," says its Chief Advocacy Officer Jay Jakub. Founded in late 2020 out of an internal think tank at Mars, and incorporated and funded by the company for five years, the foundation aims to help organizations equip management at all levels to support a model that moves corporations from "value extraction for shareholders to a model that creates value for all by solving problems for stakeholders drawn together by a common purpose."... [ read more ]

New EEA Youtube Stakeholder Show: From Fad to Action?

This EEA Zoom show on the principles, ROI, and challenges facing the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism kicks off a new 30-minute series of strategic and tactical Youtube shows to support new education programs produced by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The EEA 2.0 education program focuses on the development, implementation, and measurement of Stakeholder Capitalism and human capital management practices across the enterprise. These programs are designed for boards, CEOs, CFOs, CHROs, CMOs, etc., and managers at all levels seeking to understand how to implement at a practical level the Stakeholder Capitalism theory and human capital management practices. ... [ read more ]

Week in Review-EY Report: People Are No. 1 Priority, BOA Chair Touts Stakeholder Capitalism on Fox

Here’s an update on news about Stakeholder Capitalism over the last week. EY Linked in poll finds people are the No. 1 priority…New Council on Inclusive Capitalism supported by the Vatican…Brian Moynihan, Bank of America co-chairman, touts Stakeholder Capitalism on Fox business news… McKinsey study says Stakeholder Capitalism and Digitalization rank among the biggest trends for 2021…. …Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism issues formal framework…Biden Administration will rescind Trump Administration restrictions on ESG investments.... [ read more ]

Total Rewards 2.0: It's Time to Update the Model

Conceived in the 1990s, the concept of Total Rewards represented a revolution in thinking related to compensation that to this day has not been fulfilled at many organizations, that is: a strategic, holistic approach to compensation that considers every aspect of the employee experience and his or her capabilities and potential contributions to the organization. ... [ read more ]

CarltonOne Storefront Goes Live on

One of the world's leading providers of gifting and engagement technology services offers a comprehensive solution for human resources (HR) and marketing solution providers seeking to bring gifting and engagement solutions to clients.... [ read more ]

Pressures Mount Across the Board for ESG Reporting

A major international accounting firm calls for more education on ESG (environmental, social, governance) reporting...The World Business Council and Baker Mackenzie law firm call for more board oversight of sustainable management... [ read more ]

Why M&A Has Overlooked People Capital

Michael Mazer, an advisor to the Engagement Agency M&A group, one of the first mergers and acquisition firms focused on engagement and human capital metrics, talks about why the people factor remains largely overlooked in the world of mergers and acquisitions. He believes the focus on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investment and management practices and the Stakeholder Capitalism movement will create even more interest in the people factor. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Definition Published by EEA

A debate has erupted at the highest level of business and politics about a subject with no formal definition in any dictionary. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance solicited input on a definition to help clarify the debate going forward and, following a comment period, has published a formal definition to help provide a framework for more productive discussion. ... [ read more ]

EEA Launches Enterprise Engagement Education 2.0 to Power the S of ESG

The 12-year-old Enterprise Engagement Alliance education and certification program focusing on connecting employee engagement and the interests of all stakeholders to organizational success now includes the latest information on Securities and Exchange Commission, World Economic Forum human capital disclosure; other sustainability standards, and return-on-investment of engagement practices. ... [ read more ]

World Economic Forum Announces Metrics for Stakeholder Capitalism

Business and media skeptics have challenged the business community to demonstrate they are serious about Stakeholder Capitalism principles. In a web program publicizing the new Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics companies can use to standardize ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) disclosures, business leaders assert that Stakeholder Capitalism has arrived and that it’s time to focus on implementation.... [ read more ]

CarltonOne Joins EEA to Speed Global Impact of Engagement

With a suite of integrated enterprise engagement technologies and a global customizable brand redemption platform, CarltonOne has joined the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) mission to scale the engagement field and promote the selective use of brands to inspire key stakeholders around the world.... [ read more ]

Analysis: Stakeholder Capitalism Makes More News

In the last week, Stakeholder Capitalism continues to draw both positive and negative attention from the media and business influencers. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance promotes the concept of Stakeholder Capitalism because it is supported by the implementation process and curriculum developed by the Enterprise Engagement in 2009. See Stakeholder Capitalism: A Primer.... [ read more ]

Financial, Legal Leaders Can Now Earn Required Credits on Human Capital Management in EEA Program

Created in 2009, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's first formal learning and certification program on Enterprise Engagement, encompassing human capital management, measurement, ROI, and compliance will be adapted for chief financial officers (CFOs) and business leaders. The program will be offered in partnership with the Accountant-Lawyer Alliance (ALA), which provides continuing education courses and networking events to certified public accountants (CPAs) and attorneys nationwide. ... [ read more ]

Business Operating Systems, Brand Media the Focus of August EEA Zoom Shows

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance strategic Zoom Show on Aug. 12 at 1 pm ET will focus on Business Operating Systems, an invaluable approach to running a better business of almost any size. The EEA tactical Zoom Show on Aug. 13 at 1 pm US, sponsored by the Brand Media Coalition, will cover the emerging concept of Brand Media, Experiences and Surprise and Delight in rewards, recognition, and gifting. ... [ read more ]

EEA Creates Curriculum for CFO.University

The EEA is creating the first formal learning and certification program on Human Capital Management, Measurement, Employee Engagement ROI, and Compliance for chief financial officers for CFO.University, a leading community for CFOs that will qualify CFO.University members for an EEA CFO certification and annual membership status. This new course at CFO.University is focused specifically on the needs of the CFOs seeking to understand the basic principles involved with managing, measuring, and reporting on all aspects of human capital and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

EEA Zoom Show Focuses on Advertising and Marketing in the Era of Authenticity

Matthew Della Croce; President Global and Corporate for Allison Partners; Satish Korde, a brand strategy consultant and formerly CEO of GTB, and Allan Steinmetz; CEO, Founder, Inward Consulting, will join EEA Zoom show host Bruce Bolger, Enterprise Engagement Alliance at founder, on how the advertising and marketing field can adapt to the new focus on authenticity and purpose. ... [ read more ]

People ROI Pioneers to CEOs: Human Capital Can Be Measured

Probably no organization has dedicated itself more persistently to the cause of measuring the return on investment of human resources and other people investments than ROI Institute, which now has nearly 6,000 return-on-Investment certified professionals worldwide with an active pipeline of 2,000 people in the process. ... [ read more ]

The New Economics of Capitalism

Why is a leading professor of finance at the London Business School a strong advocate for employee engagement? Because it’s better business, he says. That’s the premise of Alex Edman's new book, Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, published in March by Cambridge University Press. Edmans will be a panelist in a series of upcoming EEA Zoom Shows... [ read more ]

HR Metrics, ROI Attendees Agree: Covid Will Increase Focus on People

The key findings of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on Human Capital Management, Metrics and ROI of Engagement held May 19, 2020: Most attendees agree that Covid-19 will put an even greater focus on people and that very few organizations have a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement. Trust will be a critical factor as we come out of the crisis. ... [ read more ]

Authenticity Will Rule, Say Loyalty, Marketing Execs

What major impact will the Covid-19 crisis have on loyalty and marketing? For two different perspectives, ESM turned to Michelle Holmes, Senior Director of Travel and Transport Loyalty, who has over 30 years of experience in financial and related loyalty platforms, and Allan Steinmetz, CEO of Inward Consulting, an executive with 30-plus years in advertising and marketing, including senior marketing positions at Young & Rubicam Advertising, Accenture, Arthur D. Little, and Parago. Their views are supported by a recent PepsiCo study about the state of empathy in America. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Field Has Unexpected Opportunity Through ROI Measurement

Despite the enormous worldwide economic downturn, the field of engagement has an unprecedented opportunity. Suddenly every CEO is confronted with the long-overlooked fact that not only are people an organization's No. 1 asset, they are its only asset. For the first time, we can literally see that without customers, employees, distribution partners, suppliers and communities, all our real estate and equipment are valueless. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: The Potential Long-Term Impact of Covid-19 on Business

While the crisis has only just begun, leaders must begin to look ahead. This analysis aims to project what business will look like post-pandemic, assuming that the world’s experience with the disease is no worse than China's so far. With the disease still running its course, it’s almost impossible to guess the short-term impact on our lives and the economy.... [ read more ]

ISO Human Resources Standards Q&A With Zahid Mubarik, ICEE Country Director

Zahid Mubarik, Executive Director, Central Asia, Mideast, and Europe for the International Center for Enterprise Engagement provides answer to frequently asked questions about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) human capital standards. Mubarik, who has earned an ISO 30414 professional certification, is also CEO of HR Metrics, an international human capital analytics firm based in Islamabad. ... [ read more ]

Human Capital Investment and Reporting Council Formed

Providing up-to-date briefings on ISO 30414 standards, Securities & Exchange Commission human capital disclosure rules, ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) and other emerging human capital measurement standards, as well as case studies, research and on-site and virtual training, are among the activities of a new invitation-only peer group for senior executives in human resources, finance, and the investor communities. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis Stakeholder Capitalism Its Time for Action

When the Enterprise Engagement Alliance formally introduced the field of Enterprise Engagement in 2008, the goal was to provide organizations with a new path to sustainable success based on engaging all interested parties in the purpose of the enterprise... [ read more ]

Zahid Mubarik Receives 2nd ISO 30414 Human Capital Certification

Zahid Mubarik, Executive Director of the Middle East, Central Asia, and Eastern European region of International Center for Enterprise Engagement and CEO of HR Metrics, is the second individual to receive a professional certification for ISO 30414 Human Capital Internal and External Reporting.... [ read more ]

Survey: Americans Agree on Something--Capitalism Should Address All Stakeholders

A survey of over 96,000 Americans conducted since 2015 finds that Americans of all political stripes and demographics agree that they "want to see companies support all their stakeholders, including their workers, customers, communities, the environment and finally their stakeholders." Along with announcing the latest results of its survey of what Americans want from corporate America, JUST Capital announced its annual rankings of America’s best and worst companies.... [ read more ]

Six Countries Represented in First ICEE International ISO 30414 Prep Course

Worldwide interest in the new ISO 30414 human capital guidelines is demonstrated by the attendance of leading human resources and analytics executives from six countries in the first ICEE (International Center for Enterprise Engagement) webinar on the new standard. Several have already begun their ISO 30414 professional certification. ... [ read more ]

Anne-Sophie Pruvost Named ICEE Global Engagement Director

A 16-year veteran of Engagement Enterprises assumes Global Engagement Director role for the International Center for Enterprise Engagement at to establish ICEE's European headquarters in Lille, France, and to support global operations, content marketing and social media. ... [ read more ]

ICEE Taps Zahid Mubarik to Lead Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe

The International Center for Enterprise Engagement at has named Zahid Mubarik Executive Director for the Middle East, Central Asia and European regions. He launches his new role with a series of webinars on ISO human capital standards, particularly people analytics standard ISO 30414 internal and external reporting guidelines.... [ read more ]

SEC Human Capital Proposal Draws Nearly 80 Comments, No Media Attention

Comments were overwhelmingly in favor of even more specific disclosures of human capital investments than proposed in new Securities & Exchange Commission 10-K disclosure requirements, with investors and individual commenters in favor of more specifics and business interests generally opposed to any additional disclosure requirements. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: More CEOs Calls for an Enterprise Approach to Engagement: Now What?

Over the last three months, the prestigious Business Roundtable and trend-setting CEOs such as Marc Benioff of Salesforce and Henry Blodget of have advocated for a new approach to capitalism that all have one principle in common: the need to strategically and systematically address the needs of all stakeholders-customers, employees, business partners, communities, anyone who touches the organization directly or indirectly. The question is no longer if CEOs are going to get it, but rather what they are going to do. ... [ read more ]

Barron's: ESG Investor Helped Drive Walmart Gun Decision

A report in Barron’s Sept. 9 edition, “How Investors Helped Curb Walmart Gun Sales,” asserts that a letter by leading Environmental, Social, and Governance investor John Streur, an “ESG titan” who runs Calvert Research & Management, the Responsible investing unit of Eaton Vance, helped convince Walmart it was time to take a firmer stance on gun sales. ... [ read more ]

Business Roundtable: CEOs Must Commit to Benefiting All Stakeholders

Nearly 10 years after the Enterprise Engagement Alliance was founded, the world’s leading CEOs in the Business Roundtable formally embrace an enterprise approach to engaging all stakeholders that uses language almost identical to that adopted by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards, including ISO Annex SL requirements in ISO 90001 Quality Management and 60 ISO standards, as well as in ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards and ISO 30414 Human Capital Management guidelines.... [ read more ]

Insight: Before Blaming the CEO, Try Doing the Job

Here's a perspective of human capital from the CEO’s vantage point to help understand how to demonstrate how CEOs above all can benefit from a strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders--not only be producing more sustainable results, but also by creating better experiences for all stakeholders and reducing risks of accidents, defects, and lawsuits, not to mention management squabbling. ... [ read more ]

Sustainability Expert: Human Capital Garners Increased Attention

Gail Glazerman, a chartered financial analyst for the Sustainability Accountability Standards Board in San Francisco, writes in a recent blog that “the human capital dimension of sustainability has garnered increasing attention because of a growing number of labor actions, protests on behalf of contractors in the gig economy, the increasing number of teacher strikes, and increased focus on pay inequities and more. ... [ read more ]

Stanford U. Article on ESG Investing Highlights Enterprise Engagement Principles

A recently published article in Stanford University’s Closer Look series analyzes the growing trend of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing that the Enterprise Engagement Alliance believes is a major driver of Enterprise Engagement and ISO 10018 Quality People Management and other standards. A growing database of over 17,000 companies makes it increasingly easy to track the relative scores of business, and the results aren’t pretty. ... [ read more ]

The Role of the Chief Engagement Officer

Despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually by organizations to engage employees and customers, numerous independent research studies find that neither employee nor customer engagement have improved appreciably in more than a decade. ... [ read more ]

What's Next for ISO HR Pioneers McKinley and Webster?

After spending over a decade helping to create the first worldwide standards on human resources management, Dr. Ron B. McKinley and Lee S. Webster, founders of the ISO HR 260 standards eight years ago, will turn their attention to promoting the use of the standards they helped create in their new roles as co-founders of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement at ... [ read more ]

The CEO's Enterprise Engagement Toolkit

A definitive guide to all the tools, tactics and types of engagement solution-providers, offering strategic and tactical solutions for all types of organizations, audiences and applications, as well as some insights on how to select the right solution-provider for your needs and how your organization will pay for the services and measure the impact. ... [ read more ]

Gary Vaynerchuk: Winner of the ISO 10018 Honorary CEO Citation for Quality People Management

This profile of Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of VaynerMedia, a fast-growing New York-based digital marketing agency, continues ESM's new Quality People Management CEO series honoring chief executives at organizations that base their success on a strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders - customers, distribution partners, sales and nonsales employees, vendors and communities. ... [ read more ]

Korn-Ferry Study: Investors Lack Faith in CEO Leadership

ESM readers will find the results of this recent Korn-Ferry study of no surprise, but it should be a wake up call to both boards of directors and business school educators: Most CEOs have yet to embrace the value of a strategic and systematic approach to human capital management. ... [ read more ]

ICEE Launches Honorary CEO Citation For Quality People Management

The new honorary ISO 10018 citation for CEOs recognizes leaders with the courage to break the old 20th century leadership mode and embrace the importance of strategic Human Capital Management. This commitment is demonstrated by a CEO-led strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders consistent with ISO Annex SL and ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards, as well as the new ISO 34014 Human Capital disclosures. ... [ read more ]

Engagement in the News: Stock Buyback Bill, Barron's Sustainable Companies List, Amy Klobuchar

When Sen. Elizabeth Warren introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act calling upon CEOs at companies with sales of over $1 billion to "take into account the interests of customers, employees and communities," ESM predicted this could mark the start of new public discussion about the importance of investing in people and what ESM calls Enterprise Engagement, but we didn’t think it would happen this fast. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: Who's in Charge?

In a recent article, "News Analysis: Enterprise Engagement Creates Big Opportunity for HR Management," ESM suggests that the emergence of Enterprise Engagement creates a unique opportunity for Human Resources to play a leadership role in overall implementation. Not so fast, suggest experts in marketing. They see the Chief Marketing Officer as the person in charge of brand engagement across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

SEC Still Weighing Human Capital Disclosures by Public Companies

While some Securities & Exchange Commission observers doubted the SEC would act on a formal petition to require public companies to disclose Human Capital investments during this administration, SEC Chair Jay Clayton recently made it clear to its Investor Advisory Committee that such disclosures are still under consideration. In the call, he acknowledged that human capital can now be considered an investment rather than a cost. ... [ read more ]

HR Standards Pioneers Head Up ISO 10018 Certification and HR Standards Audit Practice at ICEE

The introduction of 10 Human Resources standards, and now the new ISO 34014 Human Capital Disclosure Guidelines, are creating a significant opportunity for CEOs and their organizations to take advantage of a formal process for managing engagement across the enterprise to enhance financial performance, the stakeholder experience and address growing pressures on public companies from investors and on ISO-certified companies from new Annex SL People Management standards. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition Is Released - The Desk Reference for Engagement Leadership Across the Enterprise

The latest edition provides a comprehensive reference guide for anyone in charge of designing strategic or tactical engagement efforts at public, private, not-for-profit and governmental organizations. It demonstrates how to connect the dots between the organization’s brand, values and goals, the people necessary for goal achievement, and the tactics used to engage them and measure results. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Part 2 - What HR Leadership Will Need to Profit From Enterprise Engagement

As outlined in the ESM article, News Analysis: Part I - Enterprise Engagement Creates Big Opportunity for HR Management, CEOs face increasing pressure to have a formal strategy to engage all stakeholders in a strategic and systematic way, not only from investors and ISO standards, but potentially from regulators. HR can help by educating the C-suite on these trends and driving the strategic and tactical solutions to help organizations profit from them. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Safety Engagement

This article is an excerpt of a new chapter in Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, Fifth Edition, due out in January 2019. This chapter focuses on how Enterprise Engagement and ISO 10018 and Annex SL principles can be applied to addressing why safety remains a serious challenge on many worksites. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Is the Employee Engagement Movement Dead? Why Customer and Employee Engagement Remain Stuck in Neutral

It's a long list: 20 years of books touting the "new" marketing, leadership and employee engagement, in addition to extensive research identifying the logical link between stakeholder engagement and organizational success, and billions spent on motivational speakers, leadership gurus and coaching, engagement surveys, technology, communication, training, rewards and recognition. Despite all this, consumers continue to ... [ read more ]

EEA, Selling Power, and the Sales 3.0 Conference Join Forces to Promote Enterprise Sales Engagement

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance will create a new education track on Enterprise Sales Engagement for Selling Power, the world’s leading sales management media platform, and the Engagement World Expo will move to Selling Power’s 3.0 Conference and Expo along with a new Brand Experience Pavilion, April 1-2 in San Francisco, followed by the EEA’s Enterprise Engagement in Action Conference: ISO Annex SL and ISO 10018 Quality People Management systems on April 3. ... [ read more ]

Is 2021 the Next Y2K for the World’s CEOs?

Sixty ISO standards now include new Annex SL people management requirements that 80% or more organizations would not meet if thoroughly audited now. Companies were given time to adapt to these major new requirements, but that time is running out, say the authors. ... [ read more ]

2019 Engagement World to Focus on 'Most Effective Practices for Everyone'

Engagement World 2019 will present the most effective enterprise engagement practices for organizational practitioners, solution- providers and educators, designed for organizations of all sizes and types based on open-source ISO standards, practical case studies and the certification programs of leading associations in multiple key areas of engagement. ... [ read more ]

Push for Human Capital Disclosures Accelerates Worldwide

An effort supported by over 100 leading investment funds has led to the first-known test of voluntary human capital investment disclosures by public companies. Employee engagement, health and safety, training, diversity and turnover are among the Enterprise Engagement metrics included in these disclosures. ... [ read more ]

ISO 9001 Clause 7.1.2 Drives Need for Engagement Expertise

Organizations seeking to comply with ISO 9001: 2015 standards have until September to incorporate updates that include a new strategic and expanded focus on people outlined in clause 7.1.2. That’s one of the key takeaways of a recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on the Quality Marketplace, held on Dec. 20. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: ISO 9001 Drives Need for Engagement

ISO 10018 standards and Quality People Management certification bring the advantages of ISO 9001 to organizations in every part of the economic sector, from for-profit to not-for-profit and government, by applying a systematic, integrated approach to achieving goals through people. ... [ read more ]

First ISO 10018 Convener Believes Time is Right for a Certification

It took years for the creators of ISO 9001 to understand the importance of culture and people, and almost as many to create the ISO 10018 People Involvement and Competence standard, but one of the contributors to the standard believes the timing is right for a ISO 10018 Quality People Management certification... [ read more ]

MotivAction Sees Big Growth for Engagement

MotivAction is a Minneapolis-based performance improvement company founded in 1976. The firm recently joined the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA). ESM recently sat down with MotivAction President and COO Joe Keller to talk about his company and the emerging field of engagement. ... [ read more ]

Baudville Brands, C.A. Short and Divvy Engagement Become Engagement Agency Partners

Baudville Brands, a leading recognition firm in Grand Rapids, MI, C.A. Short Company, an innovator in employee engagement based on Shelby, NC, and Divvy Engagement Solutions, the new name for a 25-year-old, full-service incentive company based in Pleasant Valley, NY, have become partners in the growing Engagement Agency network of engagement solution providers. ... [ read more ]

Baruch College Professor Sees Big Promise for Analytics in Enterprise Engagement

Few people in academia better understand the convergence of analytics and Enterprise Engagement than Charles Scherbaum, Associate Professor of Psychology at Baruch College and a member of the doctoral faculty at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Scherbaum, an early contributor to the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum on analytics... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition has been completely updated with new information, illustrations and new chapters. Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, the Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by leading companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management, and community relations.... [ read more ]

CA Short Fox Business Feature on Engagement

CA Short, a leading recognition firm based in Shelby, NC, sponsored a 15-minute program on World Wide Business, hosted by successful entrepreneur and business personality Kathy Ireland, that focused on the concept of engagement and CA Short's role in this emerging field. ... [ read more ]

Engagement World Set for April 25-28 2016 in Orlando, FL

A Conference and Expo dedicated to the many strategies and tactics of Enterprise Engagement and their impact on business is being launched by the Exhibit and Event Marketers Association (E2MA) and Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The event, Engagement World 2016, is designed to ... [ read more ]

Who Are America’s Most ‘People-Centric’ Companies?

These 25 firms surpass all others when it comes to strategically engaging their employees, customers and communities The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) has announced the Top 25 Most People-Centric publicly held companies in the U.S., based on a detailed analysis of independent research by McBassi & Company, a leading human capital analytics firm. ... [ read more ]

Get Your Copy of Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook

Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by Ernst & Young and other top companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management and community relations. The newly-released textbook is available from the EEA Store at for $36, or you can purchase it online through The first edition is 268 pages. Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook also provides formal preparation for the Enterprise Engagement Certification program. Preparation and general learning is also available at Engagement University Online. The textbook is updated regularly based on input generated through the online university. ... [ read more ]

Channel Partner Engagement

In many industries and businesses, channel partners are key links between employees and customers- a weak link if they are ignored, an important source of strength if they are engaged. The stakes are high. Channel partner impact can be enormous in terms of sales volume, market share, brand reputation and “share of customer”, i.e., in engaging customers. Indeed, channel partners are often the sole link to the customer. But channel partners can also impact employee engagement, especially when they fail to deliver. Conversely, channel partner engagement is directly affected by the employees who manage them and who produce the products and services. In short, most businesses succeed only to the degree that symbiotic relationships exist between employees, customers, channel partners and vendors. This is the basis upon which “Enterprise Engagement” is built. In this paper, we focus on channel partners as a key constituent of organizational success and we offer practical strategies and tactics to engage them.... [ read more ]

Measuring Enterprise Engagement and Performance

There’s a reason for the old adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Anyone who has ever tried to run a business knows that’s true. But it is also true that you can’t manage what you measure only once each year. When it comes to employee and customer engagement, most of us collect information through annual surveys, analyze the results, share them in a high-level report and perhaps devote part of an executive meeting to discuss the implications. Like performance reviews, this is usually done once a year – if at all. ... [ read more ]

EEA Rewards & Recognition Expo - April 30-May 1, 2012 - St. Louis

A unique opportunity for rewards and recognition suppliers to meet with top incentive and recognition buyers in an intimate, relaxed environment, and to tap into the expanding recognition marketplace. Co-located with the Recognition Professionals International Annual Conference, April 29-May 2, 2012... [ read more ]

The Motivation Show - Oct. 23-25, 2012 - Chicago, IL

The Motivation Show includes the Incentive Travel and Meetings Executives Show (IT&ME) and the National Premium Incentive Show (NP/IS), with exhibitors representing the entire range of premium and incentive product and travel destination offerings. Educational sessions cover consumer premiums, employee incentive awards, incentive travel, employee recognition and performance improvement. ... [ read more ]

The Incentive Research Foundation Vertical Markey Study

Are there differences in how a computer manufacturer plans and implements an incentive program versus how a pharmaceutical company or new car dealer does? What about a commercial banking operation, insurance agency or a telecommunications company? Are there processes, types of incentives used, or other nuances that are unique to these markets? Which industries are more likely to develop their programs in-house, as opposed to securing an outside vendor? The Vertical Market Study attempts to answer these and other questions. It provides a full report on how the six specific industries planned and implemented incentive travel, motivational meetings and special events.... [ read more ]

Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program

This recently conducted analysis by The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF)of one company's long-standing use of travel awards as a motivational tool shows that such incentives have a clear, measurable and positive impact on corporate culture and employee performance, as well as a broader "ripple effect" on the economy of the region where an incentive travel program (ITP) is held.

Overall, the study concluded that the importance of these programs should not be undervalued; their impact and their value reach well beyond the typical event timeline. Earners of the incentive travel program are far from the only beneficiaries of the program. The sponsoring company, the destination and the suppliers all receive significant benefits as well.

... [ read more ]

Spring 2010 Pulse Survey: Incentive Industry Trends 2010

The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) surveyed industry professionals during the month of April 2010, asking them about incentive travel programs, merchandise/non-cash programs, and ROI/budget considerations. The most promising data show that respondents appear to be more optimistic about the current economic climate than they were in either the Summer or Fall of last year. When asked, "In your opinion, what impact will the economy have on your ability to plan and implement incentive travel programs?" 69% say it will have a positive impact vs. only 33% in the Fall of 2009 and just 24% in the Summer of 2009. Similarly, those who say the economy will have a positive impact on merchandise/non-cash incentive programs increased from 20% (Summer '09) and 26% (Fall '09) to 41% currently. Still, one-third of those surveyed predict that budgets for incentive travel will decrease this year, while 37% say they'll remain unchanged. Things were a little better on the merchandise/non-cash side, where only 22% expect a decline (down from 51%), while 40% predict an increase and 37% say they see no change in budgets. This indicates that although there's an uptick in optimism about the economy in general, it may not translate into more money for programs – at least not in the near term. ... [ read more ]

January 2010 Pulse Survey: Incentive Industry Trends 2010

Given that the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) is charged with advancing the science of incentives, it surveyed industry professionals to obtain their opinions about the more salient trends affecting the industry during 2009 and leading into 2010. The IRF asked these professionals questions on trends with regard to incentive travel programs, merchandise non-cash programs, and budget changes forecast for 2010. Findings indicate that the trends are stabilizing for each of the core issues since March 2009. However, the trends remain significantly lower than in 2008. Survey participants expect more domestic than international destinations, "slightly smaller" budgets, and shorter stays for incentive travel in 2010. A majority of participants also expected decreased award values on the merchandise side. ... [ read more ]

USTA Council Will Promote Incentives and Events

Following the recent passage of the Travel Promotion Act, the U.S. Travel Association (USTA) announced the creation of a new council that will build a proactive research, communications, government relations and promotion agenda for the meetings and incentives industry.... [ read more ]

At Last, A Real Way to Measure ROI

This study, sponsored by the Incentive Research Foundation, attempts to find a practical model for determining the return on investment (ROI) for sales and dealer incentive travel programs. ... [ read more ]

Training & Development

T&D magazine is published by the American Society of Training & Development (ASTD) and covers the field of workplace learning and performance improvement. Topics range from training in specific skills to strategies for corporate change. Some articles focus on topics related to sales and customer service training. ... [ read more ]

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)

ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in almost 136 U.S. chapters and 26 Global Networks. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.... [ read more ]

Incentive Federation

The Incentive Federation Inc. is the umbrella organization founded to promote, protect, and research the incentive field, encompassing recognition, promotional products, and related promotions. In addition to being the industry's primary lobbying entity, the Incentive Federation provides the infrastructure for industry-wide corporate outreach efforts spearheaded by the Incentive Performance Center, as well as for the research developed by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement at Northwestern University. Plus, the Incentive Federation commissions the industry's only benchmark studies on the use of incentives by U.S. organizations. All suppliers and customers in the incentive and promotion marketplace benefit from these initiatives.... [ read more ]

International Society for Performance Improvement

Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI represents more than 10,000 international and chapter members throughout the United States, Canada, and 40 other countries. ISPI's mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of our members and advocate the use of Human Performance Technology. Assembling an Annual Conference & Expo and other educational events like the Institute, publishing books and periodicals, and supporting research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving this mission. ... [ read more ]

Recognition Professionals International

Recognition Professionals International (RPI) is the new name of the National Association For Employee Recognition (NAER.) Recognition Professionals International (RPI) is the only professional association at the forefront of workforce recognition through its sole focus on recognition innovations and education as a systematic method for improvements in the workplace. RPI is endorsed by top authorities in the industry, has an impressive membership of Fortune 500 organizations and is the only association offering Certified Recognition Professional (CRP) courses.... [ read more ]

Brand Activation Association

The Brand Activation Association has a broad focus on all the disciplines required to activate a brand's strategy, from creative strategies to measurement, on topics from omni-channel marketing to experiential marketing and social media. BAA builds on its membership knowledge base, spanning expertise in strategy through activation, and across all touch points.... [ read more ]

Promotional Products Association International (PPAI)

The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) is the promotional product industry’s only international not-for-profit trade association. It offers education, trade shows, business products and services, mentoring, technology and legislative support to its more than 7,500 global member companies. Promotional products are an $18 billion industry, and include wearables, writing instruments, calendars, drinkware and many other items, usually imprinted with a company’s name, logo or message. Since its founding in 1903, PPAI has worked to expand the market, establish standards, enhance the professionalism of the industry and support the growth of member companies. ... [ read more ]


WorldatWork is the world's leading not-for-profit professional association dedicated to knowledge leadership in total rewards, compensation, benefits, and work-life. Founded in 1955, WorldatWork focuses on human resources disciplines associated with attracting, motivating and retaining employees. Besides serving as the membership association of the professions, the WorldatWork family of organizations provides education, certification, publications, knowledge resources, surveys, conferences, research and networking. ... [ read more ]

PMA Annual Integrated Marketing Conference

Hosted by the Promotion Marketing Association, Inc. (PMA) this event covers all aspects of integrated marketing and is a must for anybody trying to get to know the field. Brands from all over the world attend and provide their own unique feedback. Provides a means of networking with peers and learning new and innovative strategies from leading companies.... [ read more ]

PGA Merchandise Show 2009

Hosted by the Professional Golfers Association (PGA), this is the world's largest golf products exposition. Includes exhibits, conferences, and a day of demonstrations. The conference offers seminars on topics such as general management, marketing & promotions, golf operations, and instruction.... [ read more ]

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC)

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC), is a strategic industry group within the Incentive Marketing Association. The IGCC educates the incentive marketplace and the corporate community on the benefits of gift cards, including choice, value and service, and other key attributes recipients say that they want their awards to have. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA)

The Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA), a branch of Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), represents factory-direct salespeople in the incentive business, along with manufacturers. IMRA publishes a handbook for suppliers, conducts an annual marketing conference, and offers a free directory of incentive representatives. As a member, you automatically become a member of the IMRA.... [ read more ]

EIBTM (European Incentive & Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition)

EIBTM is the second largest incentive travel exhibition in the world. Although held in Europe, it is attended by many U.S. incentive travel buyers who use foreign destinations. Executives at major companies that use incentive travel might qualify for a special hosted buyer program that helps defray some of the travel costs. Attracting nearly 3,000 international suppliers and 6,000 other visitors, this event is a great networking opportunity for those in the incentive travel and meetings industry.... [ read more ]


This double event includes the IT&CMA (Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia) meetings and incentive travel show, and CTW (Corporate Travel World) Asia-Pacific for corporate travel managers, travel agencies, and suppliers to meet and discuss the impact of global and regional issues on the development of business travel into and out of the region. It includes a hosted program for qualified incentive travel and meetings buyers and attracts more than 1,500 attendees from over 39 countries. There are educational session for both suppliers and buyers, and seminars which provide a great opportunity to network with industry professionals. The exposition includes companies involved in things like convention & exhibition venues, golf courses, and travel management.... [ read more ]

Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE)

Founded in 1973, SITE is the only international, not-for-profit, professional association devoted to the pursuit of excellence in incentives, a multi-billion dollar global industry. Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE) provides educational seminars and information services to those who design, develop, promote, sell, administer, and operate motivational programs as an incentive to increase productivity in business. Currently SITE has over 2,100 members in 87 countries, with 35 local and regional chapters. Members represent corporate executives, incentive companies, destination management companies, travel & event planners, official tourist organizations, transportation companies, hotels and resorts, cruise lines, trade publications, and supporting organizations such as restaurants and visitors attractions. ... [ read more ]

SITE International Conference 2010

The International Conference of the Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE) International Conference is a key event in the incentive travel industry. It includes educational and networking events that help incentive and travel professionals expand their business network by exploring trends and the strategies of their colleagues. This event attracts attendees from all over the world who bring their own diverse solutions to the table.... [ read more ]

MAGIC International

More than 1,500 companies exhibit, and corporate sales personnel from every major U.S. apparel manufacturer are on hand. Exhibitors represent every major category in the industry, from streetwear to sporting wear, to designer clothing. Runs concurrently with WWDMAGIC (for women), MAGIC Kids (for children), and Sourcing at MAGIC (the largest sourcing event in North America).... [ read more ]

Point-of-Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI)

POPAI is an international trade association for the marketing at-retail industry. Founded in 1936, POPAI celebrates its 70th anniversary with over 1,700 member companies representing Fortune 500 brand manufacturers and retailers, as well as, marketing at-retail producer companies and advertising agencies from over 45 countries from around the world. ... [ read more ]

17th Annual AsiaPacific Incentives & Meetings Expo

AsiaPacific Incentives & Meetings Expo (AIME) is a must for anyone involved in organizing meetings, incentives, conferences, special events or exhibitions. AIME is the market leader, the premier event in the region and most comprehensive showcase of local product and services. Visiting AIME will help you to discover new destinations, new suppliers, new industry contacts and new, creative ideas for all types of event planning. With over 850 exhibitors from 50 countries, including 150 new exhibitors each year, AIME is the must attend event for those wishing to aim for more in their business pursuits.... [ read more ]

International Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

This conference is a great way to gain knowledge about the latest in consumer electronics technology. In a 2005 survey conducted by Burson-Marsteller it was ranked as one of the top ten most desired speaking opportunities by CEOs. The show also has 2,700 exhibitors which cover the entire consumer electronics market, from digital imaging to wireless technology. Also included are two awards programs, the International CES Innovations Design and Engineering Awards and CNET's Best of CES Awards.... [ read more ]


PROMAX/BDA is a nonprofit, member-owned association of over 2,000 companies and individuals in 43 countries. Members are promotion and marketing professionals in the electronic media. The association's mission is to advance the role of electronic media in increasing the effectiveness of promotion and marketing within the industry, related industries, and the academic community. Membership includes a weekly promotion and marketing newsletter and Image Magazine, published once a year, which features members and their ideas about concepts and opportunities on building businesses in the promotion and marketing industries. Benefits of membership also include a member directory, and discounts on events and videotapes.... [ read more ]

National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)

NASP is a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of becoming the #1 Resource for Sales Professionals. We look forward in helping each and every NASP member increase knowledge, growth and focus on their Sales careers. So please take advantage of our membership and certification opportunities. ... [ read more ]

Professional Society for Sales and Marketing Training (SMT)

The Professional Society for Sales & Marketing Training (SMT) is the ONLY association fully dedicated to accelerating business results for its member organizations by improving sales and marketing performance through training. SMT's vision, since 1940, is to continue its role as the leading resource and authority for the sales and marketing training industries. SMT members include corporations and their inside training executives and practitioners, consultants, suppliers, and academic institutions.... [ read more ]

Incentives in Marketing & Motivation

A comprehensive text on the incentive marketplace. The content is illustrated and includes numerous case studies that reveal the breadth and potential of the incentive marketplace.... [ read more ]

Principles of Results-Based Incentive Program Design

Based on the Incentive Marketing Association's Principles Of Results-Based Incentive Program Design Seminar, this is the first formal curriculum ever developed for incentive program planning. The textbook includes sections on Incentive Program Basics for the Business Executive, Core Strategies for the Business Executive, Planning and Design Considerations for the Practitioner, and Implementation and Management Considerations for the Practitioner.... [ read more ]

Best Sales Promotions

Reviews 126 of the best recent sales promotion campaigns. Readers will develop a better understanding of what constitutes a successful promotion and of what a good promotion can—and can't—do. A straightforward book that is useful for readers with all levels of experience.... [ read more ]

Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods and Strategies

Deals extensively with the field of sales promotion planning and analysis: how promotions affect sales and profits, types of sales promotions, the interaction of promotion and advertising, and future research. Particularly good for marketers involved in packaged goods promotion.... [ read more ]

How to Design & Implement a Results-Oriented Variable Pay System

Here's a detailed process for implementing profit sharing, gain-sharing, and goal sharing. You'll get a step-by-step approach that includes organizing the design team, establishing baselines and measurement tools, and determining the frequency and methods of payout. Chapters cover: multi-tiered and small-group systems, selecting and evaluating measures, assigning values to gains or goals, establishing baselines, and sharing the gains. You'll find more implementation details than in many business books.... [ read more ]

Compensation for Teams: How to Design and Implement Team-Based Reward Programs

Managers looking for a team approach will find particular satisfaction here. The author looks at the critical issue of aligning an organization's compensation, culture, and strategy, and then delves into the steps involved with designing and implementing team-based reward systems. Chapters cover such issues as incentive compensation, recognition awards, and the architecture of team pay.... [ read more ]

Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage: Winning and Keeping Customers

A collection of articles from some of the nation's leading academic researchers on all aspects of customer retention, including internal and external marketing, employee motivation, and long-term relationship-marketing strategies. Best for those who want to understand the internal as well as external marketing issues involved with one-to-one marketing, as well as those who want an international perspective.... [ read more ]


Potentials magazine is now officially a part of its sister publication, Incentive magazine. The new Potentials section within Incentive magazine speaks to incentive buyers and program planners, enabling them to grow their businesses and enhance performance by providing ideas and products that motivate. We offer the most comprehensive look at incentive awards in the industry as well as providing the most up-to-date information on how corporations are leveraging products to motivate employees and clients.... [ read more ]

Sales & Marketing Management

A publication for executives who want to build sales, stay ahead of the competition, keep up with technology, and market their companies to today's tough customers. Each issue has case studies, columns, and an international report. Topics range from motivation to sales training to automation. SMM also publishes the Survey of Buying Power, which uses U.S. Census data to track consumer buying patterns by county and metro area.... [ read more ]


Incentive is the only publication devoted exclusively to motivation and performance improvement through the use of incentive programs and consumer promotions. We are a FIRST-READ for executives looking to improve company performance and a FIRST-BUY for advertisers looking to reach the most qualified incentive buyer decision-makers. The Incentive advantage is a direct result of more than 100 years of industry experience coupled with the highest subscriber qualification standards in the industry. Incentive helps both advertisers and subscribers reach their goals.... [ read more ]

Selling Power

This magazine is written for sales managers and salespeople. It features interviews and articles on selling trends and tactics. Includes sections on motivation, automation, and new product ideas. ... [ read more ]

Corporate Meetings & Incentives

Corporate Meetings & Incentives (CMI) is part of Prism Business Media's Meetings Group of magazines. It explores trends in meetings and incentives as they relate to companies successfully communicating with employees, dealers, distributors and customers.... [ read more ]

Golf World

Golf World is your grip on the game. Every month we present the very best variety of innovative features and investigations, star player interviews, expert instruction, new gear launches and course reviews. ... [ read more ]

Corporate & Incentive Travel

Corporate & Incentive Travel, published monthly since 1983, is edited for corporate meeting planners with the responsibility for staging and planning meetings, incentive travel programs, conferences and conventions. They are also responsible for site selection, specifying accommodations and transportation. Each issue provides in-depth editorial focus on selection of site, accommodations and transportation, current legislation, conference, seminar and training facilities, budget and cost controls, and destination reports. Special columns are written by key industry leaders. Department and regular features highlight industry news and developments, trends and personalities, meeting values, facilities and destinations. Circulation more than 40,000 ABC audited. ... [ read more ]

Building the High Performance Sales Force

Building the High Performance Sales Forces illustrates a clear cut way for salespeople to maneuver in the new era, balance people and profits, introduce self-manargement, implement total quality selling, take advantage of sales management tools, and grow sales despite harsh competition. This book also a 120-Day Improvement Plan which outlines ways to strengthen your sales force. ... [ read more ]

Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt : Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and Deliver More Than You Promise

Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt offers readers a roadmap for their career. You'll learn how to find out why caring is contagious in business, secrets on servicing sales worth millions, and to use your contacts in new ways. Includes advice ranging from can't miss strategies on getting a raise to a sure-fire strategy for fighting back when the bad guys get you down.... [ read more ]

Performance Solutions

This white paper discusses the range of "zero-based performance improvement strategies" that can be developed with the help of full-service incentive and performance improvement companies. It also includes contact information on members of the Incentive Marketing Association's Performance Improvement Council, made up of a dozen organizations dedicated to offering companies solutions-based incentive and performance improvement programs.... [ read more ]

Incentives, Motivation, & Workplace Performance

A summary of research by the ISPI (International Society of Performance Improvement) on the impact of incentive programs and the essential implementation steps necessary for success. Shows how helpful incentive and motivation programs can be in terms of engaging employees and improving performance.... [ read more ]

At Last, A Real Way to Measure ROI

A study designed to determine which aspects of selling respond to incentive travel and how that response can be measured. Researchers surveyed 1,800 subscribers of Meetings and Incentive Travel magazine and 3,000 members of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association. To present an in-depth picture of incentive travel, and to provide a practical template for determining program ROI, the authors made a point of recording views of both the people who win the awards and those executives who allocate the money to fund them. ... [ read more ]

The Birth of a Needed New Profession: People Performance Management

This paper introduces the discipline of "People Performance Management" as developed by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement, a unit of the Integrated Marketing Communications Department of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. People Performance Management refers to an integrated process designed to help firms maximize long-term financial performance through a strategic focus on their most valuable asset -- human capital.... [ read more ]

Post-Hoc Measurement and Outcome-Based Measures - Measuring the ROI of Sales Incentive Programs

This paper summarizes two basic ROI measurement methodologies using case studies from companies that have implemented measurable sales incentive programs in the past, and offers insights into understanding the data requirements relative to these two methodologies. It explains that Post-Hoc Measurement is essentially the use of field experimentation using historical data, while Outcome-Based Measures considers such areas as accounts receivable and inventory levels that can be affected by sales improvements.... [ read more ]

Measuring the ROI of Sales Incentive Programs

This report presents a series of cases involving companies that implemented sales incentive programs. It makes a case for the use of post-hoc or post-program measurement of ROI to demonstrate the impact of the programs on sales performance.... [ read more ]

Putting Trophy Value Into Your Gift Card Program

Gift cards have become an important corporate tool for reward and recognition. This paper looks at the growing use of gift cards and how to add to the "trophy value" of gift cards via communication, customization, and presentation.... [ read more ]

The ROI of Integrated Marketing

This white paper highlights four key areas that impact organizational adoption of integrated marketing and motivate employees to think about and cooperate with integrated marketing efforts beyond their functional silos.... [ read more ]

Insurance Conference Planner

This publication covers the financial services industry's meetings and incentives needs and issues impacting insurance meetings planners. ... [ read more ]

Master Salesmanship

This fast-paced, easy-to-read, four-page, biweekly sales bulletin will show your salespeople how to put together a league-leading sales presentation. It will include an opening that presents evidence; carries conviction; uses testimonials as a spear, not a crutch; and shows your salespeople how to close a sale that doesn't have all the profit squeezed out of it. ... [ read more ]

Selling Advantage

Twice a month, each copy of The Selling Advantage delivers: Important reinforcement for the development message every sales manager wants his or her reps to get, Concrete hands-on steps every sales professional can take to solve problems, An inspiring "Tale of the Sale" from an experienced sales professional about a sale in which tremendous obstacles had to be overcome. Your reps will be re-charged so they can apply principles leading to success. And much, much more! ... [ read more ]

Engagement Strategies Magazine

Engagement Strategies focuses on what's new, how-to, and where to find products and services related to incentives, motivational meetings, and performance improvement. Its affiliated Web site, the Sales Marketing Network at, offers comprehensive how-to and reference information.... [ read more ]


SalesForceXP was launched in 2002 by a partnership of leading companies with a unique understanding of - and interest in - what it takes to methodically and measurably improve sales performance. These companies included leading suppliers of incentive awards, sales training programs, group incentive travel and performance improvement well as the most knowledgeable publishing team in the industry. ... [ read more ]

Taxation of Employee Achievement Awards

Section 274(j) of the Internal Revenue Code contains specific rules on the tax treatment of “employee achievement awards.” As a general rule, the employer cannot deduct employee achievement awards, unless they meet certain criteria.... [ read more ]

Tax Considerations for Incentive Programs

The federal income tax considerations for incentive programs are often overlooked. While it is difficult to give technical tax advice that would apply equally to all incentive programs, following certain general income tax principles can make an incentive program more successful and avoid unpleasant surprises.... [ read more ]

An Exploratory Study of Sales Incentive Programs

This study delves into the mechanics of sales incentive programs, providing managers with useful information to design successful sales initiatives at their own companies and providing their corporate decision makers with hard evidence. It found that properly structured programs can increase sales by at least 10 percent. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Research Foundation

The Incentive Research Foundation funds and promotes research to advance the science, enhance the awareness and appropriate application of motivation and incentives in business and industry globally. The goal is to increase the understanding, effective use and resultant benefits of incentives to businesses that currently use incentives and others interested in improved performance... [ read more ]

International SITE Foundation

Founded in 1973, Society of Incentive and Travel Executives (SITE) is the only international, not-for-profit, professional association devoted to the pursuit of excellence in incentives, a multi-billion dollar global industry. SITE provides educational seminars and information services to those who design, develop, promote, sell, administer, and operate motivational programs as an incentive to increase productivity in business. Currently SITE has over 2,100 members in 87 countries, with 35 local and regional chapters. Members represent corporate executives, incentive companies, destination management companies, travel & event planners, official tourist organizations, transportation companies, hotels and resorts, cruise lines, trade publications, and supporting organizations such as restaurants and visitors attractions. ... [ read more ]

Increase Booth Traffic With Promotional Products

With the increase of postal rates over the past several years and dwindling advertising and promotional budgets, many companies are tempted to reduce or eliminate investments into pre-show mailings with promotional products in tradeshow settings. Is this a wise choice? The results of a 2004 study by Georgia Southern University indicates the answer is NO.... [ read more ]

Over the Top

To promote the program, sustain excitement and drive results, a creative communications campaign was designed and implemented, related to mountain climbing. Although the heart of the product rested on a web-based reward platform, the promotion and communication to motivate the sales team was devised to touch the senses in various media, from dimensional premium items, to stimulating visual graphics, to auditory voice mails. ... [ read more ]

$1-Million Sweepstakes Builds Shaw's Sales

Shaw Industries stimulated excitement about its floor covering products among 30,000 independent retail sales representatives located in 10,000 showrooms through its "Win Shaw's Money $1,000,000 Sweepstakes." ... [ read more ]

''Finnish in Russia'': An Incentive Legend

Since qualifiers could not visit all the famous Finnish sites, locales came to them. Experiences Unlimited built a Lapland village and constructed a kota, a Lapland tepee, for the group's dinner in a spruce forest. Sleds with wheels were assembled to provide traditional dogsled transportation minus the snow. A mystical shamanic dance and a multimedia aurora borealis show completed the evening's activities. ... [ read more ]

''Now You See It, Now You Don't''

Unum Corp. hosts its Chairman's Conference every two years to recognize the top 5-10% of the sales force from its seven companies. Program qualifications place heavy emphasis on collaborative sales involving more than one company's products. Sales results for this promotion were spectacular: collaborative sales were up more than 200%, and overall sales increased 15%. ... [ read more ]

''Picture Perfect Awards'' Motivate Sales Force

In addition to the company's own sales staff, the program was aimed at 14 manufacturer rep organizations, 3 major distributors, and their respective sales forces, which numbered several hundred people. The program also included almost 3,000 sales staff from computer dealers, remarketers, resellers, retailers, and catalog companies. ... [ read more ]

''Producer Perks'' Beats Cash for LifeUSA

To capture the attention of LifeUSA agents, awards had to be of high value, innovative, and flexible. The agents, primarily males in their mid-30's and up, are attracted to the latest gadgets and electronics. Also, awards had to appeal to novice agents as well as top producers.... [ read more ]

''Sellutions'' Promotes Sales of Products, Services

The program was introduced via an announcement featuring a scale model Harley-Davidson and a chamois cloth, imprinted with information about the "Sellutions" Web site and program rules. Copy invited participants to "Head out on the highway...the information highway," directing them to the Web site for full program details.... [ read more ]

''Spirit of the Seasons'' Challenges Diebold Sales Force

With the Big Island of Hawaii as its incentive destination, the "Spirit of the Seasons...Discovery" promotion focused on four elements: a bird of paradise; wind and water; a snow-capped mountain; and a spewing volcano. Four brochures—one relating to each of the elements—were created, using stylized images. A dramatic mailing box was created to increase interest. A videotape announcing the destination, along with the brochures, fit inside the box, which was sent to participants' homes to generate interest among family members. ... [ read more ]

Capture Los Cabos

The "Capture Los Cabos" program clearly demonstrates that well-designed incentive programs deliver measurable return on investment.... [ read more ]

CDs Deliver Packard Bell's Message

The promotion, known as "Home Delivery," featured CDs sent to every salesperson's home, using a mailing list created by visiting 1,000 retail locations. CDs included music videos, movie trailers, animation, and key Packard Bell messages. Each CD was packaged to resemble home-delivered, take-out food containers. A pizza-themed CD was mailed in June, followed by a chicken bucket in September and a Chinese take-out in November. ... [ read more ]

Creativity Delivers Results on a Limited Budget

A midweek program in late May at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas used the hotel's decor as inspiration and as the backdrop for recreating the myth of Atlantis. The Poseidon tale was carried out over two evenings, including a gala awards night themed "Night of Poseidon" and a beachfront feast-of-the gods party. ... [ read more ]

Dime Insurance Group

Salespeople earned points for policies they sold. They then turned points into 3, 5 or 7 night stays at any of Marriott's Vacation Clubs. Those who earned the highest points also received airfare. Winners could stay at any of Marriott Vacation Clubs' 51 resorts in 29 destinations, and there were no restrictions on travel dates. ... [ read more ]

Jelly Belly Brokers Acquire a Taste for Travel

Eight years ago, the $100 million candy company launched a biennial cruise incentive program, which has generated consistent sales increases and helped build a unified sales force. Each cruise is developed through a cooperative effort by Goelitz's sales management and marketing teams. The company's regional managers then introduce the programs and keep excitement building throughout the year. ... [ read more ]

Kitchen Aid ''Round Up''

The audience KitchenAid targeted for this promotion included sales associates at retail appliance stores and KitchenAid account managers. Choosing the right incentive to appeal to this diverse group was a challenge. To reinforce the Western theme of "rounding up" sales, the awards included a choice of Omaha Steaks and a variety of "leather" products--shoes, luggage, briefcases, watches with leather bands, coats, etc. ... [ read more ]

Lincoln Benefit Life

The excursion took place on the Royal Pacific Canadian railway, which is comprised of five, three-engine vintage railway cars from the early 1900s. It was a six-day trip, starting at Calgary, Alberta, and going through the Canadian Rockies. The train has meeting rooms, dining car, suites for two, and high-speed Internet access. ... [ read more ]

Mohawk Rocks

Territory managers received product guides that highlighted the features and benefits of the Stainmaster Carpets. Participants qualified for four levels of awards based on sales performance, and were also registered for three different sweepstakes. Daily sweepstakes featured electronic items which reinforced the entertainment theme. Weekly sweepstakes featured the choice of unique travel and merchandise awards including a first-class trip to New York with Broadway tickets, a visit to the world-renowned Chicago House of Blues hotel and club, or for the less travel-inclined, a Wurlitzer Jukebox. ... [ read more ]

Mohawk Stainmaster Cup Series

Mohawk Industries utilized the competitive excitement of the NASCAR racing season to capture the attention and loyalty of their 25,000 nationwide independent retail stores' sales force. The Mohawk Stainmaster Cup Series embraced the racecar theme to particularly appeal to their salespeople who, on average, generally have a strong affinity for sports, electronics, and outdoor activities. The choice of incentives, which included branded electronics, golf equipment, tools and outdoor items such as grills, lawnmowers, etc. keyed on these interests while sustaining the racing theme. The award mix included items that the real race enthusiast would appreciate such as binoculars, coolers, stadium seats, cameras, sunglasses, and a hand-held TV. ... [ read more ]

President’s Club 2001

Sunbelt Motivation & Travel, Inc. was faced with the challenge of creating a dining experience that would capture the uniqueness in sales vs. MVP accomplishments and provide an opportunity for regional recognition. Traditionally, the trip included a dine-around evening that allowed individuals to select a preferred restaurant to dine with their friends, which usually consisted of people from the same region, and an awards dinner that was rated as too long and not interactive. Sunbelt needed to come up with an activity that addressed all of these factors and encouraged participation from guests from around the world. The solution – regional cook-offs. ... [ read more ]

Themed Time Travel

Relying heavily on advertising revenue and contracts to maintain programming excellence, Viacom knew they needed a special program to combat diminishing business due to the soft economy and failing technology sector. Utilizing the concept of “Themed Time Travel,” Incentive Travel created a program for Viacom that built business with its top advertisers while creating a "once in a lifetime" travel experience even among a well- traveled audience. ... [ read more ]

Travel Rewards Bolster Sales, Dealer Retention

The opulent Hotel Carlton served as the qualifiers' home in Cannes, a city renowned for its international film festival. The itinerary featured customized activities, including the London Pacific Video Challenge. Teams were assigned a classic film title and told to create a video around it. Finished films edited by professionals premiered at the final night's gala. ... [ read more ]

"Master's Circle - Hawaii 0-Five - Hana Hou Maui"

Every year, Diebold’s world wide sales staff and manufacturers’ representatives are assigned annual sales objectives. Those who meet their sales goals automatically qualify for the Master’s Circle. The top 10% of those who earn Master’s Circle status gain admission into the elite Circle of Excellence. ... [ read more ]

Creating a Total Rewards Strategy

Described by the publisher as a "toolkit for designing business based plans," this book provides a highly detailed approach to implementing a total rewards strategy. Literally every step of the process is detailed, with specific examples, Includes a CD. ... [ read more ]

Four Elements of Successful Management

This book addresses basic management issues applicable to almost any organization and manager. It provides a simple approach summarized as "select, direct, evaluate, and reward," but is in no way short of details. It includes extensive information on every aspect of the process, including benefits of cash and noncash awards. ... [ read more ]

Promotion Revs Its Engines

The Heisman Trophy is college football’s most prestigious award, and DeAngelo Williams is the first University of Memphis football player to be within reach of this coveted trophy. With such a high-level honor at stake, Jennifer Rodrigues, athletics media relations director, knew she had to create a buzz about Williams that was as big as the player’s Heisman dream.... [ read more ]

Resort Extends Experience With Promotional Products

To Lisa Dobrowolski, creating a wondrous experience for guests is always at the top of her to-do list. As owner of the Midwest’s only four-star inn, Canoe Bay in Chetek, Wisconsin, Dobrowolski is an expert at providing the perfect escape for couples seeking luxury and romance.... [ read more ]

Rest Stop Puts Travelers In Motion

At most rest stops, you’ll find the usual restrooms, picnic benches and trash cans. But one rest stop on I-35 in Minnesota offered something surprising: a message to get moving. Not in a negative way, but in a motivating one.... [ read more ]

Just Lounging Around

Yvette Widdicombe, vice president of distributor Jack Nadel, Inc. (UPIC: NADELINC) in Palo Alto, California wanted to pamper her employees with a unique gift. After much thought, she decided on lounge pants with an accompanying spa bag and shirt.... [ read more ]

A Day At The Fair

There’s amusement to be had for all at a carnival. There are spinning, flashing rides, whimsical music and, of course, icy snow cones. These things came to mind when Lynne DuVivier, president of Westport, Connecticut-based The Creative Factor, Inc. (UPIC: CREATEIT) was approached by HBO to develop a campaign for its show, Carnivàle.... [ read more ]

Panthers Promotions Have Bite

Fred Parker, CEO of Bluegrass Promotional Marketing (UPIC: BLUEGRAS) in Charlotte, North Carolina is a football fan—especially since his company has been named the preferred promotional marketing agency for the Carolina Panthers for the 2006 season.... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association - Canada Council (IMA-CC)

IMA-CC, a branch of the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), provides information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to the Canadian corporate community to promote the use of incentives. IMA-CC’s primary goals are to build awareness within the corporate community on how to effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customer groups, with the ultimate goal of improving corporate performance.... [ read more ]

Annual IMA Executive Summit

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) produces an annual Executive Summit attended by delegates from every supplier category in the incentive field. This conference, the largest event of its kind, includes educational and networking events that help incentive professionals expand their incentive program knowledge and marketing partner network. IMA’s Executive Summit is the premier annual conference that offers you the opportunity to network, benchmark and learn from your colleagues – professionals representing every segment of the incentive marketplace. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association (IMA)

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) promotes the use of incentive programs as effective marketing and motivational tools. Membership includes manufacturers, representatives, distributors, incentive houses, gift certificate suppliers, and marketing agencies. IMA also holds annual education programs at trade shows as well as information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to its members and to businesses to help them effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customers. IMA offers a complimentary listing of incentive product and service providers. IMA is also the umbrella organization for several Strategic Industry Groups, including the Global Incentive Council, IMA-Canada Council, Incentive Gift Card Council, Incentive Manufacturers and Representatives Alliance, Performance Improvement Council, and the Incentive Technology Council. ... [ read more ]

Promo Ideas

This site includes a broad array of information beneficial to those who approve, specify or purchase promotional products, including industry facts, case studies, education, powerful research and a seasonal calendar. The site also includes a search tool that will enable buyers to locate a promotional consultant in their area or request a speaker at a meeting or event.... [ read more ]

I've Seen the Future

Promotional giveaways themed to a new product are used at a trade show to boost traffic and generate leads.... [ read more ]

Building Bonanza

To encourage current members to recruit new members, Meeting Professionals Internaltional used a construction-themed reward program with three travel awards as top prizes.... [ read more ]

Recruitment Roundup

To recruit new members, Meeting Professionals International built a tiered incentive plan that included gifts and travel.... [ read more ]

Project S.O.S.

This promotion aimed to internal cooperation and support of company sales efforts.... [ read more ]

Assessing the Impact of Sales Incentive Programs: A Business Process Perspective

This study, sponsored by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), looks at questioins that are rarely posed in relation to sales incentive programs: How do sales incentives affect procurement and cost of goods? Shipping? Cash flow? It suggests that developing an incentive program with a focus on sales growth alone, with no consideration for other business functions can produce 1) an adverse affect on cash flow, 2) a possible disruption in supplies, 3) extra shipping costs for ordered merchandise, and 4) a possible impact on customer quality. A "business process" approach, on the other hand, one that takes into account the impact on other business functions, "enables the planning and creation of the needed infrastructure and additional investments, where necessary, to support the results arising from the sales incentive program," the author says.... [ read more ]

The Relationship Advantage: Become a Trusted Advisor and Create Clients for Life

Corporations, it seems, are always seeking the ""silver bullet"" that will create intimacy with customers. But most efforts fail from the moment they begin, say respected consultants, Tom Stevenson and Sam Barcus. The reason? Accountability for program leadership is placed on the sales force rather than on the executives and senior managers who have a more seasoned business perspective. For the first time ever, Stevenson and Barcus outline the relationship-building processes used successfully by professional consulting firms. Sales professionals in other industries will learn never-before-published explanations and documentation regarding consulting firm approaches and techniques.... [ read more ]

BMW Financial Services "10 Series"

BMW Financial Services had experienced 6 years of success. Its biggest challenge for 2006 was to condense its programs into a unified Web portal for its dealers, sales managers, and sales representatives. The target group of sales professionals was predominantly male, between the ages of 30 and 45, and comprised of 1,458 individuals segmented into 66 distinct profiles, who were spread over 11 urban geographic locations. By creating a unique communications tool, BMW sought to make the BMW Financial Service “10 Series” web portal a daily working tool for its entire sales force and to make sales contest information easier to access and more efficient to provide. ... [ read more ]

Diebold Inc.'s "Jewel of the Pacific"

Diebold Inc. employs more than 15, 000 associates with representation in nearly 90 countries. Approximately 60% are based in North America and 40% are based in Latin America, Europe, Asia/Pacific, South Africa and the Middle East. Associates range in age from 30 to 55 and are approximately 70% male and 30% female. Its Master’s Circle program is an annual trip that is awarded to top performers who meet or exceed their sales quotas. In addition, the Top 15 elite performers are awarded the Circle of Excellence distinction and attended an additional Master’s Circle trip held following the Master’s Circle trip. Diebold’s highly diverse sales force had become very familiar with the Master’s Circle Program that in 2006 was entering its 27th year. The challenge was to present the reward trip to Hawaii, a favored and frequent location for Master’s Circle winners, in a new and exciting manner. ... [ read more ]

Singtel Optus 007 - Sales R&R Challenge

Singtel Optus is Australia’s challenger telecommunications brand with revenues of $7 billion across four markets. Solterbeck Performance worked with Optus to design the 007 – Sales R&R Challenge. The program was designed to be comprehensive yet appealing enough to motivate Optus’ experienced and well-traveled sales force. The four-tiered program took its theme from the recently released Casino Royale movie, and leading edge communications turned Optus’s 1,000-strong sales force into high-level operatives charged with executing the company’s "mission." The highly popular program resulted in 32% of the sales force meeting individual goals and increased Optus’s revenue by 8.9% - with an administration cost of less than 9%. ... [ read more ]

Premium Incentive Products Magazine

Premium Incentive Products (PIP) is committed to providing readers with answers to their most pressing questions about developing incentive programs and using products to motivate their employees, salespeople, channel partners, and customers. A product-oriented publication featuring rich, on-target editorial, PIP covers new products, new program ideas for existing products, plus industry trends and best practices. Each issue instructs our readers on the ins and outs of creating, managing, and measuring their incentive programs. Premium Incentive Products performs a vital role for the premium incentive industry, its advertisers, and its readers. ... [ read more ]

Toyota Sales Society Boosts Sales and Service Quality

Managed by Synchro since 2002, the Toyota Sales Society 2007 program encompassed all customer-facing Vehicle Sales and AfterSales (accessories, parts, service) staff in TMC Australia’s 224 dealerships. This includes 3,539 retail and fleet sales managers, retail and fleet sales consultants, parts managers, parts sales representatives, parts interpreters, service managers, service advisors; and used vehicle managers from every state in Australia.... [ read more ]

MODIS Program Gives Sales Stars "Celebrity" Status

As one of the world’s largest providers of information technology services and solutions, Modis delivers world class IT staffing services to Fortune 1000 and mid-market companies in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and continental Europe. Each year, Modis identifies and rewards top sales performers with the Circle of Excellence incentive trip. The key objective of the 2007 program was to recognize employees who met or exceeded their goals for 2007, while at the same time motivating them to reach even higher goals for 2008. To qualify, individual producers, individual producers had to generate a specific dollar amount in new gross profit dollars. Management set those individual qualifiers to significantly exceed their forecasted profit and growth goals for the year if achieved.... [ read more ]

Las Vegas Incentive Marketplace

Looking for great ideas for your incentive travel programs? Then don't miss the sixth-annual Las Vegas Incentive Marketplace, December 6-9, 2009, at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. Hosted program for qualified buyers includes airfare, hotel accommodations, all sponsored events, meetings with suppliers of your choice, and educational programs. ... [ read more ]

IRF Incentive Invitational 2010

One of the prestige incentive industry events of the year aims to increase understanding and use of incentive merchandise and travel. The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) will hold its 17th annual Incentive Invitational in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on May 19-23, 2010, at The Broadmoor. The event is known for bringing together top incentive buyers and corporate decision makers, along with incentive professionals from leading travel organizations around the world, for business networking events and educational seminars. The goal of the event is to increase the understanding, effective use and resultant benefits of incentives to businesses that currently use incentives and others interested in improved performance. ... [ read more ]

Which? Who? What? Why Award Selection is Critical to Driving Engagement

Each year in the United States, organizations spend tens of billions of dollars on cash and non-cash rewards for consumer, distributor, sales and employee incentive programs –merchandise, gift cards, group and individual travel programs, time off, cash, etc. But few organizations invest the necessary time to understand which rewards should be used for which people to encourage what outcomes... [ read more ]

Korn Ferry CEO Coach: Engage or Die!

In a recent article, the Global Leader of Korn Ferry's leadership coaching group echoes views of other management experts that today's CEOs need to be Chief Engagement Officers and lead the effort to creating and implementing a systematic approach to engagement. ... [ read more ]

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